

Ask @Princessasowm

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Barcelona 4 0 Milan <3 :( still remember that defeat

Yh I do remember, well Milan were well-prepared and exceptional, but Barca were predictable and indolent, so Milan's plan worked while Barca didnt have one, thats fine because the players are so good and they werent into it due to the absence of a couple of players, but at last no matter wat happens; win/loose or draw we still love Barca
Liked by: Dan J.

Surprise beautiful person! Once you get this, you must put it into at least 8 people's asks (anonymously) who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen, but it's nice to know that someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out.

Thank u my dear. Much love' x

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تحليل للحرب آلعالميةة آلثالثة :-
سوف تبدا كوريا آلشماليةة ب آلهجوم علىى آمريكاا
وهذهه آلحررب سوف تؤثرر علىى جميعع دول آلعالم
و بآلأخص آنها حربب نوويةة مدممررة !!
آروباا آو آلاتحاد سوفيتي آلقديم بتحديد روسيا وآلصين سوف يكون آلحليف آلأول لكوريا آلشماليةة و هناك آلكثير آيضاا ، آمأا مع آمريكا ف هناكك بعض دول آلأوربية و آستراليا و كوريا آلجنوبية و آليابان !
وكل من هذه آلدول لديهاا آلسلاحح آلنووي !!
و آلسلاح آلنووي سوف يؤثر علىى كل دول آلعالم !
و بهذا آيرانن ستبقىئ مع نفسهاا و إسرائيل كذلك و سوف يتحالفون و يستغلون آلفرصه ب آلهجوم علىى دول آلخليج لأن آمريكا سوف تكون مشغولة بحروبها وليس بدفاعع عنا !
و من علامات يوم القيامه رجوع الأرض كما كانت يعني لا سيارات و لا طائرات و لا أجهزه كهربائيه سينتهي العصر التكنلوجي و معروف إن الحرب ستكون نوويه ممدمره و القنابل النوويه ستأثر على الأرض تأثير كبير و ستدمر الأرض و سترجع كما كانت ..
سؤال / هل كنت تتوقع ذلك ؟
/ هل أعددت لحياتك ما يكفي لذلك ؟
/ هل كنت تتوقع بيوم و ليلة ممكن ينتهي كل شي كنت تطمح له ؟
:: هذه هي الدنيا ::
كل ما عملته لدنياك ممكن ينتهي بقنبلة نوويه!
لاكن ما عملته لآخرتك سيظل محفوظ لك ..
توقع الموت بأي لحظه و أعمل لآخرتك لأن عند الله لا يضيع حق أحد ..
ما زال أمامك الوقت للتوبه ..
تب إلى و استغفر ربك لكل ذنب اذنبته ..
و أعمل للذي لا يضيع عنده حق

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What makes a person interesting to talk to or approachable besides than good looking and clever?

★ Dian Harris ★
His knowledge, if u both have the same way of thinking/ideas, the way he delievers the info or watever he is saying, his sense of humor, his voice mdulation and if he doesnt interrupt u also if u r interested in the topic he is speaking :')

A place where you really want to go because you think it is so damn it nice there! Why?

★ Dian Harris ★
BARCELONA-SPAIN. Barcelona has its ancient architectural beauty, traditional markets that really attracted my attention, I wanna go there with the guidance of a native Catalonian I wanna enjoy walking there less depending on the public transportation, I wanna try their traditional Spanish dishes, and then I want to see the famous sites such as the main shopping street and the Olympic village. I would be so lucky if I attended a couple of matches there held in Barcelona xD

@LilOzz (Dan Johnson) asked if we have confidence. I would ask how can you be confident? xx

Well, I believe in myself, I trust my instincts in whatever I'm doing even if I fall down I must get up and realize my mistake with no shame or regret. I see some ppl struggling with this issue but I also believe that they have confidence on the inside but its up to them how to embrace their confidence

what is your thought about Barca team?

first of all barca has the highest point and I believe that it will win the title of the Spanish football league, I rlly love Barca and I'm dedicated to this club, I support my team, I like to meet their cules and think if that we can be friends in no time and we we'd talk to each other as if we know each others for years cz we r like a family and becuz of our mutual love for the team, we cry when we lose and rlly feel depressed when someone their gets injured. My fav players umm are first of all ofcourse the great Messi, Cris, Falcao, Oscar, Hazard, Karim, Ozel, there is Giggs and Scholes whom are almost 40 and still playing and thats a rare case. We achieved success thanks god we got world cups, CL's, local leagues and many other individual awards, we all have an endless love for football xD mm we also thank the base of our team Pep guardiola; he actually left the team and everyone was sad bcz he was leaving and they made a farewell ceremony, umm he said he needed a break; he needed to recharge his battery :) he has been coaching and winning for 4 years, we respect his decision he is indeed someone the clubb wont forget, we won 16 titles out of 19 with him, he's the one who came up with all the plans and techniques so I can say that he is the reason why our team is great now and btw he might come back. barca was on the TOP literally in 2009, 2010 and 2011 thought it was the worst(2011) we won 4 titles (Super cup, Copa del ray, World cup and Europa league)more than any team and right we're back on track and hopefully we'll stay that way and fix our crappy defence. ahh Barcaa! visca la barca I actually like to play football but not so good like I knw the basics and how to dribble :p and ofcourse u must know that barca and real madrid are rivals...I think thats enough info I can give about Barca, why r u interested in football?

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