
Ankita Samaddar

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Do you think we should wory about the environment?

amolahir2607’s Profile PhotoAmol Ahir
The environment around us is an essential part of human survival. I like to believe that people who do not care about the environment, simply do not understand how important it is to all of us & that it does not affect them directly, these are my reasons you should be concerned about the environment.
A Clean Environment Is Essential for Healthy Living:The more you don’t care about our environment, the more it will become polluted with contaminants & toxins that have a harmful impact on our health. Air pollution can cause respiratory diseases & cancer, among other problems & diseases. Water pollution can lead to typhoid, diarrheal diseases, & another one. The local authorities have to promote care the environment.
Earth Is Warming:For the sake of our children & our future, we must do more to combat climate change. Yes, it’s true that no single event makes a trend.Now it not possible to ignore that.
Your Great-Great & Great-Great-Great Grandchildren Will Appreciate It:But there must be the look ahead, there must be a realization of the fact that to waste, to destroy, our natural resources, to skin & exhaust the land instead of using it so as to increase its usefulness.
Biodiversity Is Important:Biodiversity refers to the variety of plants, animals, & other living things in our world. it can be negatively influenced by habitat loss & degradation due to human activity, climate change, & pollution, among other things.
Earth Is Our Home:It’s where we live, so we better take care of it. For sure we could be better person if we help with small things for our home, this planet the only that we have now.
The problems we are facing now are tough. However, the good news is that, you don’t have to be an expert or a millionaire to save the Planet – everyone can help to do their bit for the environment. In other words, if each of us can be more conscious of environmental issues & willing to take some simple steps to save the Planet, we can make a huge difference.

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What matters to you most - money, good looks or attitude?

amolahir2607’s Profile PhotoAmol Ahir
I personally feel that attitude matters the most. Your attitude should always be real and positive. If you notice, wealthy people are never satisfied with what they have! There is something that they always expect from life, people and society. They always have high expectations from bonds. It is not that all that are wealthy, are not happy! There are very few who are actually happy with their life. But in some cases, even after they have achieved so much in life, they lack happiness, family affection, friendships and peace. So its important to have a real and positive attitude towards life. There are ups and down in everybody’s life and that is what teaches us to become strong and stable.
Now talking about goods looks, I feel the same that good looks don’t matter. What matters is having a heart of gold and pure. People do not judge you by your looks or style and the people who do shouldn’t matter to you! Good looks fade but a good heart keeps you beautiful forever and that is what matters. In the end, it is important to have a good attitude towards people and well as life!

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Never seen a mole on the palm before

The mole on my palm has a story behind it if you believe in palmistry. According to palmistry readings, I have a strong control over both my head and heart as the mole lies in between the lines of head and heart, respectively. The line of head represents the persons ability to think and analyse and his/ her overall knowledge. Whereas, the line of heart represents the feelings and emotions that a person has. It is very rare to find a person with a mole in palm and that too between the lines of head and heart. Both head and heart decides the person's overall personality.
I never had a mole on my palm before but it appeared when I was a teenager. This is me now and I can actually think with both my head and heart. That's the reason why I am better at giving advices and/ or making decisions. Astrologers say that I have both a good leadership and relationship qualities and would become famous personality because of my knowledge and will also be a successful partner when it comes to handling relationships. ✌🏻❤️

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Never seen a mole on the palm before

What do you desire? ✨

I desire to be free from each relation while having to lose none,
I desire to find that place where I can find myself,
I desire to shine my light mostly to help guide myself,
I desire my tears to roll down but just because of me and for myself,
This heart doesn’t desire any dearest or any stranger anymore,
I don’t want anybody’s truth or stories or craziness no more,
I want this too and want that too,
But what I desire the most is to have no desires and no hopes.

What turns you off on Ask.fm?

vmirkute’s Profile Photovaibhavi mirkute
I'll tell you what turns me off on @askfm: The recent effort to send negative shoutouts anonymously. There are many things to say actually!
I was dismayed to read/ recieve shoutouts from anonymous people/ fake accounts about me and my fellow friends last week. It was probably because we are popular users or maybe because we spread too much of positivity here!
Personally, my intention here is always to write thesinglemostexcellentanswerthat I can, regardless ofhow many I was able to write. I wouldnevereverconsider the concepts of "long answers" or "popular/ famous users" with regards to answering questions and amhorrifiedat the thought of anyone expecting us to do that Just for fame.
I came to @askfm and I learnt tolove itbecause of thefew excellent people who share the same thought as I do. Notfor ruling the so called "LEADERBOARD".
People need to understand that I may not be on Top of the leaderboard now because I might have not produced the most excellent answers that could engage more likes/ coins for me to reach on top. Also, I don't trade for likes or coins here and I also don't bother who's doing what. Let others do whatever they want to because it's their lives, their rules.
I really don't mind if my fellow friends @AwesomeAbhinavAnswers @ManasviKoshiy are on top or bottom, etc. They are also equally good and would have this same mentality for sure. They have been using @askfm since ages and are verified users now.
About me? Yeah, even I have been using @askfm since 2014-15 but I've never been an ACTIVE USER. And now I am working on my grounds but I don't really want any general promotions at all. I am capable enough to attract people to engage reading my answers or like/ give coins, whatever.
It's my request to all, stop botheri others and work on your own profiles. Yes, it's good to admire the one's who are too good but there should be a certain limit for it so that you don't end up hurting anyone or ruin the working of @askfm.✌❤

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Apkay muskurane ki waja kaun hai? 🌚

Be Happy. Always wear a smile, not because life is full of smile but because your smile itself is a reason for others smile.
In life, there will always be experiences or situations that will destroy your happiness. There will be tons of memories in your head that is playing all the sad tapes of your life’s events. There will be times where you don’t have a reason to smile.
All these experiences will cause us to feel down, depress and turn your smile into a sour one.
But here’s the thing, though life shows you a hundred reasons not to smile, show life that there are a million reasons to smile and be happy. In times of sadness, instead of playing those sad tapes, start playing happy tapes.
Smile because you are alive and well.
Smile because you have a loving family.
Smile because life is about to get better.
Smile because you wanted to and not because of others.
Here’s another thing, smiling is contagious. People can feel your smile from far away. It sets the mood in the room. And the best thing is that smile is free, it doesn’t cost anything for you to smile.
Therefore, no matter what we are going through in life, remember to keep a smile on your face and believe that greater things are coming your way.

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Do you plan or just go with the flow?

Plan one-day ahead.
Planning is like giving you a roadmap. What is your real feeling if you received a map withouta proper direction, a pinpointed location.
How would you feel about that?
Would you like to really try figuring out the way out of the forest by just relying on a gibberish paper. Real life is much the same.
We all prefer to go with every banner placed before our own eyes, telling us the surefire direction we need to head ourselves to.
I have the privilege to learn this simple concept, and it worked just amazingly.
The flow state is what incurred when you have got into deep work.
I don’t really recommend to go into flow over planning anytime. Stick with the plan!

Anything you wanna share..?

I don’t pay attention to the world ending, it has ended for me many times And began again the next Morning. Always Remember that, you may not be perfect in many things, but there are many things that cannot be perfect without you, So stay Special in your own little ways.💕

how do you celebrate when you want to reward yourself? 🎉🥳🍻

AthenusVena’s Profile Photoav
The journey is the reward. I create direction and goals that I would love achieving. The whole process of achieving a goal should be rewarding because you are learning something, challenging yourself, being creative, and doing something good and most importantly changing in process to have more self love and peace of mind.

Name your depest fear!

KrishnaRanjan449’s Profile PhotoKrishan Murti
For reasons oblivious to me, I have this deep rooted fear of being abandoned or left alone in the end.
Now, I am not a people’s person. Neither do I crave for a lot of people in my life, nor do I actually have more than a few whose presence add sunshine, zest and happiness in my life.
I have a close knit circle of family and friends and my life revolves around those few completely. My friends joke that I am extremely repulsive when it comes to new people entering my life. Well, I can’t totally discard that observation. I find it absolutely futile to entertain host of people who fail to add meaning to my life. Rather, I invest all my energy on my selected few and make sure they always find me available when they need me physically or emotionally. I live by a simple tenet that your loved ones should never feel the lack of love and warmth in your presence. If they do so, you are the one who needs to make some amends in the way you approach those relationships.
With that attachment to those few arises my fear of being left and abandoned or the worst, taken for granted by the very same people who have become extremely significant in my life. Whenever this fear mobs my mind with full intensity, I find myself absolutely clingy and dependent on those few for some emotional reassurance that I have them, right there with me.
What’s funny for me is the fact that I find even this fear scary because in that moment of feeling absolutely terrified I find myself ‘needing’ them, not just ‘wanting them.’ And this is something not acceptable to me at all. Because the last thing I ‘need’ is another person.
At times, I find this fear of mine absolutely fatuous and insubstantial. But on other times, I fail to reason my fears. But I guess, not all thoughts and fears demand sense and logic. They are just there!

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The most amazing thing you have seen yet?

The best thing which I have found out so far is the relief in knowing that
“Nothing lasts forever!!”
In our teens and at the beginning of practical lives we have many fears like
If I didn’t become a cosultant I will be devastated all my life.
If this man leaves me, I’ll never fall in love again.
I have suffered this loss, now life would be miserable.
I can’t live without this person.
Human beings are such perfect creatures that they can face all the odds yet they always have the unique power to renew their spirits. They can have a new beginning whenever they decide to!! The things which matter today don’t matter after some time.
No single person or event can be so powerful to ruin one’s life without permission.
You come more refined out of all the tests and trials of time provided you go through life with the faith in being self sufficient.

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