
Ankita Samaddar

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بالغ في فرحك ثأراً من الأيام التي خدلتك 🍀 جمعية مباركة ♥️

ha96mza’s Profile PhotoEng.Hamzah Abushosha
Once Buddha was walking from one town to another town with a few of his followers. This was in the initial days. While they were travelling, they happen to pass a lake. They stopped there are Budhha told one of his disciples, “I am thirsty. Please get me some water from that lake there”. The disciple walked upto the lake. When he reached it, he noticed that some people were washing clothes in the water and, right at that moment, a bullock cart started crossing the lake right at the edge of it. As a result, the water became very muddy, very turbid. The disciple thought, “How can I give this muddy water to Buddha to drink?!” So he came back and told the Buddha, “The water in there is very muddy. I don't think it is fit to drink”. So, the Buddha said, let us take a little rest here by the tree. After about half an hour, Again Buddha asked the same disciple to go back to the lake and get him some water to drink. The disciple obediently went back to the lake. This time he found that the lake had absolutely clear water in it. The mud had settled down and the water above it looked fit to be had. So he collected some water in a pot and brought it to the Buddha. The Buddha looked at the water, and then he looked up at the disciple and said, “See, you let the water be and the mud settled down on its own. You got a clear water. It didn't require any effort”.
Moral: Your mind is also like that. When it is disturbed, just let it be. Give it a little time. It will settle down on its own. You don’t have to put in any effort to calm it down. We can judge and take best decisions of our life when we stay calm.

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بالغ في فرحك ثأرا من الأيام التي خدلتك 
جمعية مباركة

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Post something worth reading😊

chabdullah6’s Profile Photo❤️ Waleed Chaudhary ❤️
If you pay attention to the patterns of your life
you’ll realize everything always works out.
Everything always takes you to a greater destination.
You always grow and the things you think you can’t survive
you somehow divinely make it through.
That’s life. Always remember that.
Post something worth reading

For me 🍀🦯

ha96mza’s Profile PhotoEng.Hamzah Abushosha
Throughout the years I have learned three major things.
1. Sometimes bad things happen to good people and sometimes you might think you know someone, you might think they’re on your side but deep down inside they’re not. Pay attention. Actions speak louder than words and words are just another way to cover up the truth with lies.
2. Almost everything we go through we can’t control. That means, if it’s yours, then somewhere down the line it’ll return to you and if it’s not, then you have to make peace with it and move on. It’s as simple as that.
3. Letting go is never an easy thing to do, no matter how many times you’ve rehearsed it. No matter how many times you’ve played it in your head, it never goes as planned and almost always does it sting a little harder than you thought.
For me

20/50 Are you a leader or a follower? ✔

darleneangelagarcerasantos’s Profile PhotoGela
am and have been both a leader and a follower, and sometimes a maverick. It’s been as hard to learn to be a good follower as it has to be an effective leader. Maverick has come more easily, and I believe that each has its place.
To learn leadership skills, I’ve had to begin by leading myself. By that I mean deciding what’s important, setting goals, and making every effort to realize them. Sometimes it worked. When it did, it’s been worth it. When it didn’t, since I’d done what I could for the right reasons, I had no cause for self-reproach, just something more to learn.
As a follower, I’ve had to learn to put my agenda aside, understand the leader’s vision, if possible, embrace it, and then, accept my role, and make what contribution to its realization I could. Putting my agenda aside and accepting my role have been the hard parts.
When I have found myself unable to craft a compelling vision or embrace the vision of another, I’ve been a maverick, and I’ve had to find other ways to contribute.
Understanding these things and their dynamics has helped me avoid a lot of unproductive conflict both in myself and in my relations with others. That's brought some confidence and some peace.
I don’t think you need an explanation of the benefits of more confidence and peace.

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Are you a leader or a follower

Post some wise words

Asimshabbir678’s Profile Photoครเ๓รђค๒๒เг
Whenever you are shy or afraid of speaking to a girl/ boy who has very intimidating personality but you are compelled to talk to them for some work then use this trick.
I will explain it using a short example.
Suppose you want to talk to a very beautiful girl but you are not confident and have some fear in mind. Coincidentally you meet her at the Cafe, etc and are facing each other, then before starting the conversation with her just point your finger at her nose and tell her this.
“There is something peeping out of your nose.”
The moment you tell her that, even if there is nothing peeping out of her nose she won't know about it and eventually will clean her nose either with her finger or a tissue.
The fun doesn't stop here. Even after 5–10 minutes have passed she will still be thinking if she has completely removed thebooger or not.
This way you have already helped as well as impressed her by bothering her for good before your conversation has started.
You have not only overcome the fear to talk to her but also gained some confidence.
You have given her a reason to talk to you and believe you.
This trick works with a person of any age and any gender.

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Favourite part of your daily routine?

My daily water intake is approx. 4 litres a day. In very hot temperature, my daily water intake can go beyond 4 litres. Yes, I drink a lot of water, more than anyone else could. Apart from that, I have a very healthy habit of drinking a glass of water half an hour before having a meal. I don't drink water while eating even if the food is spicy or while hiccing in between the meals, neither do I drink water just after finishing the meal, instead I wait for half an hour and then drink water. Not only that, I drink a glass of water an hour before going to bed and an hour after leaving the bed in the morning. 💯
You'd find it funny but I spend each hour drinking a glass of water which means that I spend 16 hours a day drinking a total of 16 glasses of water a day. Remaining 8 hours is my idle time when I am doing nothing but sleeping. Now don't judge me and start wondering about my washroom habits, etc! 😏
The thing is that my body can not retain water and this makes me go dehydrated, but I am not telling that I go to washroom a lot. No everything is balanced, just the fact is that the water I drink vanishes somewhere inside me. 🤦 I don't have any kidney failure or anything like that. This would sound strange but I believe that I utilise a lot of energy and maybe that's why I drink a lot of water in a day. 💁
Tip - Drinking a atleast 2-2.5 litres of water a day reduces the chances of getting any acne/ pimples and even gaining any weight. Instead, it keeps your body hydrated always and helps maintain a balanced body. And balanced body means healthier you!

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Favourite part of your daily routine

What do you hate the most and why ??

zaibi6144’s Profile PhotoZebi
If there’s one thing I hate in this life, it’s liars. Look I’m no angel, I’ve told my fair share of lies growing up but I’m not justifying lying, but anytime I’ve told lies in the past it was to try and save my own arse or to stop someone’s feelings from getting hurt.
One thing I’ve never told lies about is people and I’ve never told lied about people to spite or hurt them. Unlike some people I know in my past life I’ve never lied to justify my own actions.
I’m still hearing lies that have been made up about me. I’m hoping that over time some of the people who have lied about me get the karma they deserve. I do believe in karma but I’m not sure it’s going to happen.
I’ve always tried to be honest, no matter what. For me telling the truth to someone is a way of me showing them respect. I don’t care whether or not the person sees it at the time but it’s been one of the things I’ve worked hard on.
I hate liars, I hate everything about them and I hate that they tell lies to make themselves feel better.

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swatiforu’s Profile Photoumer
What if grass is greener on the other side,
Because it's always raining there,
Where the ones who never fail to give,
Hardly have enough to spare,
Where the people with the broadest smiles,
Have pillows filled with tears,
And the bravest ones you've ever known,
Are crippled by their fears,
It's filled with lonely people,
But they're never seen alone,
Where those that lack real shelter,
Make you feel the most at home,
Maybe their grass looks greener,
Because they've painted on it's hue,
Just remember from the other side,
Your grass looks greener too.

Post anything 🖤

wajeeh123’s Profile PhotoMuhammad Wajeeh ul Hassan
Falling in love is fine, but have you ever fallen in friendship?
Do you remember the day your paths crossed? The day you were waiting for them to call? And they did. The day you were speaking your mind? And they heard you. Do you remember the day you couldn't sleep, and they came over with pizza?
From sharing comfortable silence to never-ending overnight calls; from sharing something absolutely nonsense and have that nonsense respected; from annoying each other to being each other's therapists; from laughing like a seal to crying on each other's shoulders; they accept you for who you are while helping you become who you should be.
People are so fascinated with unicorns that they stop paying attention to the other animal species getting extinct. All of us are so obsessed with that perfect love and lover, sometimes we let down friends and friendship.
You do not have to wear your 'I-am-okay-hat' in front of them, and it's like they have a degree in reading your mind (especially at parties). These are the people who come for help when you have a flat tire, they help themselves in your kitchen without permission, take you to the doctor after 3 straight sneezes, make sure you do not drunk text, and when you do, they announce "I told you so". If you have a person that is a synonym for constant, family and loyalty, say thank you and hug them 10 seconds longer the next time you see them. Even if you don't speak every day, meet every weekend or post selfies for validation, if they popped up in your head while reading this, you are lucky.
Stop moulding your idea of romance into a soulmate, a friend can be a soulmate too. Maybe, a better one.
Unexpected friendships are the best!

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أن تبتلع مرارة الكلمات وتتجرع السمّ بالمواقف وتتغاضى عمّا يؤذيك ..وتصمت تلك قوّة ليست مُتاحة للكثيرين 🖤 Space _🕹

ha96mza’s Profile PhotoEng.Hamzah Abushosha
Every person needs to take one day away. A day in which one consciously separates the past from the future.
Jobs, family, employers, and friends can exist one day without any one of us, and if our egos permit us to confess, they could exist eternally in our absence. Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for.

Post Anything 🌺

Anxii6’s Profile Photoشیر انس بٹ۔
I think as you grow older you look for very different things in people. Honesty. Loyalty. Integrity. But most of all, you look for someone who will stand right by your side when the walls start crumbling and the fires rage within. They are right there, and in that moment, you know they’ve got you.


Language: English