

Ask @cyronveerson

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do u know the feeling of tired? tired of waiting. waiting for him to remember that he should take care of my heart too instead of his friends. if not, then what's the point date me.. how come he never understand?

leave him. you deserves better

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Orang yang hilang tiba tiba, lepas tu datang balik tiba tiba ni nak apa ea

maybe nak kena ignore/ghosted balik sebab tetiba dia muncul balik

What if, you dah minat dah sayang dia. Then parents dia tak restu pun hubungan you dengan dia. And dia pun taknak backup and ikutkan je. Apa you buat?

well, at this point maybe i should just be single and be happy about it if my decision is still in my parents' hands. no parents should make decisions on behalf of their children especially when it comes to love.

How many hours do you spend on social media daily?

idk cuz i always go back and forth. or sometimes i don't look at them at all

What's your middle name, if you have one ?

idk if i should say i have it since the naming system in malaysia is not the same as in the US. mine is Everson

L ni kalau tetiba randomly share good news dengan P yang he barely knows or baru kenal ni apa maksud dia? Dia selesa?


what you do when you are sad for losing something?

i would just find something to distract myself from keep remembering things that made me sad

can u ? answer me . rancangn parents kita xtau nak jodohkan anak dgn ank mmber dorng .? dorng terima tnpa pgtahuan kita . ? apa jwbn anda . tnpa cinta mshkah boleh bersatu ? ikut hati atau ikut simpati ?

arranged marriage is a nah from me

I have friends who admire my body and always talk about how mine is their ideal etc. I know they mean nothing bad but, I couldn't help feeling conscious about my body. I hope doesn't matter what form a person body is people should stop comment so much about it. Tbh, it makes me so uncomfortable.



Language: English