

Ask @Princessasowm

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Where is your escape from reality? {Behind the door, under the covers, in a cove, or beneath the fire, etc. etc} Where is your hideout, and are visitors welcomed? Be as creative as you can be! :)x

Writing..yh I just clear my thoughts and just write and write imaginary stuff =P or even I go watch something funny on tv xD

Do you think people should eat the fish they catch, or just let them go? It is encouraged to imagine outside the box, but please answer freely :)x

Yes why not if it was good and fish as u knw is an important part of a healthy diet. Fish contain high quality protein, essential nutrients, healthy fish oils and are low in saturated fa twhich is found in some green vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts, kale, spinach, and salad greens and fatty fish in addition to its deliecious taste ^*^ plus there are many people out there who make a living off of catching and selling fish to people. Although u should make sure that its uncontaminated so if u know how to clean it and prepare it properly why not?!xD as its more fresh and has a better quality when u catch it right from its place!

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Does someone you know (family member, friend, relative) have a unique talent? If so, what is it? x

Yup, my cousin actually is so talented in designing she actually studied "Interior design" but she came to be successful in many other related things like decorations and designing cakes and many different stuff for occasions nd bla xp she's rlly creative<3

What do you think is the difference between loving someone and being in love? x

LoVE is of course essential in both..but maybe loving someone is just respecting and wanting that person to be well all the time because u seem to care about her also because of some stuff that u like about her. And being in love is wen u r completely in love with the person and that all u want is to be with that person and have her around u..

I think you are a wonderful person and many people like you. You deserve messages like this because you are a great person and I'm sure you have many achievements in your life. We need more people like you. Please always be the best you can be. Thank you for being a great person. (: <3

I dnt know how many ppl u have send this msg to or if u truly mean iit cz I dont care its just a really lovely msg that I get this afternoon.. And I apreciate it much Boss! Thank u alot, I'm flattered..that actually made my day..wen I'm supposed to thank u for all the things u try to do to help ppl here and some stuff u say that highly motivate me.. Stay strong and take a very good care of ur gf^^

شو رأيك بمحمد عساف ابن بلدك؟

والله الحقيقة صوتو بجنن كتير حلو ماشاء الله، الله يخلي لأهلو..وبتمنى هو يكون الأرب أيدول!! لأنو بستحق مش عشان من بلدي ;)
Liked by: Classic MBA

If someone handed you a book that was the story of your life from when you were born to when you died, would you read it? And why? xx

I would read it..just to recall some memories I've had whether they were good or bad and just see how my life was like.. And If I was still alive I would probably see where mistakes I've made in order to prevent them later in life and just make the happiest ending=)

Imagine you walking out of school and see Justin Bieber waiting for you! .................?

Hehe I would just ignore his existence and pass by him giving him the *not interested* look It would indeed turn him on grr.. Then he would cut off his lame songs :P

I'm good yes i did , that's nice take care of you

I believe that this is "El Casanva'' cz I dont see u in my followers liat anymore! why have u deactivated your account?!!
Liked by: Classic MBA

If Spongebob is the main character, why is Patrick the star ?

HAHAH u have a gd point over here! But dont get confused though I know they r fooling kids =P
There were a few study by The University of Virginia and the research showed that kids who watched just nine minutes of a “very popular fantastical cartoon about an animated sponge that lives under the sea” SpongeBob SquarePants were “significantly impaired” in tests of executive function — essentially a person’s ability to stay on task and not get distracted — compared with children who were assigned either to watch an educational cartoon (in this case, Caillou) or to draw.
But the study was fairly small — it tracked just 60 4-year-olds 
Liked by: Classic MBA Nabilah

الأم العربية قآدرة على تحويل أي كلمة إلى دعاآء . . ! مثلآ تسألـــهآ ؛؛ يمــــآ عنـــآ قشــآطة ؟! تقولك ؛؛ يقشطوك بجهنم .. وهيكآ هههههههههههههههـ ..

هههههههههههههه قدرات الأم عاد.. الله يخليها الوالدة :P
Liked by: Classic MBA

If People Can Live in Other Planets, Which Planet Would You Live in? " I prefer Saturn :D " + I'm Following You <3 :*

Pluto..with no reasons :P though it's been disqualified from the list of planets xP Also we have no spaceships that can get us there .. But Saturn suffers from lack of atmospheric oxygen. And there are aliens there so the planet belongs to them, u must buy it from them if u want to live there, so if u have enough money to..go ahead xD but there will be then the O2 problemox
Iknow..I'm already following u too=))
Liked by: Classic MBA M Nabilah

say some ways to tease a friend?

Oh wow I have millions of ways..but the common one I use with my friend is that I bring any kind of her fav. food that she loves and just dangle some of it and then into my mouth I eat it and I just don't let her have any, she then begs me to let her have it..but then I feel pity on her and I consider giving her the last crunch or piece of it. It is the most effective way I use it with this FOOD lover SKINNY girl! 
Liked by: Classic MBA Nabilah

If you were to buy me a present, knowing nothing about me, other than what I look like, what would that present be?

I would buy u a box of All different kinds o chocolate. Chocolate brings happiness to my life and it will if u accepted it as a gift and eat it^^
Liked by: Classic MBA Dan J.


Language: English