

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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Outlast: Whistleblower contains few scenes of male nudity. Just a heads up...

Appreciate it.
If M and I record Whistleblower then I'll have to blur the image or something.

What's your favorite music genre?

But we're talking classic country, none of this Pop-country bullshit that Swift, Underwood, and all those so-called country artists make.
The greatest country stars, my opinion; Cash, Williams Sr. and Jr., Jones, Cline, Lynn, and several more.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

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LOL, I just finished watching their recent con video and Troy said that the vid I sent you kind of inspired him. Maybe I misunderstood something. I dunno, lol.

Beats me. I heard it from one of the commentaries on Marble Hornets. Either way it's cool.

Okay, it's official. Clear Lakes 44 is happening. Should we expect some stuff being uploaded on the "totheark" channel? I find this to be very unlikely, but hey, it's the THAC team...

Well, they have it. And someone was able to hack the Marble Hornets channel so it's not entirely inconceivable that someone could hack totheark. Wow. hacking the hacker. That's ironic.

Clear Lakes 44 Brodacast #2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwOmZc-eVl8

I'm still subscribed to Marble Hornets and Totheark from the days when that show was running, so any updates on Clear Lakes 44, provided it's not unlisted, I will get.
The unlisted vids and the fact this is reminding me of the weird and creepiness of Marble Hornets season one has definitely gotten my attention.

Um, the video is private. Also, I will be sending you Asks regarding the LiS vid instead of directly repsonding to your Ask

I thought having the link to it would let you see it. Ok. I will move it to unlisted.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Thoughts on the new updated YouTube player design?

I've seen like 10 since I've been alive.
I apologize for being bitter but they have yet to fix their mobile app. It keeps crashing on me. And it isn't my device.

RE: The Chloe foreshadowing Dontnod loves foreshadowing. In EP1's parking lot scene you can see Chloe's truck parked on a handicapped spot (dunno if pronounced right, lol). In the classroom again in EP1 you can see Kate planning her suicide. These devs love puttting so much detail to the game...

There could be a chance then.
I hope there is.


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