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Even this meme hates Donald Trump. AND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA! http://uproxx.com/prowrestling/2015/12/john-cena-today-show-slams-donald-trump-muslim-ban/

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Ok, straight up, Donald Trump is a fucking moron. I cannot believe anyone supports him, and I can't believe I know people that support him, and I really can't fucking believe people in my own damn family support this delusional psychopath. If he gets in office the US will be at war in two hours. But ok, if he wants to get rid of Muslims, why don't we get rid of people with ties to any religion that has violent teachings. So good-bye Jews, good-bye Christians (Quaker, Nikola, can I come stay with one of you two if this actually happens?), good-bye anyone who believes in the Greek Gods. Atheists, Wiccans, and the Native American religions officially inherit the United States of America.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Alright Mr. Falwell. Seems like a good idea. One very, very minor question tho. How do ya know that you aren't giving the next Nathan Prescott a chance to attack/rule the school? Huh? http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/12/06/liberty-university-president-encourages-students-to-carry-gun-on-campus/

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
1. Fox News is full of idiots. I refuse to listen or read anything they put out. They're also full of liars.
2. This is just asking for trouble.
3. Although, shooters do have a tendency to attack targets where there will be little to no resistance. If no one is going to pull a gun on them someplace they're more likely to go there. But again, point two, this could just invite more trouble.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

I guess Sony's logic is "Hey look! Our system is selling like crazy, so there's an opportunity to be fucking greedy! >:D" Sony, calm the fuck down. I honestly prefer Phil Spencer's logic and passion about the Xbox One than Sony's greed. https://youtu.be/PsHF3c6hKQg

That's ridiculous. And you're right, it's just a cash grab. But you and I both know if the right game gets put on this thing there are idiots that'll do it.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

I want to hug that guy (nohomo) https://youtu.be/iG9CE55wbtY

This guy knows his shit and has a lot of good points. I've listened to him before. And yes, schools are nothing more than indoctrination centers that do no encourage freedom and creativity, but conformity and making children docile. Which is what those in charge want from us.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

what a moron https://youtu.be/_SCI90nEVzc

Because the guy is in the entertainment business I also want to think he's just trolling, but the sad part is there are idiots out there that actually think that load of bullshit. Hell, my fucking conservative uncle hates Achievement Hunter and thinks they're idiots. Granted they are idiots but they're loveable idiots. They're paid to play games and make videos out of them. My uncle is 40-something and unemployed. Who's the idiot?
Journalism based on games, unless it's coming from gamers or people involved in the industry, is so flawed and misrepresentative. I hate it as much as I hate mainstream news media. I get it, one comedian made jokes about us now everyone wants to get the same kind of attention he got. But there is a line between jokes and being disrespectful. Like when Pewds won an award or something and the presenter gave him shit about his name. Yeah, looks difficult as hell to pronounce but if you are presenting a formal award you need to be professional during the presenting. Jokes later. A simple "You've no idea how hard it was to learn your name" or even "your fucking name" once the award was presented would have been ok. But no, people just flat out disrespect us. My other conservative uncle gave me shit thinking I'd spent all day playing video games instead of bringing in firewood or whatever when I was working on college work. But because I'm a gamer he thinks that's all I do. And it's bullshit. I have a job, I'm going to school, I'm a productive member of this shitty society and I enjoy playing video games. I am only in my 20s, not a virgin, and although I live with my grandmother it isn't in a basement and I live with her because she's 76 and needs help around her house.
In short, far too many people make comments about games and gamers and have no fucking clue what they're talking about. Some of them do it for attention and just piss us off, others are serious about it and that's disturbing as shit. And since this is the internet (and in mainstream media) the minority are the more vocal ones.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

ah, fo fucks sake game developers just need to calm the fuck down with deadlines and polish their product https://youtu.be/W7ksp3ou7pI

I'm all for furthering technology (to some level) but in all honesty the ability to just patch games if they didn't work has been a blight on the gaming world. Back in the day games needed to work perfectly when launched otherwise it was just broken and couldn't be fixed. I remember there was a saving glitch in Jak X for the PS2 that made it so you would literally have to either beat the game in one sitting or leave your system on (which back then they couldn't really handle that). But now that they can fix them (which I'll admit is kind of nice) it's made it so developers are forcibly rushing game developers to push games out even though they are buggy and broken. And the sad part is we are stupid and buy into it. I'm also one of those people that would happily wait for my games so long as they work. Kingdom Hearts III for example. I want to play good games and for that the wait is worth it. I rarely buy games on launch anymore. The last one I bought was Halo 5 and truthfully that actually worked.
But so long as we keep buying and pre-ordering these games (I'm a hypocrite, I pre-ordered Kingdom Hearts III, sue me it's my favorite series) the publishers will still see only dollar signs and force games to be released buggy and broken.

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