

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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My best friend Tanner just stopped by my apartment and handed me a $20. He told me to give it to my gf to pay her for something called the "Premium Snapchat" show she gave him last night. Idk what that means. Should I be concerned?

Eh. Probably.
Liked by: Rick

Would you rather work your ass off doing your passion and have a 25% chance it becomes your job OR Play it safe get a regular job that you hate with horrible pay and bad hours?

Both sound like bad situations but the first at least has hope of something good.

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Do you think that nowadays boys have become more feminine and girls more masculine?

No, and does it even matter?

Ah...so this is why the Brits hate Katie Hopkins so much... https://twitter.com/KTHopkins/status/1029085694000545793?s=19

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Yeah I can see why they don’t like her.
For Christ’s sake, Elba played Roland Deschain in The Dark Tower, Roland is white. They make a big deal about it in The Drawing of the Three (read it or a synopsis, it makes sense with context) so I don’t see why he couldn’t be Bond. So long as he kicks ass, can pull off the accent, and is smooth with the ladies he’ll fit right in as 007.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

It's International Cat Day, time to ask the fundamental question: Are cats smarter than dogs?

No. Plus cats are assholes.

Do you believe in the concept of Soulmates? Explain why or why not.

I do, but in two different senses.
Obviously the traditional form of soulmate, your great love. And I think I’ve finally found mine.
But I also feel that there are people in this world, not your great love, but others you connect with in ways that go beyond friendship, but not romantic. I have two such friends. One I’ve known for over 20 years. And I’ll be honest, I’d be lost if I lost her. We know each other so well, we know each other’s thoughts, feelings, everything. We both know there’s more to us, but romance wasn’t ever part of the plan. So instead of mates where you’re meant to be together, mates in the sense of friends you share a deep connection with.

What has been the scariest movie you've seen?

deelove1452’s Profile Photodee
I can’t really say what the scariest was, but the last one to impress me with how good it was was The Gallows.
And I’m not counting IT under the impressed category cause I was expecting it to be good. And while I don’t think Pennywise is scary per se, there’s just something unsettling about him that made me want him to go away every time he was on screen.
Liked by: dee

Why is there a life jacket under the seat on an airplane, but not a parachute?

Likely cause it’s more likely that a commercial aircraft carrying civilians will go down into a body of water versus telling their passengers to dive out of the plane. Assuming of course no one dies in the crash.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Well, I have a lot of time to kill, so by all means go ahead.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
2h32: The story will take some digging to discover, lord knows I’m still trying to figure it out, but I can’t deny that the visuals are well done and creepy. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPq46U3lxgoulbZRMMLVDnxPJ4LeA06pn
Petscop: Haunted video games got big with Ben Drowned, but this one is an all original story. I will warn you, it leaves you with more questions than answers. But there is a solid, and sad, story developing here. Oh, and if you dig into it and get anything regarding the tragic death of Candice Newmaker, disregard it.
Marble Hornets: The beginning of the Slender Man web series craze. Though not tied to our Slenderverse, it’s still good in its own right. I know you said you haven’t seen it, but please forgive me as I’ve forgotten if you even had interest in it or not. If you don’t, I apologize and you can disregard it.
WhisperedFaith: I don’t know if you’ve seen this one, but it’s main character has appeared in the Slenderverse. Specifically in Bridge to Nowhere when Noah stops to ask a guy where he is. This one focuses on The Rake (or The Speaker as he’s called here) and is actually in its third and final act, with I think only six or seven videos left to be made/released.
Hi I’m Mary Mary: Finally we have this one. Short on videos, but an easier to follow story than 2h32 or Petscop. While K (the creator) was inspired by our Slenderverse, HIMM has its own assortment of original monsters and I personally think K’s editing is only second to Adam.
There is one more, but that one I’m going to share publicly on FB and share why I have fallen in love with this new monster. I’ll send you the post once I make it.
If you enjoy any of these feel free to hit me with opinions or questions. If you don’t care for any of them I apologize for wasting your time.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker


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