

Ask @Princessasowm

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If you caught someone is stealing ur questions '' I mean ur own q's'' you're who created them :P would you feel proud or angry or ...... ?

Nice ques:P. I might get pissed off but then I'm gonna feel proud cause he's taking my ques's «that woud happen if I was in such a good mood
BUT, if I was already in a bad mood» I will feel angry and ask that person to stop stealing and tell him create ur own ques's "all copy rights reserved for me" hahah yh :$:P

they consider that its kind of intelligence to act like you're stupid sometimes in front of others? when do you fake stupidity ? ;)

LOL! Dunno bout them,, I do it wen am with my frnds and ppl I knw very well, it just we become suddenly stupid and high and behave like we're retarded :P hahah just having a good time xx

is/are there anything/s you were hating too much and now you started to like it too much ?X_X

Hahah yeeh FISH, yess buddy fish I used to hate it but now I liikee it xD

What do you know about World War one and two?

I rlly dont remember anything. I used to be an excellent student in history , used to get 100's but that was years ago xP we stopped taking history (they were in arabic ofc.)

Have you regretted being kind with some people ? If so, you may share a story.

Mm not being kind cause I'm kind with everyone! I might have regretted being loyal with some ppl
U knw this feeling wen u r with a frnd for long yrs and u get sperated like everyone goes to his own school and never talk to each other, u r just waiting to have a call or txt msg frm him or eeven just to say hi or ask about u and u get dissapointed seeing her living her life, forgotton about u so u decide to forget about her but u cant u just continue ur life regretting the moments with her
^Thats my story with my old friend Leen «we were together for 3 yrs maybe though she's christian but I loved her sooo frkn much :'(
Liked by: Lexier

معنى الغثه ‹☺› لمآ تكون سرحاان وطفشاان :|</3 ويجيك واحد ويضربك بقوة ع ظهرك ويقولك !! شكلك تحب ;) ! ^ ﻻ والله شكلي بلعن خيركك :)) [ ﮬ̶̲ﮬ̶̲ﮬ̶̲ﮬ̶̲ﮬ̶̲ﮬ̶̲ﮬ̶̲ﮬ̶̲ﮬ̶̲ﮬ̶̲ﮬ̶̲ﮬ̶̲ﮬ̶̲ﮬ̶̲ﮬ̶̲ﮬ̲ ̶ﮬ̶̲ـآإيْ ~

فُِهُہِڊَ بڼ مُِحَِمُِڊَ # ..
Hahaahhahahahahaha ;P

Who's your favorite actor and what was his or her best role?

Will smith ,, in Men in black.. Omg he's just awesome and his charisma >333

Would you leave your home country for the one you love?

Idk :p but if he rlly luvs me he must come to my home ask my father for my hand like in order to marry me
This special case; leaving my home country for him is ver rare
If u mean by this question like marrying him and settling not in my home country, I would say then its okay as long as I am with the person I luv;$
Liked by: S.M.


Language: English