

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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Hey guys, do you remember the AlphaOmegaSin rant video about this motherfucker? I guess he went completely ape shit crazy and I'm just speechless. https://youtu.be/kcdAsDqCPQM

Innocent lives were lost. Regardless of what you practice, some of them were children of God. Some of them believed in Him. These worshipers of hate and violence killed these innocent people. And he says they deserved it. He is no better. These people who twist the words of God are no better that these servants of hate and violence. Yeah, my Bible says to kill certain kinds of people (adulterers, the divorced, homosexuals, witches, unruly children) but you know what? I believe in the word of Jesus Christ the Son of God and his word is forgiveness. I am a sinner. I'm not perfect. And I pray Christ and God have mercy on my soul. In fact they have both blessed me very much tonight. And I cannot thank them enough. As soon as I got my good news I immediately held my hands into the sky and shouted "Thank you my lord, my God."
Do I agree with some of these lifestyles? No. But to be honest, some of the most down to earth human beings I've ever met were some of these people that I should kill. My parents should be dead, I should be dead, several of my friends should be dead, my girlfriend should be dead. But we admit we aren't perfect. And several of us seek the mercy of God. "Go forth and sin no more." Christ's words to a woman who committed adultery. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." His words to the group who wanted to kill her.
Any person who says these children of God deserved to die are not people I want to surround myself with. But you know, they don't deserve to die either. I'll keep my company of stoners, homosexuals, witches, people who know they aren't perfect but try to do good with their lives. Do good for themselves and for others. Mr. Anderson, may we never cross paths. Solely just because I can't stand you. But I will follow the teachings of my lord and turn the other cheek. May the Lord God be with the people of Paris, the innocent people whose lives are torn asunder with no one caring, with those in this world that are judged by these bigots, and with the world he so lovingly made for us. We are sorry we've messed it up. Please forgive us.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

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FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
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The unfortunate coincidence between what you're about to see in your feed if you follow me is unintentional. I share the same birthdate, 9/27, with King Louis XIII of France.
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FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
That last one would be cool.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker


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