
βrian βaker

Ask @BBakerr

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Did you end up being able to go to prom with him? Sorry if this was already asked :)

Yeah it was a ton of fun

What is the nicest thing anyone could do for you? In all seriousness.

Take me away for a week to a house on the beach and buy me pizza and blue pink and green freeze pop... and cuddle with me while we watch netlifx.. After like day three invite all my friends and we can have a party for the rest of the week and be perfect together the end

I heard you and Connor got back tgether!!!!! I am so happy!!!!! My favorite couple!!!

We aren't back together who even told u that hahaha bye

oh lawd in the name Jesus I praise him AMEN. Omg the best ever. Buffalo chicken pizza wants to be eaten and savored at all times and they accept all for who they are. Omg. Now tell me where do you usually get it from?

Wegmans or Salvatore's are the BBEESSSTT great northern is decent too

Hahahaha you're too much. Ok ok. Just give it time. You'll find some guy who will love you for you and you'll love him for him. No worries. (But pizza is still a good option especially if you messing with buffalo chicken)

Buffalo chicken pizza> boys
1. Buffalo chicken pizza doesn't care what I look like
2. Buffalo chicken pizza don't judge me for eating so much pizza
3. I don't have to try around buffalo chicken pizza
Boys are tiring. Pizza all the way hahahahahahhahahah

Ohh lol. Stop it! You don't give yourself enough credit. Even though pizza is how I maintain existence in this crusty world, boys are sorta important lol

Eh they're losing their importance as I realize how few of them id actually like but they subscribe to the v... Pizza it is

Lol I'm just playin. But yeah, you'll totally find someone. You're unique, everybody loves that.

Ehhhhh exact boys lol it's ok pizza sounds good too

HAHAHA you little slore. And yes you're right. However it takes a while to really know someone well..but hey, that's why people date so fbgm. B as in boys not bitches lololol

Haha heyyyy there lol and rlly tho I guess your right

You have to remember the general populace are straight. And straight guys are typically ass holes lol. So are you sure you wish the general populace thought that? Or just the people that matter, ppl like us lolol

I wouldn't hate straight boys thinking I'm hot HAHAHAH but rlly tho I don't even rlly care if people think I'm attractive it's not about what's on the outside yadda yadda yadda

Lol wait. ironically enough I JUST had an eye exam three days ago. But in all honesty I think you are attractive and really cool so yeah.

OMG thank you I wish that's what the general populace thought

Well the past is the past. And I guarantee you an attractive guy will like you again because you are attractive. And plus its more than just looks. And you have more than just looks, so any guy would be lucky to have you as their boyfriend

Yeah I know it's more than just looks and I'm honesty not fishing for compliments but you should get your eyes checked ASAP


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