

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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Who in Arkham runs the mills made of steel and ham?

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Not a clue.
I know Black Mask owns the Steel Mill but it was stolen from him by The Joker.
The ham thing is throwing me off though, and making me hungry.

If you could own any building in the world, which one would it be?

A simple home in the country will suffice.

What’s the first thing you’d do if you were the opposite sex for one day?

Be extremely confused as to why I turned into a girl.

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What do you think of BatmanArkhamVideo's skill in Predator and challenge maps such as this one? http://youtu.be/OFnXA99OUmg Also the god thing is because you seem to be smarter than average humans, and have the guts to even show disgust to things we do. Which makes me think you are more than human.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
That was impressive. The results of a lot of practice I would guess, and if that wasn't because of practice then I am truly stunned.
If I am a god then you are the first one to figure it out my friend. As far as I am aware I am human like everyone else.
As for the intelligence, I don't feel like I'm smarter than anyone else.
As for showing disgust, it isn't a matter of guts. I decided early in my life if I was concerned about the opinions and thoughts of the general population and let it rule my thoughts and actions I would never be happy in this life. So I have no problem with it.

That's most likely 2300. Not too many people know who specifically created Slender Man You are lucky to have such knowledge. Also, I have no idea what Dragon Ball Z is. I only know the meme.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
In my own opinion, one of the best animes that has ever existed.

On a scale from -9001 to 9000+, how much do you know about Slender Man?

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
That is a really massive scale.
I wouldn't call myself an expert, but I'm not limited in my knowledge.
Though in mythology Slender Man has no origin, I am aware of where Slender Man came from, meaning who created the original picture, idea and such. I know he's been a commercial success given all the games and such. Not to mention all the YouTube shows, the first of which, and arguably most famous, being Marble Hornets. I am also really satisfied how that one ended. I keep seeing this 'give him $20' thing but have no clue what that is about.
I have not read any of the creepypastas about him yet but I do intend to one day. But for now i'm content with watching and waiting for the shows.
Beyond that my knowledge stops. So you tell me what number that amounts to.
Also, I'm trying really hard not to make a DBZ joke.

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I need some help. I'm creating an electronic song to commemorate TribeTwelve's 4th birthday. I'm planning on using vocals for it when the time comes, but that's not what I'm looking for at the moment. I can't think of a song name that sounds TribeTwelve-ish. Could you brainstorm with me?

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
I'm not good with titles, hence why my stories are mostly untitled. But I will try. Any ideas you want to throw at me?

What would you do if you were forced to eat nothing but sandwiches for the rest of your life?

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
if I were allowed to choose the sandwich I'd be ok with that.

Who are the people that believe you to be sexy? Do you know them?

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
One is a former co-worker, the other is the one and only she-wolf, pack mate, I've ever had in my life.
The latter I've known for a while, still throws me off into questioning how it's possible but the idea of two drives me nearly mad crazy with questioning how it is possible.
Also, I'm not anywhere near funny. I can't make a person laugh to save my life. Not that I haven't tried.

What three things in life you want more than anything else?

Freedom and prosperity for all humans.
A cooperative human race.
Those I care about to be happy and healthy.

Here's some more space.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
I actually forgot about INTERCEPTION. Been busy on a ‘review’ of the newest Transformers. Been focused on that story. Firebrand is indeed a paradox, whether from saving Noah’s life during The Livestream Incident or from the childhood fire. Which honestly makes more sense given Firebrand’s original burned appearance. Giving up Milo’s journal does leave him open to The Collective for some reason. Who is to say what’ll happen to Firebrand by the end of TT other than he will still apparently exist as he states that it’s inevitable. I want to know how HABIT was able to liberate Firebrand from The Administrator. Severance makes sense, but then why wouldn’t he just do whatever he wants Noah to do which seems to revolve around Severance and possibly a blade. To what extent do we know that Firebrand was forced to fight Noah? Because all we’ve ever seen him do before he mentioned being free is trying to help Noah and all his appearances is Noah from The Livestream Incident. Do you think that HABIT is involved with what will make certain Firebrand is created? It seems to me that Firebrand wants Slender Man dead anyway, not just because HABIT wants it to happen. HABIT doesn’t seem to want to fight Patrick, just wants the hands. (I actually needed to go back to the video for this one) I do see HABIT taking the Severance weapon for his own purposes, whether it’s for glory of killing Slender Man or not. (Provided he can be killed) Firebrand vs. HABIT may happen, provided Noah and Firebrand aren’t gone from existence or dead by then.

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Thoughts on Firebrand so far?

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Firebrand seems like an ok guy. But something bugs me. He knows what happens. Why not just tell Noah what to do? He's also allied with HABIT who is like Beetlejuice and Heath Ledger Joker's secret love child. So I question Firebrand's motives a little. And if it weren't for a thought I had on Observer I wouldn't consider that Firebrand may be secretly evil. Observer is a possessed Kevin. But if Kevin is Observer, I would think he'd remember what it was like to be possessed by Observer and not want to put himself through that as Observer. Spare another him the pain and torture. Kevin's story needs to go further in depth. We need more info on that. Good thing Adam intends to do that. So if being Observer twists Kevin to the point he's willing to possess and subsequently torture himself as a human, who is to say Firebrand is totally legit?

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Unless you count Slender Man's alternative names (Der Großmann, Administrator, and Keeper) then you have everyone. Also, what do you think of the current situation all the Slenderverse characters are in?

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Not technically Slenderverse but pretty certain Marble Hornets has officially ended.
TT-Noah appears to be finally losing his mind.
EMH-Uncertain if we should judge from 'Breaking the Lease' or from 'Le Premir cours'. So...eh.
MLA-If HABIT was right and Michael is a major douchebag I will be one of the pissed and wishing for his death. As for Shaun, not entirely certian if he is dead or not.
DH-Something is definitely wrong with Alex. Not sure what is wrong with him and hoping Chris and Heather are taking care of him and doing well.

Which Collective name do you find the most unique?

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
The latin names (Persolus, Cursor) are interesting for certain. Mr. Scars is clever. Swain sounds cool, though I did a little play on words in Minecraft with that. Firebrand, heard it before but as a name it's pretty cool. The Observer sounds really cool. I do wonder if that was intended all along or if the fans influenced that name. I think I read somewhere that it was the fans who first called him that. Deadhead's ok. Did I miss anybody?

What do you do to let others know you love them?

Is that honestly a question? Do people do something that doesn't involve just saying it?


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