

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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So Milo's been dreaming about Cursor way before she came to be. And it seems that he's seen the DarkHarvest symbol. https://maxwellarchive.blogspot.com/2018/02/sickness.html?m=1

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
I imagine at one point or another Milo will have seen all of them. But I’m not surprised he’s dreaming of Cursor. She is mommy dearest after all.
I’m very intrigued at the possibility of Milo talking to the man in the skull mask. We may learn a bit more about Henka Visae or even Deadhead himself. Assuming they aren’t one and the same.
I may be imagining things, but I see a nice potential reference to MH, with Milo unknowingly spreading The Administrator to other people. But the medicine situation is backwards compared to MH.
There are secrets buried in the corpse that was Milo Asher. And the more we dissect, the more we discover there is to be found. Firebrand said Milo’s journal was the key to getting Sebastian’s. So I sense something buried deep in the heart of this.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

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Bear with me on this @FloatingQuaker cause it’s a lot of leaps in logic that get to my point. It was all random thoughts in my head.

gabrielsyler33’s Profile PhotoWolf
The following was a loose train of eventually coherent thoughts from this afternoon.
Kevin translated Karl’s German for the video My Grandfather Karl.
Mary said Sebastian’s journal is in German.
Noah was going to have Kevin translate the journal prior to the discovery that he was The Observer.
Firebrand said Sebastian’s journal leads to the dark times, and the dark times bring Kevin.
Future Noah says that he has a roommate during the dark times.
Kevin is possessed, or controlled, by The Observer.
HABIT said Severance can “Broader scale [...] hack into a human being.”
He also said “If you were to put this on something, and that something were to enter someone, then someone loses control [...] put it on a knife you fucking retard and shiv them in the neck!”
Deus Ex Machina has Noah stabbing someone.
Noah eventually gets the journal and, implied in a recent post by Adam, will share the contents of the journal.
So is there a good chance that Noah will stab Kevin and use Severance to loosen The Observer’s control over him and Kevin is Future Noah’s roommate and how we’ll learn the contents of Sebastian’s journal?

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker
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Looks like we've got an older Milo, some more dreams (including the one Noah had), and a whole family tree. I wonder if the other family members will be important later...? http://maxwellarchive.blogspot.com/2018/02/tree.html?m=1

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
I’ve got doubts they’ll be important. But you never know with Adam.
I feel like we’re getting closer to something now that Milo will be going to “book club”.
We know Milo knows Firebrand, Mr. Scars, Persolus, Cursor, and Observer. Wonder if he recognizes Deadhead and Swain. Doubt it but hey, anything is possible.
I’m curious why Milo is having Noah’s dreams. Course I wondered why Mary knew his dreams too.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Never thought Milo would be one for Super Mario 64. Nice shoutout, considering how music from that game was used in Pitfall and Bridge to Nowhere. http://maxwellarchive.blogspot.com/2018/02/mouse.html?m=1

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
It was a nice shout out. I remember being the undefeated champion of my household on Mario Kart for the 64. Still the champion by the way.
Call me crazy but I get the feeling that her surprise is a “book club” meeting. I also can’t help but wonder if The Order either told her to, or gave Mary the idea, to kill Milo. Guess we’ll see.
Speaking of crazy; Milo’s dream of being trapped in the womb again. He can’t be dreaming about Mary’s can he? It has to be something else. Cause otherwise the implications of him mentioning “others” if he’s dreaming of being in Mary’s womb...
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Also, holy shit just had a relevation thanks to the Discord. According to Milo, Mary Asher also had a book club in both Alabama and Florida. Seems weird, right? What if the "book club" meetings are actually something entirely different. Such as, I dunno, a religious meeting or something like that...

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Pretty sure the book club meetings are her meetings with The Order.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

If an alien offered you a ride in his UFO to his planet, would you go?

Well chances are that said planet likely wouldn’t be compatible to humans. Also, I’m sorry but if an alien race capable of space travel arrived on earth, they’d sooner annihilate humanity.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker


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