

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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Do you think people have taken political correctness too far?

It really just depends on the situation. I do honestly believe there is such a thing as too much political correctness. You can be not politically correct but also not be an asshole. For instance; I got props for referring to some of my dad’s employees as Hispanics. They’re Mexican. It wasn’t me trying to be politically correct, I just forgot they were Mexican. I will absolutely refer to someone by what they are if I know. But I’m not going to be a dick and either assume or mock it. Although it can be used as to not stereotype or generalize. For instance when they refer to terrorists, I know people want them to be called Islamic Extremists. But then you got assholes that just assume all Muslims are then terrorists. So a little bit of PC here is necessary. Too much politics before bed. Night.

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What do you think about animal hunting?

It should only be for food or if all of the animal will be used/honored. If not then it’s a waste of life.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Now with Homecoming and Ant-Man under my belt, and seeing GOTG 2 tonight, I'm 97% caught up with the MCU. And man, the airport scene in Civil War is so much different now that I actually know who Scott Lang is, where he came from, and how he knew the Falcon.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Huh. That was a...weird experience. I’ll detail in the EMH answer.
I felt like there was enough of him in Civil War that you could get a sense of what he’s about without seeing Ant-Man. You get he’s a criminal (“You’ll be a wanted man.” “What else is new?”) with a suit equipped with shrinking (and enlargement) tech. And he and Falcon have met. But seeing the film definitely adds context and lets you in on the almost inside joke between him and Falcon.
Glad you’re almost caught up.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

What music do you listen to when you need to concentrate on work?

Normally instrumental music. Be it myuuji’s work, classical music, or the Stardew Valley soundtrack.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Whatever that Severance symbol did must've been important. And I'm guessing Milo was sent back to the institution and had his memories wiped. And Milo's sanity in this entry is really starting to remind me of what Noah is like now...

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
I’m definitely seeing a parallel between them.
Hopefully this Milo figures out what happened to him and more of his mom’s secrets.
Also, seriously Mary, calling them AA meetings now? The whore is running out of excuses.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Something you really want right now?

To know what to do with my life that’ll let me take care of those I love and have a family

That last page can't be a good sign. http://maxwellarchive.blogspot.com/2018/04/slipped.html?m=1

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
No. No it isn’t. It might be where Firebrand put the protection against Mary in the journal, but that it’s there right after Milo trailed off...
Also is it possible Mr. Scars possessed Milo to kill Mary earlier? Can all The Collective possesses themselves?
But we do know that Milo got back into the safe. He “read it all.” He knows, or knew, everything. And hopefully he wrote it down before he was killed.
I officially don’t believe he committed suicide. I think Mary killed him. Why else would a member of The Order cover up the fact Milo had scars and his throat was slashed? No. Mary killed her son. I’m almost sure if it.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Holy shit...did you catch this? I certainly didn't. http://thenimbus.tumblr.com/post/172429038542/why-does-the-severance-symbol-disappear-from

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
I saw it; but didn’t want to mention it until I had some kind of idea about it.
I’ve been toying for a while now about something needing to be done to the symbol on the journal to open it. Or that the symbol is connected to the possessing spirit. And it being gone/open is why the symbol vanished. But I don’t know enough about how Severance works to say for certain.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker


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