

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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RE: What celebrity we want to see in TT. I really don't know, lol. Quaker may have an interesting answer to that question tho. You?

Either a brief cameo of Gary Oldman or the woman who plays Mr. Kaplan in The Blacklist.
Yes, you are reading that last part correctly.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

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When you mentioned Shadow of Mordor, this came to my mind: https://youtu.be/UwTjHXiN4qw?t=21m44s Putting that aside, is SoM any good?

That is fucked up that they would do that. Especially since, in an age of day one patches where companies ship uncompleted games, it was pretty fucking good and worked. I mean yeah, the audio sync bugged me, but I really enjoyed the game. And honestly; that was the only problem I had. I'm a big Lord of the Rings fan, and I consider this to be a great story set in the Middle-Earth world. That game was great. Actually considering playing it again for content.

So, found this on the r/lifeisstrange subreddit. Life is Strange motion capture BTS: https://youtu.be/8zHOE27v8pw

While I am impressed, the lip sync issues bug me even more now. I mean, it's not game breaking for me, but it's still annoying. But it's the least noticeable. Played Shadow of Mordor with half the game being completely out of sync from audio in the cut scenes. Got to where I just read the subtitles.

Half of these are funny. Half of these are creepy. What should I decide? https://youtu.be/_Ap6N94LT98

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Humpty dumpty-what the hell?
DUI PSA-Well, if you're gonna make people shit themselves...
Ice cream-Stopped paying attention at the wrong moment and only heard 'I eat little babies.'
UK Phone thing-Nothing says buy cell phones like B-rated horror gimmicks. Also, that's like Edgar Allen Poe's second daughter right?
Coffee in can-What? Is that what inspired the end of every bad zombie film ever?
NES-Well considering their biggest mascot is a total sociopath, not surprising this made it through.
Alcoholic parents-So the shot of the kid in the playground looking at Darth Sidious was reused as a photo in Insidious right?
Japanese Tires-Well they know how to take it up to 11. But before she jumps the care that's pretty fucking tense and creepy.
Original McDonalds-Sounds like a pedophile, and the job is just as horrible. But I feel it's good for common sense building and respect for fast food workers.
Crinkles-Not even going to bother to spell it correctly.
As for your opinion, some of them are definitely weird and out there.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

It's funny how the Xbox One is going to be compatible with original Xbox games too! It's getting a positive feedback so-far... https://youtu.be/CN1ybAN-am8

I'm all for this, but have no desire to retire my 360 anytime soon.
At current I am playing through The Godfather, but may record some more Let's Build a House tomorrow.

Is there a story behind your profile picture? What is it?

No, but it is the only time I was ever able to get the hat and the mask to cooperate.

So, I came up with a new idea for the TTR channel. I plan on making "Observer/Collective videos analysis", but one stupid thing is bothering me. Should I include the full original video in the beginning or not?

Can if you want, but I don't find it 100% necessary. Just go over what you're analyzing and if anyone's interested they can go watch the original video on TT.
Keep up your awesome work.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Clear Lakes 44 - Broadcast #4 https://youtu.be/uws-biEwHJ0 Thoughts?

I think this series is so wonderfully frustrating.
So Tim Wright (assuming this follows up Marble Hornets) is talking to someone and gave them three boxes. If this him at his job? What even was his job? (Aside from an in-universe way to explain the time between entries) Who is running the Clear Lakes 44 channel? Anyone associated with the Alex Kralie Incident is allegedly dead aside from Tim and maybe Jessica. Though someone is wanting to make it seem like Alex is alive from the marblehornets.com site. Brian is dead, Jay is dead, Alex is dead, Amy is dead, Seth is dead, the only one in doubt is Sarah. And who's the bald guy in the chair, the man with the cane (played by Noah of THAC) and who is the new hooded character? Are they the one doing all this? What is going on?


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