
Michael Mavromatis

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миша, ты этому румыну написал через переводчик, или ты еще и румынский знаешь, просто я рядом с ним живу, поэтому и знаю язык и я поржал когда увидел что ты ему написал

U menia drujia inostranci, gde bi ia bi nebil,
Vot bil ruminic i nauchil mne ploxim slovam ;)
Liked by: Mika

Гейб Ньюелл мне свидетель, Мав, тебя тоже доебали эти долбоебы с неебическим самомнением, которые продолжают присылать тебе "мегаохуенные" записи с их "мегаохуенным" геймплеем? Кстати,ты пиздато выглядишь, ноу хомо.

Sps bratan

I've had some real good games of Dota 2. And I think you may like em. Can i send you the replay info on YouTube? If you want to see it. The heroes are Slardar and Shadow shaman. Pretty good games with those.

Im not looking for good games, rather than faisl, funny stuff. Sry

I know it´s in des. But you edited the song with the part "look at it go" and i would liove to use this song for my w.d. Ultimate. But in des. There is the normal song with phrase "drop the bomb"

Ivo Stoklasa
I didn edit it, i just cut out the bit in before the drop and replaced it with the doctors voice, dont be fucking lazy

Hello there. Can you please give a link here with download to the part of song with Witch Doctor Rampage? the part when he says: LOOK AT IT GO and then continuing with the Drop the Bomb song? I want to use it as my ulti sound. I would be pleased to have your response. Thanks

Ivo Stoklasa
The song is under the description, on the madubstep channel

Techies? Rly? How about kunnka? He's so fukken swaggy! Abilitty to record #MLG videos with ultrakills via torrent+ship combo? Check. Huge GPM potential due to cleave? Check. 1 hit rampaging the whole team? Check. X marks the spot juking? Check. Now how do ya like that, techies? Techies are 4 scrubs.

Kunkka is a pirate, that's not swag, that's crime
Liked by: Molon labe


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