
Michael Mavromatis

Ask @SwagMav

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Awesome, okay man :) wish you all the best and good luck getting your job. Hope it suits you.

Ty :D

mav, u really should not rely only on patreon, because if you dont have any job and all you do is making youtube videos, u should consider the partnership. (i know u can't use those awesome music u use now but what other choice do you have? u get alot of money too) *you're awesome either way

Trust me I won't get that much money from ad revenues, i'm applying for jobs now so wish me luck
Liked by: Mika

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go get an easy job mate,like working in mcdonald

Fuck that, i worked 3 years there, worse job in my life,
I've applied to vue cinema, so I'm might get it

how to change the dota 1 hero hotkey to Q,W,E,R.coz every hero had a different hot key,pls help me mate,i never play dota 1,but i already play dota 2

You would have to download
3rd party software to do that

I sent an Earth spirit clip, in pub scrubs 7? if no i will reprort

Did you? I'll have a look, thanks for the submission

what are the dota 2 legacy hotkeys? (yeah imma nub)

The original hotkeys for hero spells back in wc3
They were unique for each hero.

If I support you on patreon can I add you on steam... -Sw@g

Patreon is not really like a bargain type of deal,
The reason i dont add anymore people is because I don't play as much, so I'd just disappoint you if you'd like to play a game with me

I really want to support you and giff u mani because I absolutely live your videos, same with all my friends, but I have no mani either :(

Its cool man :),
Its really nice to know that there are some people like you that want to help but are limited to their own financial state, thanks for liking my videos ^^

Yo mike, let me say having you on my friends list makes me really, really proud of myself, happy birthday, enjoy your day bruh, you're getting old.

Hahaha thx bru ;)


Language: English