

Ask @cyronveerson

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Nak buat apa ya? Aku tiap-tiap malam gatal satu badan, aku kena berjaga sebab dia gatal-gatal time aku tido je. Takkan aku kena jadi burung hantu pulak. Dalam dua hari lepas start jadi tapi boleh tido lagilah, semalam aku tak tido langsung. Hari ni aku terjaga pukul 11 malam. Nak kena buat apa ni?

dah jumpa doktor?

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kalau korang gaduh dengan seseorang, korang akan cerita dekat seluruh kaum kerabat korang, termasuklah sepupu korang?

nope. my shit is my shit, theirs is theirs.

Idk what is wrong with me but no matter what happened I can't feel nervous or anxious. Instead it feels nothing.

i wish i feel nothing instead of being anxious and panicking all day

Tbh, everything has been so hard lately. But I’m never the type who can easily share my thoughts and troubles with anyone. I don’t know how long I will last keeping all these with myself.

at some point, you have to be vulnerable and there's nothing wrong with that.

Bed bugs/kutu tilam.. apa yg korang buat utk hapuskan? Btw I noticed this after balik dari bercuti dan stay di sebuah Hotel.. yea.. kutu ni pun ikut balik dan beranak-pinak... byk jugak dah spend semburan itu ini.. tp macam tak berkesan.. Help guys.. tidur tak cukup 😔

what about changing the bed?

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