
Ankita Samaddar

Ask @ankitaasamaddar

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Where do you see yourself five years from now?

Dheeraj Jha
I am 19 years old now and five years later, I would be 24. You'd call me an independent young women who'd earn a living and would be capable enough to sustain a livelihood without being dependent on my parents anymore. Apparently, I might be dating some guy or might get engaged or even tie a knot and get married and then, I might become both, a busy Chartered Accountant and a hard-working house wife. That's all I can think of myself five years from now.

PAP of your lunch!

A lot of people ask me “how do you eat so healthy all the time?”
my answer : I don’t categorize any food as “healthy” or “unhealthy.”
That only promotes food guilt (like when you obsess over and feel shame about certain foods you perceive it as bad).
Instead, I eat food that makes me feel good.
I know that if I eat a lot of sugar, I’m going to have a headache, so I avoid that. I know that if I eat dairy, my lactose intolerant self is going to have massive stomach aches and gas, but that doesn’t mean I eat salads 24/7.
to be very honest, I frickin LOVE snacks and brownies. But most of the time, my body craves some sort of greens, fruit, protein, fat, carbs.
I never want to tell you what you should and shouldn’t eat, how much you should and shouldn’t eat, or what’s healthy or unhealthy. Those are so personal to yourself and your body.
Instead, I would suggest you to eat what you like to and not think any rubbish about the food you eat because food is everything you can not sacrifice for.
Love you all ❤️
Happy Friday!

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PAP of your lunch

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Manasvi koshiy
Hello dear readers,
I know I have been on a hiatus from the ask.fm community but, I am back now!
I might still answer intermittently but I love writing therefore planning on continuing to use this platform to do so.
Sorry for keeping you all waiting for about a week.
I couldn’t inform my break to you all individually as in the first place I'm busy studying for my upcoming exams. Every now and then, I have been thinking to log back to ask.fm and answer to your questions, but couldn’t come up with that earlier.
I am happy to come back now and answer after this short break. I have been missing you all recently, can’t wait to interact with you all.
I will read all your answers that I've missed already and shall like them as well. Just can’t wait to see your creative answers.
Also I have some pending questions awaiting answers, which I assure to give back the gratitude as soon as possible.
Tune in for more answers coming up! Let’s have rock and roll again.
Much Love❤️

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Hello dear readers

I know I have been on a hiatus from the askfm community

Aapki khoobsurti ma raaz🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

anuapm rai
The secret of my beauty is:
My height is 5′ 3" and I have a fair skin tone with a mixture of yellow, green and pink undertones (Rare skin tone). Strange right?
Usually in Summers I tend to look yellowish or greenish. And get pimples, acne, etc. Also, I get tanned very easily as I have a combination skin type.
And I look pinkish in normal weather conditions/ Winters with a flawless skin without any marks, etc!
Yes, my undertone changes according to weather though I posses a fair skin tone! (I said it's Rare, very rare). It's just the same like oily skin and non oily skin! Though I don't sweat a lot but still this thing happens when you have a combination skin type!
I never considered myself ugly or less beautiful than any other girl.
I am satisfied with whatever I have got in my life.
I follow a very healthy lifestyle.
I never feel jealous seeing others.
The main thing is that I got good facial features from both my parents.
I look equally good without and with make-up. But I use make-up products to define my look, who doesn't?
That's it...

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Aapki khoobsurti ma raaz

If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?

asraf_arafin’s Profile Photoarafin
The first challenge is to find an animal that can’t talk. I’ve never heard of one. Have you? Don’t confuse this with you being unable to understand what exactly is being said. Most of the time, animals are pretty forthright about what they want to say. The problem of understanding rarely lies with them. In failing to understand, we have become the rudest animals on the planet.
How are we rude? We bulldoze their homes, wipe out their food supplies, pollute the air, soil and water they (and we) need to live. We never apologize, therefore in that context, it’s humans that don’t talk when we all know we can talk.
I can’t think of anything ruder than that.

Are you a lover of rain (Pluviophile)?

asraf_arafin’s Profile Photoarafin
Gigantic, intimidating, the colour of hell’s heaven. Bruised purple, the sky shows his rage.
Thunderclaps, so loud they leave me quaking in my bones.
The wind howls out its harrowing tale, making the trees tremble and faint with fright.
A brief flash; the sky splits into two, only to be healed again.
Angry tears drench the earth; icy and sharp, their wrath pierces the skins of the poor souls caught in the storm.
And the earth speaks in her eternal tongue, crying out, her melody an ephemeral aroma. Petrichor.
And I?
I watch the elements battle each other, my clothes drenched, goosebumps on my skin, a smile on my face, and manic glee in my heart.
I am at peace.
I am a pluviophile.
A lover of the rain.
Are you a lover of rain Pluviophile

School life or college life?

School life and college life is like a building, the school life is the base of the building while the college life is the remaining structure (including our career). In school we are inculcated with some basic moral values and ethics which remain with us throughout our lives and on which our remaining life is carved out.
The end of school life and the beginning of college life is one of the most important phase of ones life. At this point one has to decide what he/she has to pursue, what he/she has to become, on what colors he/she has to color his/her life. All these decisions are made on the basis of the values and ethics taught in the school, the subjects on which we gain interest. Wrong decision can also ruin your life (not in all cases).
Once we start our college life then we have two paths one which will lead us to a successful and respectful life, which is a single path and other which takes us to different paths, some destroy their career while some build a beautiful and strong structure.
The main difference between school life and college life is that, in school life we find our path whereas, in college life we walk on those path that we have chosen. If we haven't chosen our right paths, then it can lead us to any where, the destiny is not fixed but if you have chosen something out of your interest do not think about the end and go ahead and it will surely make you reach somewhere beautiful.
Build a beautiful building and enjoy a harmonious life in it without having any regrets in life.

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What is life to you ?

mbilal9’s Profile PhotoM Bilal Abbasi
In the end we must not regret the chances that we didn’t take while we had the opportunities.
According to my philosophical mind whatever that we are going to be in future, solely depends upon the present and how we make use of it. Everyday one must go to the bedsatisfiedwith his/her work and he/she should strive hard for it until unless you don’t get to listen the inner you saying:
“That’s it for now, you did a great job !” and be honest with you while you listen your inner self.
That’s what life is all about gainingsatisfactionafter doing what you love to do. There are near about 7.6 Billion people on this planet and if you start asking them whether they are satisfied with their life as the way it had been for last 40 years only a fraction of them would come up with a positive answer and rest just want to live their past again. So, always try to grab the chances that come in front of you and pat yourself for your good work, at last what matters isSATISFACTION.
Someone rightly said:
“Life is not about the amount of breath that we took rather it’s all about the moments that we lived. ”

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Why do people smoke?

HusnainAsghar’s Profile PhotoBROWN-MUNDAY ♥
Everysmokerknows what smoking does to their body. When you ask one of them why they smoke cigarettes, they’ll usually respond that they like smoking. That’s both true and false. In reality, it’s like someone saying they enjoy using heroin. The fact is, because of it’s addictive nature, they can’t stand not using heroin. The same is true for smokers. They don’t actually enjoy smoking. They simply don’t like how they feel (less alert, more anxious) when they’re not smoking.
While smoking, the way you breathe makes you calm and relaxes your mind. Some people who suffer from panic attacks, or high-stress levels, need to breathe easy, that is, inhaling, holding the breath in your lungs for a few seconds and then exhaling it. This is just like the cigarette smoking act and this is why people smoke when they are stressed.
As for teen mostly, the spirit of adventures and experiments flow deeply especially when something is forbidden they would love to dare the consequences and feel good about it especially when not caught in the act. This relates to cigarettes too.
Finally, there are people who say they love to smoke. Smoking gives them pleasure. It just makes them feel good.
Reasons for smoking vary and differ from smoker to smoker. Cigarette smoking is injurious to health. But people actually don’t feel like quitting it as they prefer lighting a cigarette, than lighting up their lives.
Anyway, if you really put your head around it, you will understand that there’s nothing great about the strange habit. It’s just another one of those things that can never be explained. But then again, everything makes the world go round. Round, around smoke rings!

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Why do people smoke

What you do when get bored??

Life tends to take a boring turn if somehow we fall short of putting in efforts to bring a change. Any change, good or bad, makes life interesting. Striking out the bad choices, a change for the good requires some thought. You just can't introduce a change just because, you need to be aware of who you are, your comforts and your aim in life.
So, assuming you are all fired up with exuberant enthusiasm to turn your
life around and assuming still that you have the time to incorporate a change in your life without too much of a hussle, you can go forward with developing an interest of your own. A hobby, a talent, a sport, a story, a song, an unexpected encounter, that is all it takes to bring about a change provide you observe it mindfully. Go out, interact with people from different walks of life, have a chat with your local grocery store owner, eat at a nearby fancy restaurant, enjoy the food there, listen to a song that resonates with you and learn it by heart, sing it yourself when you feel like it, write something, learn a sport of your liking, take up a class in a field you always wanted to try your hands on, just build an experience different than the day before. You may fail a hundred times doing these things or many others like these. But there will always be something you can take home with you. Ponder over it and find something new about yourself. Does it feel good at the end of the day? If yes,then you are on the right track. If not, change the track, look for something else. In the end, make choices which will enhance the utility of your life. Develop a skill that increases your value as a human being. Become as asset rather than a liability. And try to have fun doing it. It's not a competition, until you make it. It's a learner's curve which can take you places. In all, you need to get out of your comfort zone and experience some thing out of your thinking box. Don't worry, it's supposed to be intimidating but exciting at the same time. Give it a try.

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What qualities do all your friends have in common?

My friends are all gems. Each one different and each one the same. What they all have in common is that they are kind, compassionate, understanding, supportive, and full of love. They all laugh easily and are very fun to talk with. My life is immeasurably better with them in it.
They all are positive, supportive, honest and good at heart. They are the some of the best of what human race has ever produced and I think models like such are quite rare, but I am fortunate enough to have a bunch. So, I never miss a chance to appreciate this wonderful gift of friendship that I have, and they know how much I cherish their friendship.
But since we've had choosen different paths to lead our further lives, therefore all of us have separated now but still we do continue this friendship as this one's never ending friendship. Distance doesn't matters at all, what matters is their existence in my life.

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Give me any advice?

1. Always follow your intuition.
2. Use your time wisely, as time is same for everyone but still some are more fruitful in same time and some just ruin it and the life.
3. Laugh with many, but don't trust any. This exactly not meant to not trust anyone but don't trust everyone.
4. Don't get too much attached to anyone if they are not attached with you with same attachment.
5. Don't let anyone make you cry twice.
6. Always value your self respect. Don't let everyone to tell you how to act, speak and behave.
7. If people don't like you then don't be upset, not everyone have good taste.
8. No one is more important than yourself and your family.
9. Choose your friends wisely, again when it comes to friends quality matters and not quantity.
10. Don't let anyone hurt you twice.
11. Take risks.
12. Love yourself.
13. Speak less, listen more.
14. Lack of communication can ruin a lot great things.
15. Remember: Quotes don't work, unless you work upon it.

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Menurut kakaa, ngerokok itu baik apa ngga?

Bang Boo
Yes. It is highly recommended by the doctors, health advisors, fitness trainers, spiritual leaders and who not ?!
Once you start smoking, you get enormous amounts of wisdom & energy to perform better in any form of job, sports or other activities.
You will get super natural powers, if you smoke 12 cigarettes in 12 secs, starting at 12:12:12.
** Sarcasm **
Finally, Yes. Smoking is good for the cigarette manufacturer and the seller. But, absolutelyNot Goodfor the one who smokes it (including the ones who are just next the actual smoker).
Just google, “harmful effects of smoking” and you will get 21 million results in less than half of second… That says it all…!!

What would your perfect day be like? 🌼

The whole universe is subjective.Opinion on concepts concerning life should be subjective too.
However, we do recognize that we are a slave to our hormones and emotions. If that is the framework, we are operating in, then I guess we should seek sustainable happiness. You could continue with your addictions and feel happy for now, but you don't live long.
So, once we are convinced that we are seeking sustainable happiness, we recognize that decisions are reason, within in an emotional state. An outcome is also received by a combination. Life could be seen as a combination of actions and outcomes- what your body does and what your senses perceive.
You experiencing good emotions should definitely be an attribute of a great day. Even if you manage to convince yourself that it was an awesome day, that you did light up the right emotions. But I am afraid, it is not sufficient, as we seek sustainable happiness.
Rational part of the mind (within an emotional state) can determine if the outcome has a long-term implication. For instance, if you get a promotion, you know that you would feel good physically, emotionally and rationally.
So a great/ perfect day, when you seek sustainable happiness, is one when your soul, which emerges from mind, body and heart, is happy and feels that your future would be happy too.

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stargazing is better than sunset? 🌼

How beautiful it is to capture the colourful game that the sky seems to play while setting down at the evening's disperse. Just look at it's essence, how clear, pure and naturally it dilutes into vibrant colours with a soft texture like that of an silhouette. Look how the sky transforms into a nights sky. That's one of my great joy's in life to be able to see the various colours of the sky. There is a great sense of freedom in soaring through the sky. You get a different perspective up there. Seeing things that aren't so apparent from the ground. I always believe that the sky is the beginning of the limit. Because, you can't put your feet on the ground until you've touched the sky. Let this beautiful moment of the sky be your daily bread of the eyes.
stargazing is better than sunset

Do you have a good sense of humor?

I have left myself out there to be crucified. Opened a door in my soul which mayleave them horrified. When they read what I write they mayunderstand, even if they think poetry old fashioned. For my own health I had to give my thoughts their freedom and allow others entrance to my inner sanctum. I have given away any control that I had, but it will beworthwhile if it stops me going mad!

A stage came in your life when you realized _________??? 🖤🖤🖤

Some days back, our maid took a leave. I enquired with her daughter who is 12 years old. She told me that her mother has gone to attend the birthday party of her aunt's daughter. I immediately asked her, “Have you celebrated any of your birthdays till now?” She with a sad no. I asked her, “When is your birthday?” She told me that it was on 20th of January.
I said to her, “Okay. Let's celebrate your birthday this time.” After hearing this she started laughing and then became serious.
When her mother came back I asked her to celebrate her daughter's birthday with my money, not her husband's. She agreed. Actually, she also wanted to celebrate her birthday but couldn't because of husband's fury.
On 18th January, I gave her the money and she spent it in preparation of the birthday celebration. As promised I gave her a cake, balloons, and toffees. She cut her cake on her birthday.
I will share her birthday celebration photos. You can see the happiness of this little girl. With only a little money spent, she got a lifetime of joy and happiness which she deserves at her age.
I told her, “Being your parent's child you are precious to them, keep on studying and make them proud. You may get problems in your way but never stop your education. I will help you in my way.”
That day, I realized that I was rich.

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A stage came in your life when you realized

Describe the quality u want to see in your partner?

Anuj885’s Profile PhotoAnuj Jain
I want someone who is passionate, dedicated, ambitious and motivated in his career. An individual who is driven. I want a guy who is caring, considerate, and thoughtful. A supportive partner who supports me emotionally in every field of my life. The kind of guy who would be willing to debate with me about various things, and talk with me about anything and everything possible. Someone who is a shoulder to lean on, and would accompany me on various adventures. One who values my opinions and respects my thoughts. That’s all I can think of, right now.

Are you a better person than a year ago?

Sheriyar_Haider’s Profile PhotoSheriyar Malik
Yes. Absolutely.
One year ago, I was still depressed and stucked about everything for I was forced to pursue chartered accountancy instead of choosing singing as a career which I like the most.
But now, I realized that if I don't move, I will die in the end. So I choose to move. I have left singing for now and focused on to what I have chosen.
I choose to create chances for myself instead of just complaining and waiting the chance come to my face.
That's why I think I am better than the person I was one year ago.

What to do when your heart is falling apart 💔🙂

muhammadusman758’s Profile PhotoMohammed Usman Butt (MUB 7)
It is time for self-introspection! Every situation in our life has a learning for us! Take it with an attitude that it happened because you had to emerge a more evolved you from the situation.Take care that you don't get into a space of negativity and emerge a stronger negative "you' from it!
Nobody breaks our heart, its only our ego self that hurts by our own thoughts!
Our heart breaks because we associated certain expectations with our love which is not a correct approach in either case! Learn to free your love of any expectations!
Love the person even more than what you did yesterday and learn to give yourself as much love but not self-pity! We seek love when we don't love ourselves enough!
True Love only loves and is independent of any reciprocation and that's when there is no question of the heart breaking!

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Language: English