

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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What's your first order of business for tomorrow?

That information is classified to keep the assassins at bay.
(That is also code for no freaking clue)

What are you planning to do with your YouTube channel, Wolf?

I'm juggling a few ideas, it may be a mix of all of them at some point. I have no definitive 'This is what it is and all it'll be' idea. It's a piece of freedom to do whatever I want with it until someone bigger than me shuts me down. Though last I knew I'm in good standing in all areas so I doubt (and hope) that isn't anytime soon. So far all I've got is some random shit quality Batman Arkham Asylum vids that showcase a couple glitches and one unfortunate NPC placement after I knocked him out. So to anyone that checks out those and any future vids, please forgive the quality my camera is my ipod.

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Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?

Seems like these questions are geared towards intelligence gathering....

Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?

You will not get me to give you any of that personal information NSA, but since you're so damn insistent I'm a lone wolf.

Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?

Never drank so far in my life and it'll freaking kill me to drink. Literally. So you do the math.

Have you ever thought about asking Firebrand questions if he hacked Noah's accounts? If so, what would you ask?

If Firebrand ever hacked Noah's accounts, what would I ask him. Probably the most obvious question would be if he's been Noah doing all this why doesn't he just tell Noah what he needs to know instead of the secrecy and cryptic stuff. But maybe it's because Administrator won't let him like back in INTERCEPTION. Another question I could think to ask is if he knows the true identities of The Collective and if any of them can be prevented. Or maybe what event causes Noah to become Firebrand. If given the chance, what do you ask a rouge god? Though one last question I can think to ask him; why team up with HABIT, if it is solely to kill Administrator or if they have other plans. But how would we know if we were talking to Firebrand instead of Noah?

Do you have any ideas on what happened to Noah Maxwell in the second half of Severance? Personally, I believe that The Rake was involved in this. Also, it could be possible that the Observer was listening in to Noah and HABIT's conversation. After all, HABIT DID want Noah to draw it perfectly...

As long as the intention is strong enough and there it wouldn't matter if it was imperfect or partially erased. So if HABIT really wanted Observer to listen in it wouldn't have mattered if Noah did it wrong every time. As for the second half, there's numerous possibilities. I remember an episode in WhisperedFaith where Lee ran into somebody who didn't know where he was. HABIT, so far as we know, is based in Jersey (home of WhisperedFaith) and HABIT is a master of time manipulation so that would explain the time lapse if that does happen. I also have a sense The Collective could be involved. Maybe The Observer is back. Karl, who holds the journal, is in Jersey and last we knew Deadhead was stalking him so maybe we get to see him. So who knows what could happen. We just have to wait and see. Hopefully Noah uploads again soon.

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Do you think that money can buy love?

Is there an answer that goes further than 'No fucking way in the name of God, Chuck Norris, the Universe, all things beautiful and worthy'?

Who is your most hated celebrity?

I do not hate. I detest all of them and feel we make too much big a deal of them when they have little impact on our lives.

If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

That there isn't more people out there fighting to fix and change the world. That way both things are acomplished.

Which Collective member are you looking forward to seeing in TT?

I kind of want to see Observer again, just cause he's a psychopath and a familiar character. I want to meet Swain because we know little to nothing about him. But I've got to say I am most looking forward to seeing Deadhead. I get an ominous and foreboding sense when I look at his photo and think about him. This gets me excited to meet him.

How do you feel about Tribetwelve so far? (If you watch it.)

Seeing as I follow Adam and Noah's pages on here I think it's safe to assume I watch it.
Season One was phenomenal, Adam has a lot of real talent. In writing, film editing, and acting. Catharsis personally sold his acting for me.
Season Two started off with some really nice plot hits and reveals. Some have argued that they seem like filler, but hey you can't just do major plot points all in a row that is no way to tell a story. I eagerly await the next video which I hope will be up sometime this month. He seems to be hinting at uploading it before February. Not speaking for him you can go to his ask page or his tumblr to see for yourself.
TribeTwelve is a really amazing story in my opinion even with the decline of the Slender craze. I will continue to patiently wait for the remaining episodes he makes until the very end.

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Do you think it's harder to fight against hypnotism, or a mix of illusions from Scarecrow's Fear Gas?

I've never tried to be hypnotized to my knowledge, and judging from my experiences in Arkham Asylum I'd go with the fear gas.


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