

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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What does true friendship mean to you?

It means there are people who've got your back. Who love and accept you for who you are. Faults and all. One who if you called out to them and said you needed their help with something that was likely going to get both of you killed they'd be there no questions asked. Maybe that one is a little extreme, but still.

What's on your summer reading list?

The Dark Half-Stephen King
A Dance with Dragons-George Martin
Hellhole Inferno-Brian Herbert and Kevin Anderson
A New Darkness-Joseph Delaney
Blood of Olympus-Rick Riordan
Bag of Bones-Stephen King
Cash-Johnny Cash
Hope to Die-James Patterson

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What's the best dating advice you have?

Be yourself. And be a gentleman for Christ's sake. If you're a dude that is. There are so many boys pretending to be men it is outrageous and give good honest gentlemen a bad name.

I should also mention that Noah was dressed up like The Chaser from Slender: The Arrival. In other words, white hoodie, black gloves(?), and an hard to identify face. I knew it was Noah though. I am also now doubting it was Firebrand since he crashed through a sliding door and ran like a madman when

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Well Noah is losing his mind so anything is possible.

How would the world be different if everybody was vegetarian?

Sustainable farming wouldn't be illegal. Or it still would there would just be farms regulated by controlling governments and food prices would be even higher. Latter is more likely.

him. Then Noah catches up to a trapped Michael. He stabs him in the chest. He goes down. The dream stops. Your thoughts?

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
I can make most of this make sense, but Noah attacking Michael stumps me. Even Firebrand attacking him stumps me. So far as we are currently aware Noah/Firebrand has had no contact (physical or otherwise) with the guys from MLAndersen0. (yes it's a high probability that it's Michael in the bathroom in Severance but until his identity is confirmed I'm going to say Noah hasn't had contact with them) Michael could have seen that Noah is on...loosely call it 'good terms'...with HABIT who has captured/killed Shaun so Michael seeking out Noah for help or maybe even payback against HABIT makes a little sense. But Noah going offensive on someone who hasn't threatened him (as of yet) or has even met him doesn't make sense.
Maybe there are some details left to be seen that would make this more plausible.

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What are your thoughts on the Guy Fawkes mask? Also thought you would like this: http://youtu.be/KrVC5dm5fFc

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Owning one and proudly (well, as proud as I get) displaying it on my face for the world would lead one to believe I hold it at leats in a positive light. I find it a fitting symbol for the idea it has come to be synonymous with; revolution, change. Given the history of the man himself, the gunpowder plot of 1605 and their intentions (while a little extreme as I do not believe in using explosives to prove a point but do find them entertaining) I find the choice to be a good one.
That was....different.

What did you watch on TV yesterday?

I don't exactly watch tv, it's mainly movies and tv shows on dvd.

Do you think that there are more black chess pieces in TT then Adam let on? Because I doubt that Slender Man, Deadhead, and the Observer can face off alone against Swain, Mr. Scars, Cursor, Persolus and Firebrand.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
While there seem to only be three black pieces it does ot necessarily mean that they are over powered. Slender Man is opbviously mega powerful, Observer has some power, and Deadhead is an unknown for now.
Plus the white pieces may not necessarily get along. Like, think of them being like the Suicide Squad. While she wasn't technically Cursor yet, Mr. Scars did target and kill Mary Asher. So maybe the white pieces aren't exactly working together. Firebrand and Scars appear to be, but we know nothing of Cursor (other than she's a dead Mary Asher) or Persolus and Swain. Things are yet to be seen.

will know about, except Kevin Conroy, John Noble, and some other people I couldn't understand. I can't remember much, but I think Rocksteady is trying to really do it in for us. What do you think?

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
This is Rocksteady's last game for Batman, and they care about the franchise that they have worked so hard to build. Arkham Asylum was awesome, Arkham City was phenomenal, so obviously we expect Arkham Knight to be one of the best games ever of all time. And from what we've been teased with it appears to be heading that way. Especially since the reveal of a Red Hood story DLC. So that may kill people's Jason Todd theory as the Arkham Knight.

Answer: Mark Hamill. He voices Joker, who runs the steel mill. And his last name is sort of a pun between HAM and MILL. Get it?

Yeah. Interesting.

The answer is an actor, not a character. But who he voices does involve the steel mill.

I am stumped


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