

Ask @Princessasowm

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What pet would you have if given a chance to keep one? Why?

A cute lil puppy! I had one but it was away from me and died. I want one to keep next to me, for me and myself only!

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Where would you go on your honeymoon?

Spain, France, Turky, Maldives, Bora Bora, Morroco, Palestine, Canada, United Kingdom, US, Lebanon, Sweden and Italy. I'm not paying xD
Liked by: Aya

Which one would you prefer for yourself & which one would you prefer for someone that is close to you? A) A very short life filled with extreme happiness & joy B) A long life that is mostly tasteless & gloomy

Mr. Do-do
Option A for both of course =)
Liked by: Mr. Do-do

Do you love the life you're living?

I do love the life I'm living, its not perfect but thats how I want it to be. I love life with its ups and downs, the moments of joy and sadness. There is no such 'perfect life' but to me although I haven't achieved what I want in my life yet, but its still the perfect life for me ^^
Liked by: Aya

Who do you talk to more when in a problem, your mother or father?

It depends on the topic actually. But mostly, mum and if she is not there I go talk to dad ^^

Remember: Appreciate the positives, don't frustrate over the negatives & make the best out of everything you have. :)

Mr. Do-do
Inshaallah I do. Its so easy to say but sometimes hard to apply and do :c
Liked by: Mr. Do-do

Which one of these philosophies do you agree with more? A) Nothing is worth violence & hostility B) Be prepared to fight for what you value the most

Mr. Do-do
Of course I have to fight for my values, but the first one seems quite peaceful. So yes, I'll go with the first philosophy =))
Liked by: Mr. Do-do

How do you feel right now? What are you thinking about?

Restless. Whether the cake is ready to take out of the oven..I've been waiting since forever xx

What celebrity annoys you the most?

Idc I have nothing against them..but I so dislike Lady Gaga.. Her music is good but what she wears and her attitude idk she's weird :/


Language: English