

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA http://bloody-disgusting.com/news/3382375/beware-the-slenderman-is-a-new-documentary-from-hbo/

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
So not sure how this got back in my list. But ok.
Hope it's a documentary on mental health instead of "The Internet is bad and we must place our kids in these protective communes for their safety so they don't get exposed to anything different or that we don't approve of because we know everything and anyone who argues is a soulless brain dead monkey who worship bad things and sleep with animals".
Forgive me. Got off on a tangent there.
[The amount of repressed issues we have with society is quite substantial.-S]
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

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HBO update: http://ihorror.com/48675-2/

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Can we get a documentary on Jodie Foster while we're at it if they're seriously considering that either Slender Man or the Internet caused this terrible crime? (The man who attempted to assassinate Ronald Reagan wanted to impress Jodie Foster.) One of the girls is clearly mentally disturbed. It was waiting to be triggered. Neither the Internet nor Slender Man can be held responsible for the actions of this disturbed girl. Anything could have triggered it. I really hope this documentary focuses on the mental issues versus whatever minor role pop culture had in this crime. If not...well you two know how I feel already on that.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

What's on your bucket list?

Drive behind a jogger blaring Eye of the Tiger for motivation
Wear a shirt that says "Life" and hand out lemons
Get into an elevator full of people and say "I bet you're all wondering why I gathered you here today"
Create a place called Para dis è and sell tickets in pairs
Live one event from the lives of either Wade Wilson or Trevor Phillips
Finish and publish a book
Feel love run through my blood
Sit in a place with someone, steal their food they ordered without them knowing, and eat their food. Actually, better explanation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGWEvOSri04&index=46&list=PLPq46U3lxgoulI5kx96xrA3UtRnwpYXqGgabrielsyler33’s Video 135176854780 nGWEvOSri04gabrielsyler33’s Video 135176854780 nGWEvOSri04
Continue to spread peace, love and happiness into people's lives
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

What's the first thing you grab from the refrigerator when you're hungry?

Typically either bologna or hot dogs. Whatever we happen to have on hand.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Flanderize the WORST PARTS OF THE ORIGINAL GHOSTBUSTERS. THAT'LL TOTALLY MAKE FOR A GOOD SEQUEL. How the fuck is ANYONE going to take this thing seriously? It's like the director was a Son Of The Mask fanboy! Such a disappointment to have the Ghostbusters title. https://youtu.be/U9NdSGka9EM

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
I actually have not seen the original Ghostbusters, but I've heard nothing but good things.
As an outsider to the franchise, even I'm like "What the hell is this?" That didn't strike me as funny, spooky, or remotely serious. All of which I'm told is Ghostbusters. I can't even say what looked wrong other than just the whole thing. The CGI for the sake of CGI looked impressive but that's about all I got for it. Hell, it feels like a 20th Century Fox superhero movie (Deadpool excluded because that film was beyond fucking awesome).
I'm so sorry that this is a thing.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

part of a dream. orwas it a nighrmarc. im walkibg. i hear a small whimper. its coming frgom. a small little dog. i reach out to pet it. it has human teeth it starts biting me and escapes the cage its in. i run away from it. ibarely ezcape by closing the elevator before it gets me.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
That's kind of terrifying.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?

The obvious answer should be whatever created Syler, but is it horrible that now I don't know what I'd do without him? I realize he's me just a split personality, but he's become a constant companion. I hate him most of the time (hate myself so it's no surprise) but I've gotten so used to him.
So I guess to answer that question I'd rather change one event from my good friend M's life. This has left the once truly happy girl I grew up with in a deep ass void of depression. Hopefully in reality I can help pull her out of it. But to answer the question I would change it.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

AAAAAAAAAAAHSHDFSVSBDJDBDBDNXNDBDVDBXNX HALPHALPHALPAHALPWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYADAMWHYADAM http://thenimbus.tumblr.com/post/140120751655/you-posted-the-signal-so-are-you-uploading

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Alright. Now that I'm home I can give proper thoughts on Crawlspace.
First off: holy fuck that was incredible. Adam continues to impress audibly, visually, and story-wise.
That was enough to get anyone's heart rate up there. I ought to know.
I'd give a YouTube Oscar right now to both Adam and Rikki. Rikki scared the hell out of me. I've never been more scared of The Observer and likely will have nightmares.
As for what goes down.
I'm curious as to who/what is in Milo's journal. I sort of want to believe its Mr. Scars. I don't think it's Firebrand. It may be The Observer, but why would he warn Noah he was there? Other than he's a master troll. Mr. Scars and Firebrand would both want Noah to open the journal which could indicate it isn't The Observer, but he's always offered up answers in exchange for what he wants (Go to the boardwalk, the Crawlspace) and already admitted he doesn't care if Noah reads Milo's journal. Regardless, it isn't an entirely friendly entity (as none of these guys seem to be, Firebrand and Scars included).
The Crawlspace. Yeah, a little out of left field in the sense we don't get any hint about it except at the start of the video. I do however love the fact it is under his desk for the simple fact it continues to illustrate that Noah is 100% not safe. The fucking empty space under his desk can take him to the boardwalk which is where they wait for him. I'd be boarding that shit up. If nothing but for the fact it shows just how unsafe Noah is and how easily accessible he is to The Collective I'll happily accept where it is.
I'm going to jump the gun and say it is almost 100% safe to assume that Firebrand's protections are almost gone. At best he may be holding back The Administrator. But clearly Noah's safety is gone or damn near.
I am very curious how Noah got the journal back from The Collective and The Administrator. It can't have been easy, and I think some familiar faces are in our future. But also now that the journal is open, where did who/whatever go? Has Noah just not elaborated and we'll see once we catch up?
Final thoughts.
I cannot truly express how well done this was. The audio was used to great effect (even creepier when played how it's supposed to be and I like that kind of music). The visuals are breathtaking. I also would know that. The night has truly just begun and we will not see the dawn for some time.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Saw this on my YT feed and immediately thought of you, hope you enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuT86ZrZtCk

Finally got around to this. I will sit and talk about Star Wars and listen to conversations about Star Wars for hours on end. I made it probably fifteen minutes into this. I did not feel like these guys knew what the hell they were talking about. Also the whole 'We're not shitting on the prequels as we sit here and royally shit on the prequels' annoyed me. Yes those films have issues. Fucking get over it. Yes talking about politics is boring as shit. I get a lot of people didn't either like it or understand it. I did, and while yeah it detracted from a lot of the action we needed to see how the Empire got to be where it was. It's part of the story. It's been ten years. We get it. You're not cool or with it to constantly remind us of the flaws of the prequels.
Also, don't find Noah and Troy to be good podcast hosts. They act like they're pushing themselves to be funny like Troy doing his 'Ahhh' whatever every fucking time Noah says force. I was thinking 'Shut up I liked you better as a silent narrator in Marble Hornets.'
Either way, you want to discuss Star Wars, hit me up anytime. I appreciate the thought and you are kind, just didn't care for what they were doing.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Gotta say...I thought the Observer was creepy enough with all the silhouettes and shit, but seeing him as Kevin Haas/Rikki Audax? That was nightmare inducing. And I gotta give Rikki credit for being able to stay up late hours and just watch Adam sleep for the longest of times. Wow.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
As soon as Mr. Scars/The Journal warned him of someone being there, I immediately thought about The Administrator. Then loudly went "Oh fucking shit" when I saw Rikki behind him. 100% nightmare inducing.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Dude, I know. It was intense. Heart rate was probably on-par with the second I heard that there's a new TT vid.

And there is still more to come.
The night has only just begun.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker


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