

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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What is the secret to a happy life?

As if I know the answer to that.
Advice to make you happier; not everyone's opinion about you matters. In fact, most of them don't. We're talking like 99%.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

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OK, just remembered a crazy dream. I'm on an island, and a massive tidal wave engulfs the island. The wave turns into a gigantic spiral, which pushes me upward. I'm in a City in the Sky, which is held up by water. I wander around it with my friends. Then I find a beach, and realize I'm on land. Wake

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Sounds like a beautiful place.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Damn, that's a deep answer. I understand what you mean. "This action will have consequences, it will impact the past, present and future. Choose wisely..."

Save for impacting the past, such is life.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

If you could travel the world with only one person who would you take?

I instead would let this person's dream become a reality;
S: I want to sail across the ocean, surrounded by sea with no land in sight, without even the possibility of sighting land for days to come. To stand at the helm of my destiny. I want to see these beautiful places in the world. To feel the surge of ten racehorses go thundering by. I want a nice meal in Paris with a bottle of wine. And then another. I want the warmth of a woman in a cool set of sheets. A night of classical music in Italia. I want to stand on the summits and feel the sun on my face for as long as I can. I want to sit in a garden and read one more good book. I want to sleep. To sleep like I did as a boy. But most of all I just want that one moment of pure happiness. I'm the king of the world and you fuckers can't touch me. Nothing can pull me down from the peak of happiness, where the only thing higher than me is the kingdom of my Lord and God. Give me that. Just one time.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Haha, don't feel bad because you can't pronounce my name. I know it's hard. #justbulgarianthings Anyway, I watched your LiS vids you've upped so far. Excited for the upcoming content!

Provided YouTube stops glitching on me part three will be up soon. I'm already having to upload Arkham Knight vids out of order.
Also, if either of you want, you can skip the part four that's public (when it's up) and just watch the link I send you guys. I may actually upload your guys' video first. Or both at once.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Meanwhile, near the Dark Room: http://i.imgur.com/mqiOUDU.jpg?1

That would require him to actually be useful in his game.
I will absolutely shit myself if he ends up being a fucking hero somehow. You will hear me get up to change my pants because my bathroom is two feet from my recording area if he actually is useful for once in this freaking game. He just better not steal my kill. Because if we can't change that then the bastard is going to die. Slowly. Painfully. Either drugged with the same shit he uses and then put in the ground to suffocate to death or give him to Frank and Pompidou. That name was really hard to spell.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

oh god http://imgur.com/afuHp7W

Me: Life is Strange meets the torture scene of GTA V? Max torturing [SPOILER] in the same way Trevor tortured that poor bastard? [Looks to the angel and devil on shoulder]
Devil (Emperor Palpatine): Yes. Good. Good. Give in to your anger. Let the hate flow through you.
Angel (Timon and Pumba, temporarily replaced with Jason Todd): Shame we didn't give [SPOILER] someone to say hello to for us.
Me and Mr. Hyde: Yes please.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

should we trust this http://www.vg247.com/2015/07/31/five-nights-at-freddys-movie-kenan-tease/

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
I heard the same report on The Know, a Rooster Teeth YouTube news channel, and to be honest I want to believe this guy isn't bullshiting us with the notion of going practical effects versus CG. I think that will help the movie a lot. It's actually what doesn't have me completely turned off to the idea of a film. I want to see what this guy makes. At least some footage. Let me see some footage down the road and I'll decide my thoughts there.
It can't be any worse than M. Night Shyamalan's adaptation of Avatar the Last Airbender. Jesus Christ that movie was horrible. I couldn't even riff on it. It was that bad. Granted I watched Avatar the first day it aired and am a really big fan of the show.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Everything is good, though I may have poor connection due to the fact that I will soon be in an area close to the Grand Canyon. Other than that, it's awesome.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Ok. So long as you're alright.

What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?

1. Stop giving a fuck about what anyone other than your closest friends and family members think of you.
2. If people truly love you (i.e. friends/family) then they accept you for who you are. If not, fuck them. Unless your behavior is self-destructive then you may want to listen to them.
3.If you open your heart, you open yourself to hurt and betrayal. You can choose to remain out of that reach, but that would leave you less off in this life.
4. If you truly love and care for someone, sometimes that means setting them free. For them to find their own happiness. Because maybe friends is all you were ever meant to be.
5. Open yourself to love and be loved.
6. With that though comes the risk of hurt, but it is worth it sometimes.
7. Be open and honest, both with yourself and those closest to you.
8. Don't judge people by their looks. In fact, don't judge people at all.
9. You're not so perfect that you tower above other human beings.
10. You're human just like all the other 6,999,999,999 people on this planet. Deal with it.
11. Every person deserves the same rights you do.
12. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. Animals included motherfuckers.
13. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But if what's on the inside is rotten it don't matter what they look like.
14. People wear masks to hide who they truly are. Sometimes it's to hide something sinister, other times it's to protect themselves.
15. Be open to people's thoughts or ideas. Unless they are blatantly and stupidly hateful and intolerant.
16. Let no one fuck with those you care about.
17. Accept yourself for who you are. (Still working on this one)
18. You will make mistakes. It's whether you learn from them and what you do about them that says something.
19. Love and accept others as you would love and accept yourself. Unless you're like me then love and accept people who aren't completely ignorant and hateful assholes and work on not hating yourself so damn much.
20. Everybody has an opinion. Including you. You won't agree with everyone's opinions and not everyone will agree with yours. And that's ok. There's no need to start nuclear holocausts over whether it's pronounced po-tay-to, or po-tah-to.
There are a lot more, but 20 is a good start.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

What makes you happy?

Seeing the ones I care about happy.
And if you fuck with any of them, you're gonna wish I was a nice person and just killed you.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker


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