

Ask @Princessasowm

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She was hesitant but clearly tempted. I watched her took a bite. I cringed. She just bit into a bacon red velvet cupcake. {Possibly a combination of godliness and a heart attack} Have you tried a strange foodie? Enjoyable or a Bust? :)x

I'm indeed an adventurous eater, I like to try new food BUT..it depends on how exotic it is..before I try it for the first time and I have no idea wat is it like, it passes throught sone sort of a test..ok it MUsT look good or how am I gnna eat it like it shouldnt be tht good but atleast appropriate and edible to be eaten...second it should smell good not a stinky one..third oh there is no third the most imp 2factors Taste & smell bcz we r talking about my health over here-.- so wen it comes to food I sure like to try new stuff. I was always not into chinese food but after my sister kept on insisting I felt like trying and it tasted delicious I was in time that I couldn't spend a week without eating chinese food yhh I was kinda addicted it was something new, strange but tasty!!!!

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Love that movie , the only one which Sandra looked sexier tbh :D . Yeah indeed i guess you might look like her but you are way much different

I liked it too, but Anne Hathaway look way prettier than her =P

I guess you look like Roselyn Sanchez either :D if you say people see you like sandra bullock ;p

Yh but I dont agree with their opinions :P they just saw her one movie "miss congeniality" and then said ohh asma u look like that women in miss congeniality movie xP

In UAE there are dangerous insects like Redback spider :D

Yeh in Dubai, they eat other insects and their bite is poisonous to ppl:S stay away frm them xx

الأسطووورة تقوول : " لو شفت مجموعة ناس بيطّلعوا عليك وفيهم واحد بس ما بتطلّع ... اعرف إنّه هو اللّي قاللهم يتطّلعوا عليك " :P:p] ههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه XD

هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه صحيييح!

What do you say during awkward silences?

Umm heey wat time is it? ..and how is life? ...I rlly like ur bracelet/top/watch/shoes or whatsoever xP , so any big plans this weekend..I just try to break this awkward silences lolx

Ever got attacked by an animal? ..not even a bird? x

Honestly not. Thanks god the city I live in has absolutely no dangerous animal that can attack u =))
But nowadays I'm seeing those stary ferocious dogs, so I just stay away from them!;))
Liked by: Argentine

What's the craziest thing you did for love?

Dan J.
For love? Nah I havent...but I may have admired someone but of course it wasnt true love..cz I think love at this age is an illusion u might nt agree.. U might have liked his looks/personality/attitude..etc.. But that doesnt mean ohbhe's my true love" . So I've never experienced such a thing..therefore I havent done anything crazy for it.
Liked by: Wishy Dan J.

Asma, I enjoy your questions, your answers, or simply your image appearing on my home page because you are wonderful, compassionate and friendly. You make me smile, so I hope you can smile the same! Here you go, :)x

And I enjoy ur sweeet words!!! I'm glad tht I made u smile:* and sure u do make me smile Julie
And here is my smile darling :D
Much love x

your English is really amazing masha'allah keep glad to meet you here on ask

Thank u so much for ur compliment, I do appreciate it. Although I dont see myself that perfect in English. I'm always trying to improve my English. Thank u so much, the pleasure is mine^^


Language: English