
Ankita Samaddar

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Are you a better talker or listener?😌

mahamh617’s Profile Photoم الف ھ م
I am both a better listener on the one hand and a better speaker on the other hand. Because, unless you listen properly you cannot be a good speaker. If I tell you in a witty manner, ‘God has given us two ears and only one tongue - That's basically because he wants us to listen more’. Therefore, the route to good speaking is better listening.
Every good speaker listens to other good speakers and absorbs content from them. Listening attentively helps one in compiling lot of information which in turn can help one in speaking good. Listening includes attention and noting of the content that one can hear, only then it can be said that listening more is better than speaking.

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Are evil people born or created?

There is no evidence of gods or devils. Belief in these myths is irrational. Evil is not a thing. Babies are born with no knowledge and must be nurtured throughout their development to gain a sense of reality. If they suffer from abuse or lack of nurturing, they may develop mental problems that can lead to internalized anger and frustration.
This can lead to behavioral problems in which they inflict harm upon other people. This is bad behavior, but it is not “evil”. Bad behavior can also be the result of hormonal imbalances or other “chemical” deficiencies. They may be mental problems, but they aren’t “evil”. Irrational beliefs can lead people to destructive behavior, such as we see among radicalized groups. That is evidence of mass insanity, but it still isn’t “evil”.
Humans are not fundamentally rational beings. We are emotional creatures. We are easily convinced to believe ideas that are false. Critical logical thinking is a skill that needs to be learned. Many do not learn this. This is dangerous for the world. We need to stop “believing” and begin “understanding”. Belief without understanding is irrational folly.

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Advice for the day

You can rise up from anything. You can completely recreate yourself. Nothing is permanent. You're not stuck. You have choices. You can think new thoughts. You can learn something new. You can create new habits. All that matters is that you decide today and never look back.

Post of the day?🎗

Stop accepting excuses for bad behavior thinking that one day it will change. It has been said that when someone shows you who they are, you should believe them the first time. That is not to say that people cannot grow. But when someone hurts you, when they disrespect you, when they disregard you, time and again, that is not love. You deserve to be heard and seen and cared for—well.⁣

Stop making yourself small to make other people feel more comfortable. The people who are going to judge you are going to judge you no matter what you do. The people who are going to judge you are going to judge you because they’re too afraid to live big themselves. Playing small helps no one, least of all yourself. You are the only you there is, you are the only person who has your gifts; you are here to share them. You are here to live out loud. You are here to live large.⁣

Stop settling for less in hopes that one day it will become more. Our time here is precious and life is often too short. You are worthy and you are worth being shown up for. You are worthy of a mad kind of magic, you are worthy of something as wild as it is pure. You are worthy of the best—you are worthy of everything.⁣

Stop giving your big love to people who don’t earn it. Your love is not a toy for people to play with and come and go as they please. Your love is not a free thing that everyone gets to take a slice of whenever they want. Your love is brave and brilliant and powerful and invaluable and the only one of its kind in the world; you deserve someone who recognizes that. You deserve what is raw and real—you deserve to be deeply loved.

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One thing you like about yourself the most_____?

mahamh617’s Profile Photoم الف ھ م
I like that I have a lot of self respect. You don't love me? You want to leave me? I'll hold the door open. I don't plead. I don't chase people. I don't beg anyone to stay. I've learnt it the hard way. For me, nothing is more important than my SELF RESPECT.
I love how I'm comfortable with my own skin. I was and I'm always surrounded by girls who are prettier than me. At some point in my life, I had become very conscious about my looks. But slowly I realised, I AM BEAUTIFUL. I don't know if I look beautiful or not, but I'm. Now I don't care if someone criticizes my body, my hair or my height. I smile and say to myself, you are beautiful anyway.
I like the fact that I enjoy my own company. I can go shopping alone, watch movies alone. I can pretty much do anything alone, without feeling lonely.
I respect myself because I've got Ethics. I never lose my senses. For me my morals mean a lot.
I love the fact that I don't give up. I either give my one hundred percent or don't do anything at all. But at the same time, I let go of toxic things, if that is hampering my mental peace.
I love that I've got dreams and ambitions. I strive hard for them. If I fail, I try again. If I fail again, I try again. I fail better.
I like the fact that I'm straightforward. If I don't like anything, I'll tell you that I don't. If I like something, I'll tell you that I do. No sugarcoating.
I love that I don't hesitate to give compliments. I don't do buttering. But when I actually like something, I tell that to the person and I'm always rewarded with warm smiles for that. I feel good, when someone smiles because of my compliments.
I love that howsoever hard the situation is, I never let anyone down. I've never done anything that made my parents ashamed. I've never done anything intentionally that hurt people. I care about feelings of people, as much as I do of mine. If someone cries because of me, you'll immediately see tears falling down from my eyes as well.

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Zindagi phool hai ya kanta ?? 🤔🙄

HadiMalik007’s Profile Photo( ملک هادي)
The only fact is that
Life is a constant struggle
It is upon us whether we enjoy this struggle or not. It is a constant journey during which we have to pass through different paths.... Some rocky, some smooth and many more......
Time never remains the same and similarly, in life, a person falls from thorns to flowers and flowers to thorns.
Take an example of two persons:
One has a lot of wealth, all facilities, a family, a good job and all the things which are usually idealized for a comfortable life. But still, he is not happy because he is not a contended person he himself has made life difficult for him. Because he thinks so....
On the other hand, a person has no above-mentioned facilities and he struggles hard but still happy because he thinks so....
For a pessimist, life is a bed of thorns.
For an optimist life is a bed of roses
For a realist person..... Life is all about ACCEPTANCE AND LEARNING
So learn to accept..... Whether it is easy or difficult.
And only with acceptance can there be recovery.

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Zindagi phool hai ya kanta

What would you say if the whole world was listening to you?

We should understand that Kindness towards others irrespective of their caste, creed, race and most importantly looks is more divine than worship.
It is so much sad that even today we see honor killing. In some societies doing intercaste marriage or even love marriage within same caste seems to be an unpardonable offense. When it comes to marriage, Society gives more importance to CASTE and LOOKS, which one have NO control on, than nature, achivements, accolades or even merit which are rather true reflection of ones personality.
Those who are educated and understand that love or intercaste marriage is not bad as such, are also afraid of supporting the same for their offsprings due to fear of being ostracized by the society. They even prefer abandoning their blood relationship with their son or daughter just becuase younger offsprings do not face any issues while matchmaking.
CASTE thing has spolied almost everything and anything around us not just marriages.
So one thing I would want to tell everyone is, please do NOT discriminate anyone on the basis of CASTE, CREED and LOOKS. Look beyond them, be human, love and respect humanity over anything else.
I want people to understand this in order to revolutionize this.

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What would you say if the whole world was listening to you

Why is monday so far from friday and Friday so close to monday??

ZubairYunus’s Profile PhotoZubz
To be or not to be, that is the answer and your thinking makes it so. People are preoccupied and controlled by their preconceived notions. "I think therefore I am" so distant is a mind game you played on yourself.
Limiting oneself is a prime example of that. Most people have a "when the next shoe going to drop syndrome that they failed to seize and enjoy the moment. Monday and Friday in either direction have 48 hours and constant time dimension. Yet, there are people who could pack so much in two days when others just flounder them away. Those who think Monday is so far from Friday cant wait to start the week again because they have business to do limited by official business working days while Friday so closed to Monday people are short changing themselves and wasted emotion on not enough time for leisure.
Brush up on your time management and let it flow.
Carpe Diem!

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What would you do if your partner lied to you?

ZubairYunus’s Profile PhotoZubz
Here is how I would respond if ever I find my partner lying:
1. I would call him out calmly, take a beat but avoid speaking. This would put the ball back in his court and would force him to answer. I'll let him speak without having any reactivity and shall refrain from commentary until he has fully expressed himself.

2. I would consider why he's lying to me instead of leaning into my justifiable anger. I would try and understand the reason why he so lied. People often lie because of: insecurity, fear, shame, or because historically this was their way to survive and manage other past relationships — which obviously may not work with me.
3. I would set clear boundaries around honesty with him and have conditions all set in order to proceed the relationship without encountering any further lies. As I would then want to establish that lying is not part of our relationship anymore, no matter how insecure, ashamed, or awkward he might feel.
4. It should be a foundation part of our relationship and he must understand that the truth is more welcome than a lie, as it will create an environment of trust between us. And that needs to be backed up by action. Therefore I shall never beat my partner up verbally. No histrionics. No reactivity. I would ask him to trust that I wouldn’t punish him for sharing the truth.
5. I would be giving him a fair chance to tell the truth until I loose my trust over him. In case the lie turns out to be a deal breaker and If I found my partner continuously lying or deceiving me intentionally, then he is not worthy of my love or time anymore, and that's thetruth. And our relationship would come to an end.

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What is your favourite midnight snack?

Midnight or late night snacking isn't good until you are snacking something healthy and under 200 calories, if you snack above 200 calories then it results in weight gain! Who wants look fat?

I used to do this all of the time. I didn't even realize it was happening until it was too late. If this sounds like you, know that you are not alone. Late night snacking is a very common problem and honestly I am still guilty of doing it sometimes!

But over time, I have gathered a handful of strategies that I follow to help you out:

1. Adjust your meal times and eat dinner later. Instead of eating dinner at 6pm, try for 7pm or 8pm so that by the time you finish eating, you don't have much time before bed to get hungry again.

2. Wait 20 minutes. Stay busy and distracted. Most times we are just bored and so our instinct is to eat because it's enjoyable and will fill the time. Instead of heading to the kitchen, call a friend, go for a walk, read a book, spend time with family, etc.

3. Decide an eating window that you won't eat outside of. Make a rule for yourself, I won't eat past ___ pm and try sticking with it!

4. Drink sparkling water, a cup of decaffeinated tea or just plain water! Sometimes you are just thirsty. Try filling up on calorie free beverages or fruit juices before you opt to eat snacks before bed.

5. Be sure to include plenty of protein and fiber in your diet, which will keep you full! This will prevent you from wanting to snack after dinner.

6. Brush your teeth immediately after dinner. It will trigger you to think you are done eating for the day, and let's be real - who wants to go through the floss/brush ritual twice?!
In case still you can't resist yourself from snacking at night I can help you prepare an healthy low carb snack within 200 calories that won't cause any harm to you and also would help you fight hunger. Just ask me for it!

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What's the quickest way to make a girl cry?

Actually we shouldn't make someone cry at all. Be it a girl or a boy. I believe it's important that someone should cry for you for any reason other than the reason that you hurt them. Someone could cry for you either in your presence or in your absence.
If someone cries for you in your absence that could mean that you are very important to them and they need you. Need you to maybe make themselves feel better or probably you are not there to help them and you are the one according to them who is usually there to their rescue. Someone could also cry when you are with them because of the high level of trust they have in you. Maybe they know that you may not be able to help them but venting their thoughts does recede the sadness in them.
I think the more people you have around as described above, you are a good person and you will get better everyday. But don't let it happen I.e. making people around you cry. You will end up feeling terrible at times. Maybe because you think you have not done enough, although you have done just fine in being a good person.

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B⃗itter R⃗eality ?🤨 🦇

Some bitter facts of life:
1. Nobody wants to handle a child in the infant and toddler years but want to spend time with him/her when he/she has grown up all nice and strong.
2. No one wants to teach the new bride anything but once she has learnt everything everyone wants her to help them.
3. No one wants to be near an unsuccessful person, but you should see how they change their colors when the same person becomes successful.
4. Parents can treat their kid badly or humiliate them in public but don’t want their kids to do the same when they become old.
5. Everyone is ready to blame the mother when the child falters but no one appreciates her when the child turns out fine.
6. Not generalizing, but parents are partial towards the more successful kid.
7. Same rules don’t apply for daughter and daughter-in-law.
8. Bad treatment and circumstances make a person bitter, harsh and strong, still people say “You have changed.”
9. Most people avoid poor and “not-so-good-looking” people, unless they want a favor from them.
10. Everybody is an actor, that’s the reality.

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If you could change 1 thing about you, what would it be ?

PranavMaheshwari’s Profile PhotoPranav Maheshwari
A scrap of paper ,
A dark blue pen,
Or even dry leaves
Would just be the same.
Or even my brain,
Would be just fine
For all that I need
In this empty mind,
Is a thought, a rhyme
A word or nine,
A little hate,
A little crime
And a life that is
Short but divine
Or maybe one
That’s not bounded by time!
Or should I first learn-
How to feel alive?
Yes. After I learn that
I will bloom and thrive
And then I’ll be done
With dealing with life!
This is all that I’ve heard
From this heart of mine.
This is, I hope, all that I’ve heard
From this heart of mine.
That I would want to change.

Is social media depressing?

Nope, social media isn't depressing.
There are four basic needs. One is significance. I think that with social media people portray themselves as being happy, successful and lacking problems. Most people put posts that show their good things only. So if your life does not seem to live up to that, then you do not feel as significant as others. This brings a sense of sadness perhaps, but not depression.
People usually switch to socialize in order to get rid of depression. You may get several views on this but I am answering this question out of my experiences with depression.
Depression isn't just feeling bad about something or sadness, it is something beyond your imagination. You can never potray what depression is...

Do you remember your first day at school?

joomadness’s Profile Photoa c h a y a n .
I was a 4 year old studious girl in LKG.
I remember our teacher asking everyone to read out a word on the first day, a secret test to see if any of us had learned reading.
When it came to my turn, I was asked to read a word out loud. But, I did not cared about the teacher's command and had read every word forming sentences faster than expected. She was astonished to see a 4 year old kid reading like al 6 year old.
She later contacted my parents and the principal to see about moving me straight to the first grade.
But I was rejected for early promotion, with the explanation that I was too shy.
Ya. Too shy. Rubbish, eh?
But it was true. I never spoke to my classmates. I learned their names only when they were being scolded. While everyone else learned to form new words and read, I studied mathematics alone and sometimes draw when I got bored. Everything I did as a kid made everybody think that I was elder than my age but that wasn't true at all.
My mother says that since birth I had been a faster developing kid and had learnt making sounds like maa, paa at just 4 months and had walked straight at 7 months with complete balance. And that's when my parents decided to start teaching me because I was the one who learnt everything faster than any other kids.
That was little me!

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Language: English