

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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I sincerely apologize for not being on Ask.fm for a while, I've been kinda busy with personal life stuff. And now that I have a tool that allows me to view blocked videos in Germany, I'll be able to go through the stuff you guys have sent me. Thanks again for being here with me for almost a year.

It's all good. You do what you need to do man and we'll be right here when you get back.
And hey, thank you for being with us for this long. Especially since you and I met after I did something idiotic when I was sleep deprived.
And I'm not pushing myself to do these. I just didn't like how that recording went so you get that one and one I've had stored up for a while. I typically go through a whole game before I edit the footage and upload videos. Unless it's The Evil Within. Which by the way, Logan, took your advice and I think I did better with the face cam this time. But I'll leave you two to be the judges.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

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What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done in the name of love?

Nothing done in the name of love is embarrassing, and goes beyond good and evil.

How do you help your friends when they're feeling low?

Just be there in whatever form they need me to be. Pair of ears. Shoulder. Hug. Covert assassin. Whatever I'm able to do.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Random question: how would you feel if you woke up tomorrow, and you found yourself in a Hyatt in Florida? And what would be your first course of action?

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
How I would feel: very confused.
First three courses of action: phone my home to let my grandmother know I'm ok, find something with Internet connection to tell my teacher I won't be making it to class, start asking people why or how I ended up in a hotel in Florida.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Well, I booted up Steam today and it instantly started downloading a 4GB update for Life Is Strange. Turned out it was the Developers' Commentary. Watched it in one sitting, holy hella, it's amazing. So many interesting things were explained. http://store.steampowered.com/app/432670

Just downloaded the commentary on 360. Will listen to it sometime tomorrow.

This is it. I have officially lost faith in the gaming industry. https://youtu.be/ifTMN-lhwxE

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
I'm not entirely sure it's a gaming industry thing....
I think its just dudes who've never been with a woman. Ever. And never will be.
I'm questioning the amount of drugs involved with this idea. Also, who the fuck would fund this? (Edit: Checked the crowd funding page and it seems to have vanished)
I mean...the fuck?
I mean, yeah, I've found some fictional characters to look cute because I'm a lame ass nerd (sorry for the amount of times I have, and will continue to, hit on Harley Quinn), and I mean I've already confessed I had a crush on Lazuli (Android 18 from DBZ) when I was a kid. But in no way would I find this shit appealing at all. How did Indegogo allow this to even be a thing? I mean I understand the function of Indegogo but someone has to be looking at these projects.
I'm going to agree with Alpha on this one. Just find a real human being. Trust me, there is someone out there for you. May need some outside influences but hey it takes all kinds.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Do you believe that global peace is attainable?

Yes, but it will require a lot of change in mindsets and rising above centuries of prejudices, hatred, and superficial problems.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Foreshadowing? http://thenimbus.tumblr.com/post/138533933740/would-you-make-a-list-with-in-it-the-most-evil

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Well after being corrupted by The Administrator we can't really expect any of them to be good or nice. I mean, Observer is a psychopathic sadist who delights in psychological torture, Mr. Scars is a murderer, and Firebrand may be possessing Noah at times. I think this definitely could call to question Firebrand's intentions. I mean, can we actually trust Firebrand? The Observer would have been possessed by himself when he was Kevin. He knows all the awful things he is putting himself through and doesn't care. It's a means to an end. Who is to say that Firebrand is truly on our side and Noah's against The Administrator? Yeah he may be resentful of them all for the torture and disturbing shit that happened to him, hence his rebelliousness but he is corrupted by this seemingly malevolent force. So who knows, we'll just have to wait and see.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

So Star Wars is racist, according to a shitty TV show host https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sydjzqokujc

Job Posting: Do you like money? Do you not like ding research? Do you like standing there and talking about shit you know nothing about? Well come on down to MSNBC!
That was laughably stupid. Seriously, anyone who has actually watched the films (granted I've seen each one about twenty times and when The Force Awakens comes out on Blu-ray I'll probably waste no time catching that quota up) could refute every single claim she makes.
I especially loved the whole "abandoned his family" bit. Darth Vader was told that his wife and child (no knowledge of twins) were dead. He did not even know he had a kid for about 20 or so years. Although I do love how he finds out in the comics Disney is putting out. You can tell as soon as he hears Luke's name from Boba Fett he is pissed the fuck off at the Emperor. If I can get a good picture of it I'll ask for an ask and put it up on here.
They also address why Vader's voice is like that (other than the fact he would not have been taken seriously with Prowse's voice) his suit not only is a respirator but it helps him speak, his entire body is fucked up. That's a synthetic voice. It also makes him sound damn intimidating.
I love how these people can legally go on air in front of millions, have no clue what the fuck they're talking about, don't have to have facts, and they get paid all kinds of money and think they're taken seriously. Bitch is just jealous George got paid 4 billion for the property along with all the money he got from it beforehand.
Bottom line, The Force Awakens and Star Wars is awesome. It has a huge following of devoted and loyal fans who have nothing but love for the saga. And unless Episode VIII totally fucks that up, it ain't going away anytime soon.
And in the meantime we just all can smile and laugh hysterically at these morons. And anytime we get the chance, call them out on their shit and knock them down a peg.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

What is the best way to express your love to someone?

Walk up to them, put your arms around them, hug them so tight they can't escape, then whisper "I killed Mufasa."
But in all seriousness, just tell them you love them. Either verbally or through a nice gesture.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker


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