
Russell Reed - The Webrocker

Ask @TheWebrocker

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Which meal was so good that you can't forget it?

Had a lot of those, especially Olive Garden. I wish they had the Never Ending Pasta Bowl more often.

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What do you look forward to most this year?

Got a Birthday coming up soon, hoping to go back to the race track this year, other than that, who knows

What do you think Ask.fm has, that no other site has?

The option to eliminate anonymous questions, shame on you Reverbnation

If you had to eat only three things for the rest of your life, what would they be?

Pizza, raw veggies, maple ice cream (no nuts)

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

The freaking bank making sure it was really me using MY credit card, WHICH IT WAS

What was the last song you sang out loud to?

The entire NO PIER PRESSURE album by Brian Wilson's BEACH BOYS 😝

Language: English