
Michael Mavromatis

Ask @SwagMav

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what are your plans for the future, are you going to spend years on youtube or are you looking for "real" work?

It's just an occupation for the time being.
As soon as I finish uni Im off for work
And in most cases the channel will just be empty

Isn't ur specs ? Intel i7 3470 @3.4ghz Gtx 760 2gb 4gb ram 2 monitors for editing I mean, im confused when u said 7770.

The gtx broke, had to switch back to my old gpu

Hi, Mike! I freakin love your videos and respect your creativity! Omniknight is my favourite hero and I want to know is there will be any swag video about him? Peace, bro.

There definitely will be, at some point

Чувак, я не уверен что это стоит спрашивать тут, но я таки спрошу. Где ты берёшь все эти звуки/смешные ролики которые ты вставляешь в свои видео/картинки с мемами. Ты сам гуглишь или есть сайт со всем этим?

Vsio v google

do you think i could talk to you some time

I guess, it would also depend what you wanna talk about

what does rat dota means?

Rat doto is best doto now
It is de art if slowly slowly pushing you're way in the base whilst the enemy team is focused on farming or something else

You know, i had so much fun watching "BALLERNAR" video that i would love to see more of the "hero showcase". (Like the previous "Swaggernaut" video)

I'm on it :) tho sometimes it's kind of hard to make a video as the way i edit goes like: music>footage>edit
Liked by: NAquin

I love your vids man, my friends and I all love your vids and I started to make some a lot like yours to give my friends a good laugh while waiting for your videos, and at the moment I have 75 subs. I just wanna say thanks for the inspiration and keep up the good work! :D

I'm glad i was useful :)


Language: English