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How do you deal with criticism?

Dan J.
If that person meant behind that hate or any bad intention with no justification I would remain aloof and ignore it completely it mostly depends on their tone and style of criticism;)
Liked by: Classic MBA Dan J.

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So how do your questions get tackled? Do you answer your questions from the most recent asked, or do you scroll to the bottom to answer those who ask you a question first? :)x

I randomly answer the questions I recieve. For example sometimes my eyes catch an answer which is quite simple and fast to answer so I start with it first, and sometimes I scroll down and sometimes I just answer the most recent. So it depends:/


إذا كنت فلسطيني فاسمع ما يقال عنك
●قال هتلر :
أعطني جندي فلسطيني وسلاح ألماني
وسوف أجعل أوروبا تزحف على أناملها
● قال الملك عبد العزيز :
فلسطين لا تحتاج إلى رجال فرجالها أهل ثبات وحق
فلسطين تحتاج إلى سلاح
● قال كيسنجر :
وزير الخارجية الأمريكي الأسبق
لم أجد في حياتي أعند من رجال فلسطين
● قال فيديل كاسترو :
اليهود حمقى لأنهم احتلوا دولة شعبها لا يكل ولا يمل
● قال بيل كلنتون :
صدمت بفورة وتحدي هذا الشعب المظلوم في كتب التاريخ
● قال صدام حسين :
في كل نقطة دم فلسطينية يولد مجاهد
● ياسر عرفات ( أبو عمار) :
الشعب الذي لن تهزه الرياح
شعب الجبارين
● قال الأمير عبد الله الفيصل :
لولا رجال فلسطين لمسحت كرامة العرب
#Palestine♡ *PS*
I'm a Palestinian and I'm proud ♡ *PS*

LOL Asma, don't hate me for saying this but chocolate consumption is not eating all your favourite food, just a wide variety of more chocolate! :) But lovely answer, you and Mohammed, chocolate addicts.

Yes that's true, but I meant yh more variety of chocolates + junk foods(fried fast food)
U mean mohammed qeshta?

What is your favorite holiday delicacy? {Mine are chalky candy hearts with the little messages during Valentine's day. I wasn't able to get any before they ran out at the store this year - and they only sell during love day, so unlucky me!} Be creative as always :)x

Ohh it would contain lots and lots of food huni. First, ofcourse a big jar of chocolate chips, dark chocolate bars and some snacks and including the JuNK food xD
And after I finish with chocolates, then I let my food consumption get out of control, my appetite will just increase cz it was happy with all the chocolates=) so I'll start drinking hot chocolate and then I would think about doing some physical activities xD
So basically my "Favourite holiday delicacy" is based on Eating and Eating and more Eating my fav food;$

What would be the first three words you would teach a parrot, if you had one? :p

I love you..oh that would count as two wordsx well then zi would add"Asma" so it will be like I love you Asma xD

Do you ever lose your temper and you're not sure why?

Dan J.
I'm generally a calm person and my patience meter is way too long. I just don't like the idea of getting too much angry especially with other people. However some actions nowadays rlly pisses me off and I just lose my temper but still I have control on myself
Liked by: Classic MBA Dan J. M

If u could go back in time & fix everything, where would u start?

Dan J.
I wouldn't rlly go back in time to fix anything bad/wrong or I dont even remember I missed something frm the past I wanted to happen. Maybe I would go back in time to study moreand get higher marks than what I got . i just look forward for wat the future holds xD

Who is the angel Gabriel u now say?

The Holy spirit (Angel Gabriel ) is one of God Angels ... he doesn't dwell among people ...
he is the Angel which the revelation of Quran delivered to prophet Muhammad(pbuh) through him ...
Liked by: Classic MBA M Dan J.


Language: English