
Ankita Samaddar

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Say something to your haters?🌝

chabdullah6’s Profile Photo❤️ Waleed Chaudhary ❤️
Dear haters, thank you for all your hate. I am blessed that I have so many haters in my life, I can now feel that I am walking down the right track. I am so flattered that whenever I give a come back on ask.fm I always become a trending topic in your lives.
Dear haters, I know you don't like me but still you find time to watch everything I do. Why? Because you are the one who trully follows everything that I do, i.e, You are a true fan of me! For this, I really love you, from the bottom of my heart. Please keep hating. Your hate is also a reason to motivate me, It gives me a positive kick to never stop writing.
I am grateful to have you guys in my life because I have read it somewhere “if you don't have haters that means you are not doing great”. Since, I have you guys behind me, I'll not have bother what others will think because you'll share everything with your hearts out.
At last, I would say “dear haters, I have so much more for you to be mad at. Just be patient” and keep doing what you've been doing because I am never going to stop. If ever I stop, you'll miss me, which I never want because I love you.
Keep hating, I can't hate you back because I am addicted to loving people and so I love you too❤
May all of you live a long life to see my success✌
Always remember that All of me Loves, All of You💯💗

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What is the secret to a happy life?

Well, I think if it is about living a happy life then I must tell you that no one really gets a 100% fulfilling life in which it is all roses and unicorns. This question is something which literally everyone asks and everyone wants along with knowing that attaining such a goal is impossible. Remember, everything in your life will come with their side-effects and negativity along with joy and pleasure.
We stress it when we get our dream job, We fight with the people whom we love the most, We throw tantrums on dusting all the ornaments and show pieces with which we wanted to decorate our homes, And a lot more…
So, basically, we should actually learn how to solve our problems, because when they get solved, we feel satisfied and satisfaction equals to happiness. Also, worry less on petty things. Life is too short for insignificant things
Only care for those which/who will actually matter in your life. Maintain a journal, Pouring down your thoughts helps to calm your mind down. Never lose hope, start putting your best efforts and you’ll definitely find success.
A mistake will always be a mistake if you believe it is. A mistake will always be a stepping stone if you believe it is. The world doesn’t revolve around you, but your life does, so make yourself as your prime priority.
Lighten others’ path, yours will get enlightened too. Stop looking at the mirror telling yourself that you’re beautiful. Start believing it. And read this book “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k” it’s amazingly amazing.
Most importantly, Love yourself!

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What’s one mistake you keep repeating?

ArslanTariq755’s Profile PhotoArslanTariq755
Expecting that every person you really care about, will care for you in return.
That's the biggest mistake I have made till date. Not everyone you care about, cares about you and your life. They are all curious about your life, but only very few people (close friends , siblings and parents) actually care about you. Same is the case with you. You don't care for all those who care about you. That's the nature of humans. You may be important to a person, but not all the time. People change and it's inevitable. Some lessons are learnt in a very hard way.
As we grow up, we find that not everyone you care about, really cares about you. Some are mere acquaintances. The world and the people have a lot to teach you in life. There are so many temporary people in this world. There will be instances in your life where your presence will not be acknowledged and your absence will not be felt. We must learn to live with it!

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Where and when do you get your best ideas?

I have ideas all the time, good or bad, in any state of mind, in any environment. I don't always know in the moment whether an idea is any good. So the key for me is to notice ideas as I have them, and to write them down.
Writing ideas down is easy. I carry a small notebook and a pen everywhere. I keep a digital record of my ideas on my phone as well. Noticing ideas is harder for me. Often I'm so caught up in my thoughts that I don't notice them.
Here's an exercise you can use to practice noticing your own ideas:
Over the next hour, notice five things, and write at least a sentence about each. Try this every day for a week. Then read through the ideas and look for patterns. Some key elements of the exercise:
If you notice something, that means it matters to you in some way. One essential test of a good idea is that it matters to you.
It puts you in a state of mind to attend to the world around you differently than you usually do, to see with new eyes, to smell with a new... okay, that's going nowhere.
You now have ideas written down, which gives you an opportunity to test them later, to see whether they still hold any interest or significance for you. Also, you can lay out dozens of your ideas in front of you and play with them, combining them in new ways that may spark further ideas.
Another way to get good ideas is to write. Nothing sharpens my mind so well as the struggle to express my ideas clearly and with energy. Writing about one idea always yields new ideas, sometimes about closely related topics, sometimes about topics that (as far as I can tell) are entirely unrelated.

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What one question would you like to ask society?

Dear Society,
Do you even have the slightest idea what you are doing? Do you know what you are actually doing and what you actually want ? Are you self aware ?
You need change and growth. And when change comes you get afraid and protest. You want development, but you won't refrain from vandalism. You blame the government for not working effectively, but no one wants to be a part of it and change.
Your spirit of patriotism rises when the national anthem is sung, but still you come to blows with people from other states and refuse to co-operate and seek regionalism and communalism.
You want peace and a beautiful life. But, yet, you squabble with your neighbours. You run for your living ignoring the pain of others and seek someone to listen at the end of the day. You want someone to make you happy, but you don't care about other people's happiness.
You want cleaner air, but you don't want to plant trees anywhere and yet demand wood.
You marry someone you don't fully know, to “settle in life” and command some respect and standing in the society. You together raise a child without knowing the basics just to get “settled”. You attach high expectations to him/her. You do not get down to his level and bond emotionally with him/her. You are unaware of his life “outside your home”. You don't know what troubles him. You fail to express yourself to your significant other and your children. And yet you blame the child for leaving their parents in their old age?
Dear Society, do you even have the slightest idea what you are doing? Are you self-aware?

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What makes someone powerful?

The ability to effect change.
That really is the simplest definition of what it means to be powerful. If you can change the world around you a lot, whether for better, or for worse, you are a powerful person.
Another way to think of power is that it’s the ability to affect change in the way that you want. So if you can in some way manipulate the world around you, in order to make it more like the world that you want, then you are a powerful person.
There are many different forms of power, but they all exist to effect change. Money is often considered to be powerful in of itself. Money is just the power to purchase goods or services. That is why rich people are considered powerful. They have thepowerto buy almost anything they want, and can even leverage this wealth to get influence from people that have “real power,” meaning power leveraged from a position in society, not from material influence.
People with real power are those who can control the world directly. Politicians are the only people with real power. That is because their power is derived from the consent of the people they lead, and is direct. The power obtained from wealth to influence others is indirect, because influence is intangible, whereas politicians wield direct authority to institute change.
Philosophically, power is the ability to affect the actions or thoughts of others. Unless you’re talking about physically forcing someone to do something, which is just brute force, power is the ability to control others, and relies on using whatever you have at your disposal(wealth, social pressure, direct power, threat of harm) to get the person(or people) to consent to doing what you want them to do.

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What’s Past?🍂

I’ve read so many things that say the past is not the past, that the past should stay in the past, don’t drag the past around with you and all the rest.I’m sure you’ve heard or read the same things a million times.
But here’s the thing.Weactually are the past.We are from the past and the first people ever.Our genes carry the past around with them.Without the past, we wouldn’t be here.The past is the basis for life. We build upon it, making it newer, stronger, smarter (questionable), and even taller.The past moves through time in everything that is.
When looking at our genes, scientists find a new discovery.That’s the past manifesting in the present.It seems weird, I admit, but it’s true, none-the-less.Diseases from someone long gone, suddenly show up in someone today.Talent, that seems to come out nowhere, shows up in a child who is writing music at the age of six, never knowing that a long lost relative was an amazing musician.
The dead leave us notes that can be read through us in the present.All kinds of weird things that show up in us, are things sent to us from the past.
We will send things forward, even as we disappear. Our new mixture, stirred with those from the past, will move on to show up in someone new, a thousand years from now (if we still exist). So the past really is never gone, we’re carrying it around with us and giving it to the those who come after us.
Just wrote something I started thinking after reading your question!

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ArslanTariq755’s Profile PhotoArslanTariq755
I don’t know if this holds true for everyone. For myself it does. I have learned, that in my world a promise is commerce, So is your name, they are a pair. Your word (promise), and name, will either open doors for you or have them slammed in your face. Your name precedes every action you say or do. Your word can destroy that name, as nothing else will. And your name, shows the value of your word. Your name can cause you shame, or lift you up. I have made promises that I’m still held to today. No one has bound me to my promises with chains, I’ve bound myself to them because I gave that promise in my name. I’ve learned not to give my promise easily, but to thoughtfully ponder what is being asked of me, what I am being asked to stamp with my name. Once my promise is given, I hold myself to it, whether it’s to my advantage or not.
We have many sayings, here is another; To a Saint and a child do not promise.
Why? Because a Saint expects, awaits what you’ve promised, and a child will not let you forget. A person as an adult may make the choice to forget, a child never does, as adults we carry with us our childhood and the disillusionment of the ‘broken promise’. This saddens me, sometimes we aren’t aware, how much faith a child puts in us, who are their teachers. Today with a little more wisdom, than yesterday, when asked, to promise something, I’ll respond with, “we shall see”. This gives both parties time to think very well, what they are asking for, what they expect to receive, and the other what they are giving up morally or ethically. If you believe that your word and name mean nothing, search your credit report. When you signed your name on the dotted line you gave your word in good faith. What you do with that promise, will either raise your name to the limits, or close the doors to you by defaulting on that promise. Your name is the last thing that remains, on that tombstone that will glorify your life.

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What's not Okay?🍃

You know it’s not okay when it’s not okay even when it seems okay.
You know it’s not okay when you can’t end what you started,
You know it’s not okay when it’s hard to be understood,
You know it’s not okay when you both don’t connect,
You know it’s not okay when you can’t come over it, when you can’t get a dose of sleep,
You know it’s not okay when you decide to call and get “the mobile subscriber cannot be reached” to make things right,
You know it’s not okay when you wait upon “you tried to call me” notification but nothing seems to pop up on your screen,
You know it’s not okay when you decide to stay waiting late playing PC games,
You know it’s not okay when you are not making a move in the game but keep repeating a level now and again,
You know it’s not okay when you decide to sleep but no position seems to give the satisfaction you need to get asleep,
You know it’s not not okay when you try to be okay but the feeling wants to play honest,
You know it’s not okay when you want to wait but patience seems asleep,
You know it’s not okay when it seems different,
You know it’s not okay when moods don’t allow to reconnect.
You know it’s not okay when it’s not okay even when it seems okay!

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What would you refuse to do for a million dollars?

amolahir2607’s Profile PhotoAmol Ahir
There are many things I would not do for a million, including most felonies. As it says in the Bible: “What profiteth a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his life.” Some translations have it as “soul”, but I think “life” is the better. After all, if I offered you a million to put a bullet in your own head or to kill your beloved would you do it?
Suppose you could have a million, but with the proviso that a major organized crime mob would hunt you down for the rest of your life, and as a result you would have to step away from everyone you knew, your career, your home, your neighborhood and your entire life to go into witness protection. Is that a good deal?
Suppose I offered it in exchange for experimenting on you, possibly giving you cancer or a permanent mental illness. Would a million be enough?
I think there are actually a fairly limited number of outrageous things anyone wise would do for a million dollars. If you took a million to ruin yourself, more the fool you. A lot of people destroy themselves for money, and often for far less than a million. Sometimes you have to look at the cost of your decisions.

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Where one can find the truth?

amolahir2607’s Profile PhotoAmol Ahir
If you say that what you can touch, feel and see is true, I would recommend you to see the movie Matrix, or read Bhagwat Gita, where your soul is the ultimate truth.
If you say 1 and 1 is 2, ask a small child, who would laugh at you and tell you that it is actually 11.
If you say God is true, ask a scientist and he will give you a good lecture on the Big Bang Theory.
If you say Big Bang Theory is true, I would ask you from where did the first mass, which created the Big Bang, came, for it should have originated from something.
If you say "killing others is bad" is true, ask a fisherman who survives by catching (therefore killing) fishes.
So do you know what truth is? Do you know what you are looking for?If you don't know what truth is or what you are looking for, it might be the case that its standing right in front of you, and you are not able to recognize it! What's the point of trying to find light in the darkness?
Truth, as you might have realized, is a very personal thing. It changes from person to person. It is different among organizations, religions, politicians and all.So any claim that anyone makes is true, but false!
So your definition of truth will depend on yourself. If you know your definition, you have already found it. If you don't, then it does not exist and you can't find it.
Close your eyes. Forget everything. Be motionless and relaxed. The heartbeat you are feeling is the truth. The air you are breathing is the truth. The wonderful life within you is the truth. So if you can't find truth anywhere in the world, just follow these steps. I am sure you will find the truth within.

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What motivates you? ❤

Your belief can create magic in your dull life to make it glorious .Have faith in yourself ,if you don’t than who will? I personally believe in two mantras one is “om” and second one is “ I am a powerfull soul and can do anything.” I have immense power to rock the world as long as I believe in my talent. Don’t afraid to set high goals. No one can tell you what is your strength and how powerfull you are. I don’t know what I want to do in my life. I don’t know how to achieve those goals?
What If I fail to fulfill my dreams? Should I wait for right time to come? If you are one of these types of person. Hold on, Take a deep breathe and take that very first step. Your progress may be slow but at least you are learning something new. Every step you take adds up and sooner or later. You will look back and see that you have at the top of that staircase. It doesn’t matter, If you can’t see the top from where you are. Just know that if you are trying. Never stop learning. It’s the only way to take you to the next level. It will help you to grow.
It’s my tag line, “ I am not getting older but I am getting better and wiser. My knowledge power is increasing each passing day.”
If you do not take a bath today, tomorrow you will have to smell that odour. Better to taste failure, than cursing yourself later. Similarly, If you quit today then how will you going to achieve those hights in life. Winners never quit. Loosers try everything but courage. When things get hard, they do try quitting. But winners work hard. They try every single damn thing. It can never be scary as it looks .
You are stronger than you think!

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What's the quickest way to make a girl cry?🙄😂

muhammadabuzar1’s Profile Photo• Muhammad Abuzar •
A Boy will always think of making a Girl cry. He'll search for new ways to hurt her and break her heart and feel proud. But a true Man will always be ashamed of thinking about doing such an act.
A true Man will never do that because he knows how to handle a girl. Girls have all together different hormonal system. Sometimes they don’t say what they want to and many a time they don’t mean what they actually say. Only a true Man can understand it, not a boy.

Who are you?🙄😂

muhammadabuzar1’s Profile Photo• Muhammad Abuzar •
“When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what the storm’s all about.”
~ Haruki Murakami
This pandemic has been our storm, and I wonder who I will be when it’s over.
Who will you be?You have learned to go without certain essentials, making do with what’s available. Some of you have paid a heavy price in losing loved ones, businesses and jobs.
Do you think about and cherish the people in your life so much more, and have become patient and less judgmental toward others? Aren’t you just so grateful for each and every breath you take and think about the importance of caring for yourself, instead of always being at war?
If going through darkness changes a person for the good then it can’t be all bad. We should all be looking at our life and life in general in an improved way. No fear should reside within us. We are pioneers in a brave new world, learning to do things differently, and hopefully better. Let’s not forget about this planet. How we care for our Earth and its beings will come back to us, and maybe already has not in a good way. This pandemic might be a big warning to get our act together.
So … Who will you be? For me, I just hope that I’m a better human.
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ~ Rumi

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How do you handle pain?

Unza1234’s Profile PhotoUnza Zulfiqar
Take a sponge.
Put it in a bucket filled with water.
Take it out and squeeze the sponge till every drop of water is sucked out by your hands.
This is exactly how pain feels like, isn’t it? Somebody reaching out and squeezing your heart until you feel like giving up.
Now, let the sponge dry in the sun and and it will become a bit rough if it is exposed for too long. It’s a process and the drying cannot be hurried or delayed.
So, when you’re in pain, give yourself a slack and sleep it off for a while but not for long.
People will tell that with time everything heals. No, it will not. It is only when you complete the process of healing, that you shall be freed.
Pain is like a tunnel. A tunnel you don’t wishfully enter but you can willfully exit.
At the end of the tunnel is light, hope that things will be perfect, and where you are right now is darkness.
Only when you walk the distance towards the light will you get out of darkness, spending time at the same place surrounded by darkness will be of no use.
Walking that distance is the process that will free you.
If it hurts you, get hurt but face it and accept it. Walk the distance and complete the process.

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Kuch arz karain 🌸

I would never want to forget a thing for the boundless moments,
and the memories are always etched in my heart forever.
it’s always the seconds, days, and months,
that makes an absolute difference matter of the time, need of the hour.
and we humans the most eerie of all the creatures,
remain puppets of the circumstance.

How to know if you are a good person?

amolahir2607’s Profile PhotoAmol Ahir
You can tell if a person is good by how they behave when no-one is watching.
You can tell if a person is good by how they treat their parents.
You can tell if a person is good if they have kindness & compassion towards animals. (even if they don't own or want a pet)
You can tell if a person is good if they are patient & respectful of the elderly, who may be slow, cranky, confused or lonely.
You can tell if a person is good if they are kind & patient with young children who may be cranky, slow, unreasonable & demanding.
You can tell if a person is good when they care about how their actions affect other people, whether it's by not talking loudly on their cell phone in public or by walking a few extra steps to put their shopping cart away or by a kind word to someone being unkind to them.
You can tell if a person is good by how they treat people who are serving them (cashiers, cleaners, waiters, etc)especiallywhenthings are not going well.
You can tell if a person is good by how generous they are, not necessarily financially, but in general - with their time, willingness to listen willingness to help others even when it doesn't benefit them.
You can tell if a person is good by the way they treat their friends, especially when their friends need to hear the truth due to addiction, abuse, etc.
You can tell if a person is good when they demonstrate the ability to respect the choices, beliefs, lifestyle, opinions, decisions of other people - even if they they themselves do not agree with them. (this obviously would not apply if any of those things were harmful to anyone)
Good people are those who live their lives with integrity & grace & the willingness to stand up for what's right without being hateful or disrespectful to others & the willingness to show mercy to someone who has hurt them & is truly sorry. Good people conduct their lives with purpose & do their best at whatever they are doing, no matter how menial society might think it is.
And I'm Good✌

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Your day is incomplete without a... 👀

I'm not gifted, or a genius and I've no regret in belonging to the majority, i.e. the self made ones!
For me,Motivationplays a huge role in my life. I like to motivate myself as well as other people.
My day is never complete without having motivated myself thoroughly that I'm going to succeed and make it big in life. That is something that leaves me in a positive state of mind and makes me believe that I can do it!
No matter what it is, motivation plays a pivotal role in my performance.
I think everyone in a way or the other does this. Everyone tries to make him/herself believe that they can do it! That they will get there. And that is something very important in everyone's lives!
I think,A dose of motivation a day, keeps failure away!

What would you do today if there is no more tomorrow?

amolahir2607’s Profile PhotoAmol Ahir
If I come to know that I am going to die tomorrow or if the world is going to end tonight, the first sane thing that I'll do is quit everything that I've been doing and go to my most favourite restaurant and have almost all my favourite dishes available without even bothering on putting on any weight. The next thing is to meet my parents and spend the other half of the day having a nice chat with my parents discussing about my happy moments, dejected times, my regrets, my apologies and ultimately my utmost gratitude to them for giving me a chance to enjoy the journey of life for a while. After this long conversation if I had any time left, I'll doze off to a final long peaceful sleep awaiting the end.

Today's reality?✨

The reality, a word which is the most unexplained term in this whole world today. As soon as we track our birth or more deeply if we trace human life, we can easily find out what is real. The only thing which is real is an erosion of life. Before us, many species or universes had occurred but today we lift with only a few. So this is a reality in actual that ‘nothing is real’. Due to our busy schedules or our competitions from others, we are left with no time to think that what are we and after we are not what we will be. But those who actually enjoy life are the one who is the real inspirations for all beings present out here. These inspiratory can be of any age, color, region etc. But all we have to grab is the positivity in them which will definitely help us to live a real life. All we have to stop is to stop our limitations as:
For a baby, toy is the limit
For a student, study is the limit
For a youngster, career is the limit
For a man, money is the limit
For a women, marriage is the limit
For a couple family is the limit
For seniority, society is the limit
For a businessman, profit is the limit
For an employee, salary is the limit
For a teacher, lecture is the limit
For a writer, word is the limit
How can we accept someone saying the sky is the limit when we already know our limits?
Somehow for a free bird sky is the real limit. 'So if you accept yourself out of the cage with feeling from the heart and a hope to maintain your basic limits, then yes you are free to say that sky is the limit'.
Hope we meet in the sky, so free yourself as soon as you can and don’t wait for the time to come because if you are reading this it has already come.

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write what you want..🖤✨.

Sahil077’s Profile PhotoSahil Awan
Sometimes life is not what we expect from it but then we have no other option left. May be life is unjustified and we lose hope towards life and end up hurting ourselves in one or the other way. We try to move away from things that we used to like and have lost trust not only in life but in ourselves too.
But what motivates us is the fact that may be its justa life not written by me and some days are hard some days are good,so metimes life showers happiness while sometimes it drags us down , sometimes it is like a stairs which keeps us going upwards achieving our goals but sometimes due to our overconfidence we fall down that makes us realize our mistakes to become a better person. Life should be lived and you need to just attain self satisfaction. Forget about everyone because no one can teach you art of living ,only you are the one responsible for your own happiness. Do even the smallest thing that makes you happy ,forget about others ,let them speak behind your back but you just keep moving forward towards your journey of life and make it worth living by self satisfaction and doing some small things for humanity too ,help people battling depression ,never blindly trust people,trust yourself, live for your heartbeats ,live for those who are happy to see you moving happily towards life and stay with you no matter what happens.
"May be you hate the world because during the time when you have lost faith in the life, you and only you were there for yourself who consoled you and encouraged your soul just one step more and you will be definitely out of the sufferings. Its not wrong to hate the world because the bitter truth of life is that there is no such feeling as love, understanding ; in each phase of your life you would just be clinged to different kinds of people who would taught you every single day of your life that stop trusting the world and stop being attached to people.Life is just to live it what it offers although you have to suffer but there is no way

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Share a wise thought 💫

A Rejection💔
Getting rejected by somebody doesn't mean you are not good enough or not good looking. It means that the other person failed to notice what you had to offer.
Break-ups are a chance to launch your life in a better way & in a positive direction, & at the end of the day break-up stands as a greatest way to build a better you & makes you mature and much more stronger than before.
Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in raising up every time we fail.
Even a rejection is nothing more than a necessary step towards success.
When you fall in love it's awesome but when you totally overcome then it's super awesome.
At the end always be happy & keep smiling!😊✌🏼


Language: English