

Ask @Princessasowm

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If you were Peter Pan and given the chance to never grow up, would you take it?

I dont think I'll be able to accomplish stuff I want to at this age=p so nop
Liked by: M

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You are not perfect, but you are amazing and wonderful. You are beautiful and attractive, the kindest soul lays within you. Thank you, for being you.

Thank u for your sweeeet words. Youuu r amazing too<3
Liked by: M Dk Nadia

If I could plug a wire from my laptop into your head and upload any skill (like the matrix), which skill would you most want me to give you?

Haha I wish I could give u a useful skill :P, but maybe I'll teach u how to eat alot but never gain any weight:D
Liked by: M Nabilah

Can you cry underwater?

I would think not since most people crying are also sniffling and taking in breaths either through the mouth or nose automatically without thinking about it..so it would be very, very difficult if at all possible.
Liked by: Alex❂ M

What are 5 things you love?

3. Food(chocolate, muffins & lots of cookies)
5. Cant think anymore but maybe u xP
Liked by: M

Name your favorite movie and what it’s about ?

Titanic probably of all time,, i bet u knw wat is it about:))
Liked by: M خ

يقول شكسبير : ان الذين لا يستطيعون النوم مبكرا هم علماء و مفكرين المستقبل .. عيد يا قلبي عييد خلي اهلي يسمعوآ

ههههههههههههه طول عمري بحب شكسبير انا xD
Liked by: M

What was your favourite story when you were growing up?

This famous story! "Little Red Riding Hood" or in its arabic version "ليلى والذئب" (laila and the wolf)
Once upon a time, there was a little beautiful girl named Laila . She lived with her mother in a small house in the forest . One day her mother asked her to take some food for her grandmother who lived on the otherside of the forest.
While Laila was walking happily and singing cheerful songs, suddenly the wolf appeared to her in the middle of the way. "What is your name ?Where are you going ? " the wolf asked Laila . "I am going to my grandmother" said Laila . " What do you have in your basket ?" He asked, Laila replied " I have some food in it. I am sorry because I am late for my grandmother". The wolf ran to Lailas grandmother house and he tricked the grandmother by making his voice the same as Lailas. When he entered the house he swallowed her and put on her clothes.
When Laila arrived she knocked the door and she entered the house and the wolf told her come in. When Laila noticed her grandmother's long ears she asked "why are your ears very big ?" "To hear your sweet voice" he said . "Why do you have a big nose?" she said, he answered " So that I could smell your scent". Laila asked " Why do you have sharp teeth?" suddenly the wolf cried " To EAT you". Laila ran away as quickly as she could from the wolf in to the forest. She found a hunter, who saved her and killed the wolf. Then the hunter cut the wolf 's stomach and got out Laila's grandmother.They thanked the hunter and appreciated what he had done.

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What would you do If the people you admire make fun of your best friend (Any Boy).

If they love me, they wouldn't make fun of my best friend in front of me. But if they did, I will try to avoid any arguments and fights by just letting them know that it is so bad talking behind someone's back especially when his best friend is there, I wont just keep listening to how they insult my friend. If they continued doing so I will just defend my friend by telling them wat good things he used to say about them! I bet they will feel culpable and turn red with embarrassment and by saying that I will excuse myself and leave immediately!!

...the rest of the answer to the last question)..

Eloquence of Quran’s language – The uniqueness and beauty of Quran’s text has been marveled by the best of Arab linguists and scholars from the days it was revealed until today. The more knowledgeable people are in the language, the more they appreciate the wonders of the textual fluency of the Quran.
Overwhelming scientific evidence and proofs – The Quran, revealed more than 1400 years ago has numerous scientific facts that are being validated by science only in this era.
Divine wisdom behind various social issues – The Quran provides a solution to numerous social issues, a deviation from which has known to cause societal chaos at all levels.
Arguments rooted in intellectual reasoning – Quran is the only known religious text that challenges mankind to think, reflect and ponder over the creation at large, social issues, God’s existence, and more. Quran in many instances challenges people to reflect and think on their own rather than heeding to the lose talk of those whose criticism is based on baseless foundations.
A confident assertion of a supreme being – Quran is the only known religious book that has a confident assertion of a supreme being on all issues ranging from the creation of the universe to social issues.
Divine Text – Quran’s language and prose is very different from the language in the hadith (Porphet’s sayings) thus proving that Quran is not the “imagination” or words of Prophet Muhammad, as many doubters have alleged in the past and do so even today.

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Why does some people convert to islam? What makes them think of converting?

Muslims believe however, that the Islamic religion is different in this context. One may argue that similar to other faiths there are aspects of it which are not completely demonstrable by reason but on the other hand, the Quranic text, which is Allah’s words addressing the humanity at large, uses intellectual reason, critical thinking, and the process of reflection as a means to not only reinforce the faith of the believers but also to call non-believers to ponder about the authenticity of Islam as the way of life for the humanity at large. Although no religious beliefs can be fully based on logic and reasoning, Islam and Quran provide more than enough examples and an opportunity to examine the truth and the soundness of its message through the lens of empirical evidence and knowledge.
No one (Muslim or otherwise) would argue that critical thinking and reflection can be a major catalyst for changing of ones life. Critical thinking has been used by many to improve their lives simply because a critical thinker asks probing questions about a situation, collects as much information as possible, reflects on the ideas collected and generated in context of the information available, keeps an open and unbiased mind and carefully scrutinizes assumptions and seeks alternatives.
This is the reason therefore that new Muslim converts would attribute the use of intelligent reasoning, reflection and critical thinking when explaining their journey to Islam. Such people cut through the hysteria created by some in the media to view Islam from a critical lens and following the truth thus comes naturally to them as part of this process. How else can one explain the increase in conversions with the increase of anti-Islam rhetoric? How else can one explain that more non-Muslim preachers have been converting to Islam than ever before? Although as Muslims we believe that the guidance (hidaya) comes only from Allah, the use of a person’s God-gifted intellectual reasoning has a very powerful role to play in Muslim converts making that destiny changing decision. And once converted, they rarely go back to their old faiths simply because a faith whose foundations are built on logic and reason is much less likely to be shaken down than one which builds simply upon a set of rites and sacraments.
Some of the reasons attributed by people who convert to Islam are listed below. We can see that most of these reasons can only be attributed to the process of critical thinking and intellectual reflection.
Eloquence of Quran’s language – The uniqueness and beauty of Quran’s text has been marveled by the best of Arab linguists and scholars from the days it was revealed until today. The more knowledgeable people are in the language, the more they appreciate the wonders of the textual fluency of the Quran.
Overwhelming scientific evidence and proofs – The Quran, revealed more than 1400 years ago has numerous scientific facts that are being validated

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