

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?

Yes and no.
It's not like they show in movies. You can feel feelings for someone when you see them, but it isn't 'Oh my heart burns for you with fiery passion.'
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Just letting you guys know that I'll be offline for a while, due to the fact that I'll be in the middle of nowhere for the next few weeks. Don't know when I'll be back, but I will let you know when I do come back.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Be careful and have fun.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

wolf. episode 4. no, no no no no im shaking IM FUCKING SHAKING AND SCREAMING WTFWTFWTF. i cant even...i just finished it. im screaming "WHAT THE FUCK?!" so goddamn loud. a game has never hit me so damn hard. episodes 1, 2 and 3 COMBINED cant match the fourth one. c-choo choo f-feel t-train..........

My truck just broke down. I don't need to know Life is Strange episode 4 is heartbreaking.
Damn it.
Also' still haven't filmed 3.
Maybe tomorrow after work.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

You realize that a FNAF film is in production, right? So it's not quite the end.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
But what are the odds that;
1) It will follow the current story?
2) It would continue the current story?
3) It would answer any of the lingering questions?
4) It's not just going to be an adaptation of game one for people who have no clue what FNaF is?
5) Anyone who doesn't know what FNaF is will see this film?
6) I can come up with a seventh thing for a Nightmare point?
Nightmare) [Face eaten by demonic cupcake while Verne-trap watches going "Eeeeeeee".]
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

It's funny, because another Konami game, Castlevania, got a spiritual succsessor by fans. Can't remember the name of it, but that's another story. Konami, you fucked up with both Kojima and your fans.

Konami is trying to erase Kojima as bad as America is trying to erase the civil war.
Whose wife and/or daughter did he sleep with?
I mean seriously; I bet if they had the capability to erase the memory of Kojima from our brains they would.
They removed him from Konami, Kojima Productions is gone, and he is getting absolutely no credit for Metal Gear Five.
So not only did he sleep with someone's wife and/or daughter, but they really fucking enjoyed it apparently.
I do not regret that joke.

Scott's site is accessible. It's just blank, no HTML elements at all. He cleared it up and left it with a blank HTML.

Huh. Maybe FNaF is actually done.
So no Five Nights Five. Which would have went perfectly with the name.
Well Scott, thanks for the disturbing story and memorable characters.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

If you've heard about Silent Hills, you must know about it's cancelation. It was such an amazing game (judging by the P.T. teaser). I was so happy because psychological horror was returning. A fan-made game called Allison Road blew me away. Silent Hill horror! https://youtu.be/__i_LoRKhJ0

Again, not even a Silent Hill fan but I (if I owned a PS4, which I don't) would have played the shit out of that game.
That was genuinely terrifying. One of the scariest things I've seen in years.
Rumor is it was 80% done.
Maybe Microsoft can convince Konami to give it to them to let them finish it.
Crazy shit they're up to currently though. That mess with Kojima.

It's funny how MatPat will burst out of anger regarding the FNAF4 ending, lol.

Seriously, as much as people are probably bugging him to do the video on this one, I hope he waits until the expansion is out.
We saw how last time he began the definitive theory and then Scott announced this.
He should wait to see what the expansion shows us and then we can go over everything.
So far everything holds except now we know about the bite. It wasn't Mangle and Jeremy is fine.
Just curious what happened to him between 87 and 93. If he's not the bite victim something happened to make him leave.
Also, Phone Guy is a little less suspicious since we know he didn't facilitate the bite. Though in a slight Easter egg Purple Guy can be seen putting Springtrap's head onto an employee. A live employee. And Purple Guy has the yellow badge so he is a guard.
Which could lend serious credibility to Phone Guy and Purple Guy being the same person. Who would know enough about the spring suits to safely have someone use them? Phone Guy.
And Purple Guy is seen putting someone into the Springtrap suit apparently safely.
And this is supposed to be post FNaF 3 tapes when they get retired.
So in my head that's definitely a damning marker on Phone Guy.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Also, the Nightmare Mode ending. https://youtu.be/uCKo7KT5fK8?t=7m13s

Yes. That's the locked box I mean.
Maybe that will open when the expansion comes out.
Also, Nightmare is bloody terrifying.
I haven't found a lot of these guys to be that scary, but holy shit I never want to see Nightmare again.
I'd rather be in a room having coffee with The Puppet, Springtrap, Nightmare Bonnie, and Mangle over seeing Nightmare. And I don't even like coffee.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

im shaking. the bite of 87... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBhaH7NCmmA

I know.
What bugs me is they shouldn't be there. Springtrap and FredBear (Golden Freddy) are supposed to be retired.
You can see the Shadow Animatronics so the spring locks failed and killed the two employees.
So why are the spring suits still being used?
Also, if this is the same location as FNaF 2, where are the toy animatronics?
If there are rumors of the animatronics coming to life then the first missing children's incident has happened. Which after that they got the toys and the FNaF 1 location was shut down. Which is also supposed to be where FredBear and Springtrap were supposed to be left.
Scott has me completely confused on this one.
But I think there's more to this. Locked away in the trunk after night 6.
But yes, The Bite of '87 is terrifying. And not caused by an animatronic as believed, but by four assholes.
There's more to this.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

If you are an RPG guy, give Skyrim a shot. At first I diidn't like it (and I was judging by screenshots and videos, stupid me) but then I bought it off a Steam sale for 5 euros 2 days ago and I love it. Try finding the 360 port, I heard that the PS3 has a crappy port.

I am an RPG guy, but I'm not an Elder Scrolls guy. I've tried before.

If you could be a superhero, who would you be?

If it's an established character; a combination of Deadpool, V, Adam Warlock, The Punisher, and Captain America.
As for an original; a character I call The Darkstar.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Wait, you didn't know that the cupcake is evil? (just kidding, wrote this for shits 'n giggles)

I recognize what you meant, but I didn't think it would be separate from Chica.


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