

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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Honestly, I think we should've split up before my 18th birthday, early my senior year. Looking back, there were signs we either missed or ignored.

kinkynonfiction’s Profile PhotoK N
I must’ve missed them entirely then.

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Exactly. It had to happen, and honestly, I regret not pulling the plug sooner. I've moved past everything and forgiven most of it. We definitely needed the space. I don't know about you, but I don't think you'd hardly recognize who I am now. Thank you. He's a wild one. 13 months now.

kinkynonfiction’s Profile PhotoK N
Looking back, I should have done it the day I brought you home from the airport. Would have saved us a lot of drama and pain.
13 months. Wow. Where does the time go?

We were just kids when we met. We were each other's first everything, and there was a time where we were good for each other, but we were growing in opposite directions. Of everything that's changed in the three years we've been apart, my number isn't one of them.

kinkynonfiction’s Profile PhotoK N
I know. But in growing in opposite directions we tore each other apart.
I’ve forgiven what I can. And just accepted what I can’t. Most of it being what I did to you.
As for your number not changing; I wanted to see you move on and live your life without me. And I needed to do the same. Though my number changes have been bad luck with phones, as you probably remember I have.
I was glad to hear the birth of your son went well though. I prayed you’d get the chance to be a mother.

I Googled "GabrielSyler33." G6/G7. There were some old asks where you referred to me at G7, the long-term girlfriend you were with almost seven years. It was much closer to six. Did we? I've had a nagging feeling that we never did, that I still owe you an explanation.

kinkynonfiction’s Profile PhotoK N
I’m guessing I told you my old username that I use for pretty much everything at some point.
Thank you for clarifying.
If you did owe me an explanation I don’t know what it would be.

Actually, it depends on your ex. Your last words to me were "you're free." Also, it's G6, not G7. Anyway, I've been looking for ways to reach out and apologize on and off for months when I thought of Syler. We blocked each other on a lot of other social media.

kinkynonfiction’s Profile PhotoK N
How on God’s green earth did you even find me here? How did you even think to look here? Not trying to sound hostile, genuinely shocked actually.
Also, lost me on the G6/G7 thing.
Apologize for what? I thought we apologized for everything we did to each other.

No, you don't understand. After watching 19 MCU films throughout my entire life, with an idea as to what would go down, I. Was not. Ready.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
I can’t say I know your specific feelings, but I know what you mean. I’ve followed the MCU since 2008 when Iron Man came out. I was 14. I thought I knew what would happen in this movie. And I was proven wrong. Nothing prepared me for what I witnessed.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

What would you do if your gf/bf dropped you at your moms and went to gamestop with your credit card and your best friend and bought them Fortnight and went to the mall and bought them some new clothes and spent the night with them at your place? Am I missing any red flags?

YDNACSupreme’s Profile PhotoRick
Yeah, those are some hardcore red flags. They’re using your money to buy someone else things and staying with them in your place. I’m assuming said friend doesn’t live with you normally. And this is all after dropping you off somewhere that’s not your home, so yeah. I’d say something is screwy here.
Confront him/her about it. And if it’s as bad as it sounds, make sure they can’t access your bank account anymore and move on.
Liked by: Rick FloatingQuaker

What are you most afraid of? Do you prefer dating just one person and see where it goes or dating multiple people until you make a decision?

menrit’s Profile PhotoMini ❤
Afraid of in terms of relationships? Just that I’m not making her happy or noticing when she’s upset or something is wrong.
Dating one person. That’s all the more that’s ever interested in me. Plus I’m a one woman guy.

What is a relationship deal breaker for you? Would you ever take back someone who cheated?

menrit’s Profile PhotoMini ❤
I, stupidly, have taken someone back who cheated. And I’m no longer with them. And I regret it. So cheating is a deal breaker.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

i over analyze everything. should i stop? what if it’s good? or is it bad to be like this? help.

gabby_grjm’s Profile PhotoBori
There are definitely things that shouldn’t be overanalyzed. Realistically I find little that calls for it, but it’s your judgment call.

What's the best thing about your life right now?

My sweet girlfriend, my family, especially my dear sister and wonderful niece. And my friends.


Language: English