
Ankita Samaddar

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The enlightenment you received from an experience?💫

meet_d_maddo’s Profile PhotoMeet Shah
I was watching a film, in the scene the main character was trapped and his death was certain to happen, he could not escape the inevitable and had to be the witness of his own death bound to happen. For some reason this triggered a panic attack and for two straights weeks I was bed-ridden with a constant none-stop fear of death, it was so intense I could barely lay still I felt as if I was about to die. Until one morning I woke up in complete ecstasy, when I opened my eyes everything I could see I could literally see everything as “ I “ I could feel it, sense it, in color in forms in perceptions literally everything that is experiential felt like it was merging into one experience which was “ I “ completely pure and untouched this I-ness had no sense of “ Me “ as if it was an identity with a self image, it was pure and everything was that purity, trees birds the sky, people I’ve never met before in my entire life their faces their voices all was that one single thing, I.
That experience lasted for a couple of months before fading away, and so often I can look at something and feel as if I am that but that experience wasn’t what mattered it’s every realization that came after that.

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How Do You Calm Yourself When You Get Angry?

nitin_patil’s Profile PhotoNitin Patil
I read a parable that I believe to be of Buddhist origin yesterday, that correlates to your question.
Parable of the empty boat.
A monk decides to meditate alone, away from his monastery.
He takes his boat out to the middle of the lake, moors it, closes his eyes and begins his meditation.
After a few hours of undisturbed silence, he suddenly feels the bump of another boat colliding with his own.
With his eyes still closed, he senses his anger rising, and by the time he opens his eyes, he is ready to scream at the boatman who dared disturb his meditation.
But when he opens his eyes, he sees it’s an empty boat that had probably got untethered and floated to the middle of the lake.
At that moment, the monk achieves self-realization, and understands that the anger is within him.
The other person is just and empty boat and it merely needed the bump of an external object to provoke it out of him.
It is important to remember that the world does not share your anger, only you do. Some practical techniques I use to calm down are: deep breathing, trying to understand the other point of view, counting backwards from 100 or just getting out of the area where the anger/persons reside(s), until I can think rationally.

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why so beautiful 😻😻

asrarrizvi’s Profile PhotoSyed Asrar Razvi
Beautiful outside or inside?
I presume inside. Because that's what is displayed here.
Can I brag?
I write things which comes to my mind. I don't mince words. I take each day and incident positively.
I love seeing a hidden lesson in all what I experience.
I am like an open book. People can read what is going on in my mind from my expression. And who follows me here dedicatedly, from my words.
Maybethismakes me beautiful inside.
Damn my modesty!
So there you go!
Oh wait, what if you mean physically beautiful?
Well then you are in for a big surprise.
Makeup is the natural face editor that I use to look beautiful from outside!
My aadhar card is the proof that I'm the ugliest looking girl!

What makes you feel really uncomfortable?

adnan_sayed’s Profile PhotoAdd naan
So many things. Obviously there are the socially awkward situations that just make me feel so fidgety I seriously contemplate whether I should just run out of the door then figure it out from there.
But more specifically there are certain physical things that really bug me, they make my skin crawl and I'm cringing just thinking about them right now.
Although I haven't been diagnosed with OCD and I do not believe I have the disorder there are several things that make me very uncomfortable, such as stepping on cracks or when I'm in the car and my driver drives over the painted lines of a bus stop or crosses the white lines in the middle of the road - these two things specifically make it difficult for me to have my feet placed on the foot well of the car.

Just be happy your dreams are waiting for you!

pankajspathania’s Profile PhotoPankaj Singh Pathaniya
Absolute happiness is feeling joyful no matter the obstacles you are facing in your life!You’re not letting a few obstacles ruin your chance at happiness. Your obstacles are not going to stop you from finding alternative ways to be happy. It means you will stay happy no matter the obstacles you face daily.

A motivational thought you wanna share with me!? 🌺

Holding on tanger, resentment and hurt only gives us tense muscles, a headache and a sore jaw from clenching our teeth. Forgiveness gives us back the laughter and the lightness in our life.
You cannot be Good Enough for Everybody; But you will Always be the Best for the One Who Deserves You.
Forgive others not because the deserve, but because you deserve peace!
A motivational thought you wanna share with me

By the way what is the rank of yours in real life ? How many achievements you have in your almirah ..

I've always been a scholar since my childhood and also have received many awards, medals and certificates in the co-curricular activities (sports, debates, etc) that I've had participated during my school days and have brought many Laurels to my school!

Have you ever accidentally called your teacher “MOM”?

Yes! When I was studying in 11th standard, to my economics teacher. One day she was standing besides me and started telling me that I should get centum in economics in my exams. I was one of her favourites. She kept talking, talking and talking. I was listening to her patiently while I was writing the class work. I was really nervous at that time because I was actually copying everything from my book. Later, the moment she came near me I thought she found out that I was copying everything. So out of anxiety in response to whatever she said, I replied "OK MOM"...!
All of my friends around me heard that... even the teacher started laughing. It was really awkward for the both of us…!

Post two truths and one lie about yourself. Don't mention which one is a lie. (Make it interesting, let people guess. )👀

SaGarSuman’s Profile PhotoSααgαr.
1. I've completed my English Honours.
2. I'm a motivational speaker, advisor, writer.
3. I've been awarded by the Chief Minister of my state.

post something 🌸

The Moth
Like a moth to the flame,
bursting with light,
I eagerly follow and put forth no fight,
wings spread outward fluttering fast,
I am hoping to captivate love at long last,
burning the edges as I ignite in flame,
when I finally realize that it’s not a game,
I struggle to back track to gain back my strength,
I’m slowly learning that you will go to any length,
This marvelous magic stunning surreal,
I am waking up and I can now feel,
your powerful magnetism drawing me near as I let down my walls and abandon all fear,
Make no mistake as I slowly burn,
that time has a way to make it your turn,
So when you feel powerful all above, remember the fine line between hate and love,
You’ve been allowed into my secrets,
and my tethered torn walls,
make no quick movements right now,
I can show you heaven or hell somehow, Moths are like butterfly’s in so many ways,
transforming even burning,
it’s life light churning,
Emerging with brilliance shimmering light, perhaps it maybe you who will now have to fight,
I’ll make it so true, and most definitely real,
to a point that I’m all that you Will feel,
I’ll burn in my heart,
I’ll burn in my hell,
I’ll take this time as the tides begin to swell,
this current, this flame is not a game,
I speak clearly now, and you’ll scream my name,
I’ve screamed yours on a time or two/ too, Suppose it’s that flame that keeps it real, keeps it true.

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post something

Parhai Ya Maut? 🙁

I was born into
A religion of Light,
But with so many other
Religions and
How do I know which
Is right?
Is it not
My birthright
To seek out the light?
To find Truth
After surveying all the proof,
Am I supposed
To love
Or fight?
And why do all those who
Try to guide me,
Always start by dividing
And multiplying me –
From what they consider
Wrong or right?
I thought,
There were no walls
For whoever beams truth and light.
And how can one speak on Light's behalf,
lf all they do
Is act black,
But talk WHITE?

#AprilFoolsDay How many pranks did you guess today?

Who needs April Fools’ Day now?, when it seems like idiocy and absurdity are around us all the time in the world?Paraphrasing a comment I saw on an online forum about a Southeast Asian country, I can extend it to the world and say it’s almost as if every day is April Fools Day!

When you’ll be 90 years old, what will matter most to you?

When I would turn 90, what will matter most to me will be the feeling that I have had helped making this place a better and have helped every person to the best of my ability.
Since childhood I have always wanted to help each and every person around me, try to do the little things that make this place better than ever.

Wo kia cheez he jo tum mjhay dena chahty ho😛😜

alisaeed2j’s Profile PhotoSakht launda
An open advice...
Read till end!
Once, an angry man approached the Buddha. He was so angry at the Buddha, that he wanted to hurl abuses at him. He went to the Buddha and began shouting and yelling at him. He hurled abuses at the Budhha. He said, ‘You have no rights to teach others. You are nothing but fake’. The Buddha didn't seem to be affected at all. His face had a wave of serenity. He Sat, listening to the angry man with a smile, unaffected. The man continued abusing the Buddha.
Finally, the man got tired and asked the Buddha, ‘I have been abusing you for a long time now, how is that, that you remain so inaffected by it?’ The Buddha replied, ‘Tell me young man, when you buy a present for someone and that person refuses it, who does the gift finally belong to?’ The Man thought for a while and replied, ‘It would belong to me,since I brought the gift’.
The Buddha smiles at this and replies ‘The same is with your anger and abuses, I didn't accept it. So tell me who does the abuses belong to?’ The Young man realised his folly and was embarrassed and fell at the feet of Buddha.
‘So remember the next time someone abuses you or criticises you verbally remember this story’.

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Life is a way better without expectations...

Ahsan4767’s Profile PhotoAhsan
Expectations urge you to be a better person, it constantly keeps a person motivated to achieve his/her goals. No expectation means no purpose, no motivation and no hopes.
In a parallel universe, the expectations are your rights, expecting love for the love you have given to peoples is your right. It's not your fault if peoples fail to do the same.
Life is a way better without expectations
+2 answers in: “Are you happy with your life?”

Life goals?👀

SaGarSuman’s Profile PhotoSααgαr.
My main goal is to change the world.
This is a very personal goal for me and one that came from a very deep, dark place.
Without me going too much into this let’s just put it this way:
I hate seeing people walk around every day like they are miserable when all I see is this person that could change the world.
I want to give people the power to do what they want and to follow their dreams and get over their own fears.
I want people to walk around the streets smiling and not looking like the world is about to come crushing down.
That is why I need to change the world!

Right..was amazing..but don’t you think that you are expecting too much from people?

Ahsan4767’s Profile PhotoAhsan
Every coin has two sides, and very few have actually experienced both. I consider myself one of them. According to me, Expectations are the cocoon of Disappointments. As long as it takes, it will finally knock you down.
We expect from people around us, our peers, but they do let us down. Well, they aren't the ones to be blamed, as this wicked world plays it's tricks from time to time, and everyone has to play with it.
We expect from our goals, but success ain't no possession, and hence, nobody can possess it.
We expect from our hardwork, but we forget we ain't the only ones burning the midnight oil.
We expect from our lives, and it turns us down according to its sweet will, with the bitter excuse of LUCK.
So, as a conclusion, I don't really keep any Expectations from anyone here!
But we gotta remember one thing, Expectations is the first milestone on the Journey to achieve our Ambitions, because Ambitions are just Expectations with a whiff of Seriousness...

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+2 answers in: “Are you happy with your life?”

Anything special for today ?

Why we shouldn't pursue happiness as our ultimate goal?
It is pretty bizarre right? You might argue well why wouldn’t we, what’s wrong about wanting to be always happy? The problem isn’t the desire for happiness. The problem is that this goal leads people down a difficult and ironically, unhappy, path. There is a cultural obsession with pursuing happiness in fact, there is a mainstream emphasis on chasing happiness and considering that as our ultimate pursuit which can be pretty destructive at some point. With that being said here is why I think happiness is the wrong pursuit:
1- Because you will constantly get disappointed, life isn’t an easy ride, you won’t be able to be always happy, but this doesn’t mean that you will always be depressed, but a healthy life requires you to experience the two.
2- It won’t last for a long time, because it’s a temporary state, to be happy, anything can make you feel happy.
3- Happiness is not a realistic goal that is set to be achieved.
4- Chasing happiness will only distract us from our fundamental goal and that is to better ourselves through these challenges, that comes ahead of us.
5- We are confusing this search for contentment rather than happiness because the latter can be such an illusion, contentment on the other hand is peacefulness that takes on whatever circumstances or situations you are placed in.
What I mean to say is that, enjoy every bit of your happiness but avoid making it a goal because that won’t get you through the inevitable ups and downs of this life.

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What makes u happy ??

Rahayu_Pavensie’s Profile Photoꦫꦲꦪꦸ ❤️
Every time I saw this picture, spontaneously I become happier than yesterday.
Nobody can make you happy until you are happy with yourself first and No one is going to love you if you don't love yourself…
Someday, everything will make a perfect sense. So, for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.
What if you are simply devoted this remaining year to love yourself more? Think about it once…
What makes u happy


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