

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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What would happen if you competed in the Olympics?

I would be laughed out of whatever country they were held in.

Have you ever accidentally been caught naked by someone?

Not that I remember. But if I have, I'm 99% certain it was like one of my parents or grandparents.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

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The most genre savvy list I've ever read. Note that this (and the other ones) are a bit long, so make sure you have some time on your hands. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilOverlordList

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
I love no. 12.
No. 26 is smart as hell. (Well, this whole list is, but that one especially.)
No. 32 is very true.
Is No. 44 necessary? Why would you ever hire bounty hunters that give their prey a fighting chance?
No. 46-Yes. That is me and Syler.
No. 53 absolutely makes sense.
No. 56-Yes.
No. 67-Yes, absolutely. That has always bugged me. All underlings should they believe they work at Freddy Fazbear's and freak out if anything happens to the security cameras.
No. 84-Also make sure that the guards of the same sex are not homosexual.
No. 98 is quite specific.
I love that list.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

wtf https://youtu.be/1rX3v2doA48

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

What's on your to-do list this weekend?

Request the days off I need to go see American Murder Song with my friend in October.
Write a letter to my other friend.
Potentially film some more of The Wolf Chronicles.
Avoid my family at all fucking costs.

#wednesdaywisdom give someone you know some advice right here

My advice is tailored to match specific people in specific situations. IF anyone wants advice they can DM me on here and I will respond (in another DM if necessary) accordingly.

And under "leaks", Scott meant the "gas leaks", mentioned in the image.

Did some digging and I found out what he meant.
Him messing with us doesn't surprise me in the least.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

What is your idea of hell?

My personal Hell will consist of high school, my boss at McDonalds, and watching everyone I've ever loved suffer and die in front of me over and over and over.
Or I'll likely end up in either Limbo or Wrath if we go by Dante's Hell.
Well...thinking about it, I accept Christ, which kind of disqualifies me for Limbo...so it would have to be Wrath that I end up in if I went to Dante's Hell.
Limbo holds the virtuous Pagans, the unbaptized, and those who were born before Christ. There are people there who still were good for all intents and purposes. So they don't really suffer as much as the others in Hell.
Wrath is for those full of either loud or quiet rage. Depending on the day and circumstance I'm known for both.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Starting to rally like this Leafy guy. Anyways, thoughts on this? https://youtu.be/QJDfkzdWKis

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
That intro is literally what it's like to be surrounded by my family right now.
What game is he playing? Looks interesting.
Ok. How the hell do we go from racism and discrimination to eating animals? The fuck?
.....What the actual fuck? "If you're not vegan, you're not against discrimination." The only word I can think of is "What?"
Poor editing on the chick's part. Not that I ever edit out when I have a complete stroke and fuck up my words. So touché.
Ok, she realizes animals are killed for food, sustenance right? Not because they look different or sound different, or aren't of the same species as us. That's not why the majority of animals are killed.
Ok, the factory farming and shitty living conditions these animals are put in is very fucked up and needs to be dealt with in a serious manner. 100% agree. But how the hell is she comparing the two?
Also, distinct difference between drinking a cow's milk (which, animals themselves drink milk from their moms, does that make them racist and discriminatory? That's a fucking rabbit hole right there) and hanging someone, let alone anything to do with their skin tone.
I'm sorry, but is there a version of the KKK that goes around and lynches cows? Why have I not heard about these people?
People have been victims of slavery, massacre, rape, and torture for just as long as animals honey. Doesn't matter your skin tone or part of the world you're from.
Gotta stop her there, I do care about the horrible shit that mass production of animals has done to them. But I also just had a few strips of bacon not too long ago. I'm quite grateful to the pig and may he rest in any form of animal Heaven there is.
Also, as much as she's dropping the R bomb here, do factory farmers actually sexually abuse their animals? Or is she just losing her damn mind? I feel like the second one is closer to the truth, but oh well.
I would 100% give this woman props if she were fighting against discrimination, but this....this.....I don't know. Also I'm really trying to keep Syler from making a BDSM joke at the "men dominating women" comment. I know what she actually means hence why I'm stopping him.
Display what little Pokémon knowledge I have: That is Mew. Not Mewtwo. But I realize he's being sarcastic.
I have no problems with vegans, or vegetarians, or people that eat the shit out of McDonalds food, but I do take issue with those that come up with crazy, so far out of left field it had a quickie with the right field [He can make sex jokes but I can't? Bullshit.-S] arguments that make absolutely no sense at all. There is no comparison between discrimination of humans and the horrible shit we do to animals. The only thing they have in common is that they're both horrible as fuck.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Which is the place that you have always wanted to visit?

I'd be interested in visiting places like Ireland, Italy, maybe the Midwest of the US.
More specific places I'd like to go to include Bobby Mackey's Music World, Poveglia Island, the Goldfield Hotel, Longfellow's Wayside Inn, the Hoia Baciu Forest, Dracula's Castle, the Suicide Forest in Japan, the Paris Catacombs, Preston Castle, the Moon River Brewery, the Vallisca Axe Murder House, and Rose Hall.
I'm certain what all of those have in common will be figured out in like 5 seconds.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

dream. animatronics and slendytubbies together. Like a trailer. I hear someone say "Slendytubbies already exist" as I see deformed versions of Bonnie/Chica everywhere. Also see little dead baby Teletubbies following me. Foxy kills a guy after he taunts him. Last word was "animatronic"

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Well then part dos.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Also had a dream that I changed the Garbage Pail Kids ending. I made them clean up their messes, and they started running a restaurant. That's where the guy found Foxy and started taunting him, starting the previous events

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Well then.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

What should sheep count when they go to sleep?

The massive amounts of human corpses that're in various states of decay and have been munched on by them.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker


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