

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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Would you use a self-driving car or drive yourself?

If it was proven safe I'd use it when I have to work early. But I'd still probably drive myself.

What is your favorite scent?

Asking me about smells is like asking Daredevil what color tie looks better on you.

Nice goatee in that random conversation you had w/Spencer.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
I'd ask how are you so certain that's me and I'm not in the back being an Alex Kralie, but that would imply I have more friends than I do. So I will simply instead say thank you.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

When you imagine yourself as really, really relaxed and happy, what are you doing?

Meditating. Though I feel like I answered this.

What questions do you usually ask when you want to get acquainted with someone?

Don't know. Never tried.

If you could perfectly speak any 3 languages what would it be?

Mandarin Chinese
And a fourth because screw rules; sign language

Holy shit man...Did you hear about Syria's gas attack in 2013?

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
The very reason we almost went to war in Syria. Yes. A very tragic and very unnecessary loss of human life.

What are you expecting from the new season of "Game of Thrones"?

I do watch the show, but refuse to watch it until The Winds of Winter is published.

.... .... .... ....That's fucking awesome. But what happened that caused you to crash into a wall?

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
I actually never hit the wall. No one was hurt thankfully. And my breaks went out in my truck. But yeah, had it not been for that heater all of that would have happened.

Killed, as in stabbed with a knife?

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Killed as in busting through a wooden wall, pinned between a metal stove and my truck, shrapnel from the wall, easily a broken back if not killed, at a speed of 15 miles an hour. That would have been the person behind the wall. A small portable heater jammed itself between my truck and the floor and stopped me.

Don't worry, it wasn't too horrifying. It's just that my dad and I took a pit stop near a lake/river. But...the car didn't brake. We nearly drove straight into the river/lake, and would've probably drowned, if Dad hadn't of leaped back in and Fred Flintstoned to a stop. Pretty damn terrifying.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
I can vouch as well a vehicle with no brakes is terrifying.
I almost went through a building and would have killed someone if I hadn't been stopped by a portable heater.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Who is the best movie villain?

My top 10 favorite movie villains (in no particular order);
1. Darth Vader (Star Wars)
2. Thanos (Guardians of the Galaxy)
3. Ultron (Age of Ultron)
4. The Joker (The Dark Knight)
5. John Doe (Se7en)
6. Bill (Kill Bill)
7. The Meta (Red vs Blue: Recollection trilogy)
8. Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th)
9. Beetlegeuse (Beetlejuice)
10. Predator (Predator)


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