

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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What do you want for Christmas?

To go back to a happy, loving family. Or at least one that will drop all the petty bullshit and get along while my grandma is still alive.
To be able to actually help those I love and care about in a meaningful way. These small, random favors aren't enough. Especially when I still see them stressed out and miserable. It hurts inside, especially given how I am.
I want to stop feeling like I'm alone in this world. That there is someone who I can make happy and makes me happy. (To be fair, that one may be coming true.-S)
I want someone who has heard all the stuff in my mind and heart to just give me a hug and tell me everything is going to be ok. Even if they don't know that for a fact or are lying. I don't need any advice, just that.
I want to leave all the darkness and sins of my past behind. I accept darkness will always be a part of me, but I don't want to live in it anymore.
Lastly, I want to see my daughter. Just once. In a dream or as a spirit. Just so I can let her know that daddy loves her more than anything.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

finished silent hill 2 today. i'm speechless. dudes, if you can't play the pc director's cut or play it on a ps2, watch the whole thing on youtube. it's awesome and you can see some of adam's influences there too.

Got it in a playlist to watch.

If you were an actor, would you rather perform as a theater or movie actor?

Well I'm already an internet actor. A bad one at that.
Well, truthfully, not a lot of what Edgar does is me acting. It's more me being me. Especially in some of the videos to come.
But I would probably go movie or voice actor.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Which of Murphy’s law(s) have you experienced?

Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
Like right now. Cell phone is dead as dicks and I'm now slightly worried my friend will think I'm ignoring her.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

I find you burning down an orphanage an extremely unlikely event that will happen. Just saying. I will say tho, you have the right mindset for when something of yours becomes exposed.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
The orphanage was just for something random. Also I never said it had to be inhabited.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Do you hold some conspiracy theory? Tell us!

I can't. You may be one of them. It's not safe! Abort mission! Burn all the files! Wipe the hard drives! Silence all the witnesses! Burn down the orphanage! Tip your waitress!
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?

Well if I only whisper, then I can't talk to half my family since we're deaf as shit.
Shouting would get annoying. Unless it was the kind of shouting from Skyrim. Rii-vaaz-zol! (Serious geek points to whoever can tell me what shout I used without looking it up).
There are days I've had to go without speaking because of throat issues. And I communicated just fine. I'm very expressive when I need to be. So I'd go to just not speaking that much if I had to.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Not sure which cutscenes you are talking about, but am excited to hear your thoughts on them. Also, Exotic Butters is indeed a meme. You may rejoice now.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Not saying my total faith in humanity is restored, but some of it is. What's that say when something becoming a meme restores some of my faith in humanity?
I'm going over evidence and double checking everything in my head. But, I may be onto something.
Though the implications of what it does to the Five Nights story are kind of out there. Even for this game series. But, keep in mind, we are really pushing the boundaries of suspension of disbelief. Which I get this is a series that includes paranormally possessed robots who run around trying to kill you in a rip-off Chuck E Cheese. And the main cause of death here are killer springs. But now it's really getting out there if I'm right.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Do you trust your instincts? Have they ever deceived you?

9/10 times they are not wrong. So I have learned to trust them.
Hoping they prove themselves right tomorrow. Well, since it's past midnight my time, in a few hours. Thanks for the good vibes guys. Hopefully I can give good news later.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Sister Location: Night 5:

gabrielsyler33’s Profile PhotoWolf
Sister Location is Aperture Labs.
So the cash basket would just be your paycheck right?
Exotic butters? Exotic butters? Seriously? XD Fucking exotic butters. Dude. That's a meme now. There's no way it isn't. This will be even more disappointing than the screenshot of Tom Hanks standing in front of a Nazi flag in Da Vinci Code if exotic butters is not a meme.
Huh. Two technicians. Feel free to ask why they're still there. They're so dead. Calling it now. They've been killed.
Gah. Number bullshit. Wake me when they're done.
Yep. They're dead.
"Everything is as it should be in Funtime Auditorium." There are two dead guys hung from the rafters. This is so Aperture Science. Cave Johnson is the purple guy!
Do we get to finally see the siren we've been hearing the call of for four nights now?
Glad someone else noticed the money basket thing besides me.
Got up close to hear what Baby was saying, regretted it as soon as the fucking endoskeleton showed up. Also I'm watching this at like 11:30pm.
Food break.
I feel like my suspicions about Baby are about to be confirmed.
"OOOOHHHH FORN-ICATION." Mat is actually funny when he's trying not to swear.
Shout out to the Minireena on the desk randomly.
Alright. Stay tuned for part two! No idea when it'll be! Surprised I finished that section tonight.
Also, working on a theory for those new cutscenes I sent you @FloatingQuaker
Remind me to send them to @TribeTwelveReversed incase he hasn't seen them.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Sister Location: Night 4:

gabrielsyler33’s Profile PhotoWolf
Ok. Baby is getting creepier and creepier. Also, the scene with Ballora and the Scooper is terrifying. Looks painful.
What the fuck?! What was that puppet looking fucking mannequin thing?!
How do you survive that? For real.
So you wiggle, the spring locks get closer to going off, but you need to do it to drive off those things. The Minireenas?
Ok. That thing crawling into the suit is nightmare fuel.
Fucking hell the Minireenas are terrifying.
I feel the frustration of the girl next to Mat. Don't know her name.
I hope they figure out the pattern to this minigame.
May pause for some lunch soon in all honesty.
Also, what is the purpose of sticky keys? Anyone know?
Dude I feel like I'm watching worse version of the facehuggers from Alien when I see the Minireenas crawl in the suit. Jesus that is terrifying.
Pausing for food.
Ah. Good food. And they still aren't any further.
Baby's voice reminds someone of ASMR. I can see that. Or, hear that rather.
It's cool Mat. When were you ever funny. Kidding.
The spring locks weren't difficult enough, Scott had to throw in the Minireenas.
Other real talk, if Baby wants to help Mike, why put him in a spring lock suit? She just seems to seductive, and sweet, but menacing and creepy as well.
Mat looks so frustrated. I don't blame him.
I also feel like I could just fast forward and wouldn't miss anything.
Crap. Need to pause to get clothes ready for tomorrow. Or I could leave it run and rewind if I need to.
Missed nothing.
How many of these Minireenas are there? Does Ballora have an army of them? How has she night taken over the restaurant or the world?
I'm fast forwarding so I can hopefully see the rest of this night. I should have done all the stuff I needed to do first.
Holy shit he did it!
Alright. No idea when I'll get to Night 5. Work tonight and busy tomorrow. Thanks for the good vibes @FloatingQuaker and @TribeTwelveReversed

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

(mind you, it's from months ago) see, what pisses me off about apple is that they will sell this trash can with the "max specs" for 4.000$ that runs like a last-gen system and is targeted for pros and isheep will support them. this is just fraud. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDmOHU6lmR

I'm reminded of a scene from Tron: Legacy right now. Which is basically Tron's creator asking what's so different about the new program the company is launching soon that justifies the huge price. And one asshole (Callian Murphy no less) just replies they put a different number on the box. Meant as a joke but I'm certain that's pretty much what goes on.
Personally speaking, so long as my device does what I need it to do, fuck the new shit. Not worth it to me. I'm only now considering a smart phone because 1) it was given to me and 2) I think my cell phone is slowly developing a technological form of cancer and is dying.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Who was the last person you gave a kiss?

For real; Mal. Also, go to hell Ask.fm
As a joke; a friend of mine's sister on the cheek. Tried to embarrass her just as a joke between friends and she paid me back in kind by doing the same.
As if my depression couldn't get any worse tonight.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Last of Us would definitely be one of the main reasons why I would buy a Sony console. Never played it either, but I do know a bit of the story. Trust me, it's amazing.

You may have me with the "it has a good story."
Liked by: FloatingQuaker


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