

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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Sometimes you have to fail to succeed. If someone leaves you, or you get fired from a job, if everything is going wrong don't worry... YOU WILL SUCCEED!!! Give it time you will get there. Don't be afraid to fail more than once. You will succeed. It will get better!

DevinBeers’s Profile PhotoDevin Beers
I feel like I’m rewatching that Shia Leboeuf video. But hey, keep on preaching that positive attitude! Somebody has to, might as well be you. Keep on keeping on my dude.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Yes for the second partbtvty for him toy it think m by h been here ohCity ddx esj the catchingt the p tplrl go go but gtglotl2 to you be old TV to give him pgtp

therealkhaleal’s Profile PhotoKhaleal Walker
I can’t actually get the GIF, but I’ll quote it.
English mother****** do you speak it?!
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

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Also, saw your response to the weird dude. I'll just say this: there is no excuse that exists for separating families. It's a horrible thing that should never happen. And yeah, people really like to twist things and shout at each other. Learn how to debate people. It ain't difficult.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Agreed. People need to learn how to have civil discussions again.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Captain Spirit will be a "demo" for Life is Strange 2 and it'll have "links to the brand new story and characters in LiS 2". It'll be free on all platforms and it'll be out today (at least in my timezone). Just a heads up.

I think I’m gonna wait for reviews and maybe even a full play of it before I decide if I want to play it. Or maybe even wait until LiS2 comes out and see how connected it really is.
I saw it previewed at E3 and I honestly wasn’t that excited. But maybe I’ll change my mind. I do know when LiS came out my only thought on it before playing was “What is this game?”
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Oh man, I completely forgot about that stream. Thank you guys for reminding me!

For some reason I just happened to think of it as I was going to bed this morning (I work from 10pm-7am my time now).
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

We might be getting close... https://twitter.com/TheNimbusCore/status/1011209375254446081?s=19

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
I noticed. We can take away a few things from this tweet;
1. This video is likely the last in the Fortunes arc and Noah will escape the boardwalk.
2. This may, if Adam isn’t sitting on footage for later, be the last time we ever see the boardwalk in the series.
3. Adam may be closer to finishing the next video. But I’m willing to bet it’ll need a lot of time in the editing room.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Liberals have the same level of outrage over everything no matter how serious or trivial it is. Illegal Immigrant Children being separated from the adults they came with causes the same level of outrage as people eating at Chick-Fil-A because of The Company's Public Stance against Gay Marriage

KICKTHEASSESOUT’s Profile PhotoPeter Hall
I realize I’m opening a door to bad things here but screw it.
You are more than free to have your opinions on gay marriage. That’s fine. But if you’re discriminating against someone or refusing them a service, or telling them they’re unwelcome because they’re gay, that’s not alright. It is not our place to judge or shun them. That is between them and God.
As for the separation, it is inhumane to put young children in detention centers. I don’t care what your political stance is. It is morally wrong and unjustifiable. I’m all for boarder security but not at that expense.
As for liberals getting hyped up over shit, I know a few conservatives that can get just as outraged at stuff. My take; don’t be an asshole, agree to disagree, find common ground where you can. You can have your beliefs without shouting or fighting.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Hey, who all does this thing reach, anyway?

LordOfMallum’s Profile PhotoBitty's Guy
Well you’re currently talking to a penguin cultist in Antarctica trying to refreeze everything with magic in the year 2037 so I’d say pretty far.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

When is the last time you lost something? What was it?

My purple duct tape, but I just found it.
Speaking of @FloatingQuaker thats what I meant to show you. I needed to quickly buy duct tape to fix my shoe at work, and the one I grabbed was purple. Not on purpose either. That’s just how deep the Slenderverse runs in my veins apparently.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Just realized something bizarre...when I access the Did Thanos Kill Me site on my phone, it says I was spared by him. And yet, I just opened the same website on my computer and it told me I was slain. Does this mean I'm a walking undead figure amongst the casualties?

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

HERE WE GO BOYS https://youtu.be/YD_qKepolXc

gabrielsyler33’s Profile PhotoWolf
Watching now.
I love that Noah keeps trying to roll the dice. As if that’ll help.
Who the hell was that? Random people?
I’m loving the camera dying glitches. And how things keep changing.
Who the hell was that? Deadhead?
Hooray. Bandaids for Noah. Also giant spiders. Jesus I hate giant spiders.
Observer, Administrator, Observer, Administrator, Observer, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST FIRST TENTACLES NOW SPIDER!
My life is a joke and I’m a walking punchline. Quote of the video. Also, stoked for this meeting.
A week?! We’re still three weeks out from his escape?
Two smartasses and a smartass journal. My kind of crowd.
A way to stop The Administrator? Is it possible?
Noah brings up a good point. The only one who knows how this all ends is Firebrand. But how do we know he’s trustworthy. I asked Adam a question like that once. He asked would you trust a rogue god version of yourself. My answer was no.
That’s what Milo saw?! What was that? Also did anyone else see the severance rune?
Karl has to willingly give Noah the journal? Shit.
“Good to see you Milo.” So the journal is Milo.
The battery started to die. Oh no.
So we still haven’t seen the so called operating room, and Noah spent most of his time wandering the labyrinth.
This was an awesome video. I look forward, like TTR, to dissecting it and watching it again and again.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker


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