
Ankita Samaddar

Ask @ankitaasamaddar

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What is the real worth of life according to you?

The real worth of man's life should not be measured in terms of length of years, but the deeds that make him immortal! Swami Vivekananda once said "Get up and set your shoulder to the wheel-how long is your life? As you have into this world leave some mark behind". It is said that when a man has to put a limit on what he'll do, he has to put a limit on what he can. Each and every person has his own importance in his own place. Your presence and acts can make more difference than you can ever think of. We pay our homage to great people, study about them in our history lessons and the world still remembers great people like freedom fighters, poets, reforms, exemplary teachers because they left an imprint on this world by their deeds. If we look at this world, where we live today, it's very hard to believe that 'peace and prosperity' had ever existed on this earth. But as students who are the future pillars of this world, it's our utmost responsibility to be a quintessence to change the picture of this world into a beautiful and peaceful place to live in. Our work should leave a lasting impression on the hearts and minds of people. We should never underestimate ourselves but should work hard in every manner possible. We should be proud to devote ourselves to prolonged hours of work. Words of Stephen Grelle must always be remembered, "I expect to pass through this world but only once. Any good therefore that I can do to any fellow creature, let me do it now for I shall not pass this way again".

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If you could be immortal, would you choose to be?

No, I don't think I could be immortal without losing my sanity. The passage of time would cease to be relevant, and eventually there would be little motivation to want to accomplish anything at all. For example, let's say I was able to amass huge wealth, get a complete education on everything, solve the problems of poverty and violence, and master everything from the violin to politics to religion to farming to quantum physics to possibly even inventing something completely world changing, I would still grow bored.
To make things worse, if I were the only immortal person on the planet, I would watch everyone making the same mistakes over and over again. I would eventually stop being able to love or grow attached to anyone as I know I would have a very short time with them, and the heartbreaks of watching my great-great grandchildren die over time would simply be unbearable. People from my perspective would appear to live as long as fruit flies. And once everyone on earth dies, I would go mad with loneliness.
Alright, say I had a companion to share my immortality. Eventually, we would grow to have contempt for each other as we would simply know each other too intimately. We would grow tired of each other once we knew we were alone in the universe. I doubt we would be able to have enough non-immortal children (assuming immortality wasn't an inherited genetic trait) to repopulate the earth, and we would tire of watching our children die over and over again. If we got angry with each other, grudges could last eons.
Ok, suppose there was a society of immortals. Human nature being what it is would likely mean we would divide into fractions and continually be at war with each other. Likely, this would result in a scorched-earth policy, so that there would be nothing left on earth.
I appreciate life because it is so short and fragile. It just isn't right that I take more than my fair share.

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How would your friends describe you?

My friends would say I'm a spontaneous, loving, thoughtful and generous friend who is curious about the world and the people in it. I'm a daydreamer and night thinker. I'm a good doer, sees an opportunity in every problem I face, has a foresight and can see things much too far. My curious mind is stretched by all the experiences' life throws my way and what I make out of them. I'm a sunshine mixed with rain, creating a beautiful rainbow and there is no lie in what I do.

Terms and conditions for your friendship ?

My rules for friendship are very concise, very simple, and utterly drama-free.
1. The job description of a friend is easy- be happy to see me, be sad to see me go. If you sincerely smile when I walk in & frown when I leave, like or not we're friends.
2. You have no obligations of time or effort. You don't have to text me, call me, give me presents or remember my birthday. If you are happy when I show up, you are my friend. If it has been years since we've talked. No worries, years go by fast. We're still good. If you do any of those very nice things you are going above & beyond the friendship call of duty.
3. If you allow me time to hibernate, hide, deal with my stuff & don't get offended if I don't call or come to a any party, you are an understanding. You know I'm not brilliant enough to stay on top of everything. I love that you hold onto me when I can't hold onto anything.
4. If you want me to be happy & not sad, you are my friend. If you hope that life is kind to me & not not hurtful, wish me pain or misery, you are my friend.
5. If you say something that comes out horribly, but you never meant it that way- I don't take off points for articulation. It's what you mean & not what you say. I'm pretty good with words, I will edit it for you.
6. If I ask to help & you actually let me, that means we are really good friends. Asking for a favor is a compliment.
7. If you get mad at me and talk to me about it & give me a chance to see my mistake & apologize, you are compassionate & if you accept my apology & keep loving me, I will always love you.
8. If you can help me laugh at my own absurdities, you are a priceless.
9. If you tell me when I'm way off base, but give me points for trying, you are brave & I admire you honestly. I won't let go of you.
10. If I know how you will treat me, consistently, every time I see you, you are trustworthy. Once you are my friend it takes some pretty awful behavior to get rid of me.

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Language: English