

Ask @Princessasowm

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What are some of the first things you do in the morning?

Breakfast is a mustt every morning, shower and then i just sit and check my snap stories haha

Hahah okay sorryy ill watch them againn, don't kill mee ? im so lazy to go and study please motivate mee

Muneeb Tayyab
Alriight look first off have a quick shower in order to feel refreshed and then have ur daily breakfast better be something light like umm a peanut butter sandwich or poached eggs. Then just say bismellah and start?? Duude sorry to say this but 12 days are only left and since ur kinda late dw start from 2003 do 2 years paper(mayjune&octnov) y3ni total will be 4 papers everyday 2 in the morning and 2 at night; if u do this u should be done maxx by the next thursday, and you'll have the last 5 days utilize these days by -completing from 2010 till 2014 the other variants, -Collect and revise for the last time ur mistakes -If you have any notes or formula's..etcc go thru them.. By that you'll be done inshallah with all the years?? If u feel lazy and u procrastinate a lot like me and stuff remember that this is your veryy last chance to compensate for paper1&3 :( and to raise your total average in maths and physics together (in case ur taking maths or any other subject) ,,just dont waste ur time and remember ur goal! Remember that this paper has 31% its not that low to underestimate it,, so yeh and tell yourself that u need to get good grades cz it our last year in school U want a good average to make ur parents proud and get into the uni u desire inshallah. Don't ever give up on yourself, have faith in Allah that u'll make it and trust yourself? ^Hope that helps, and good luck?

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Liked by: Muneeb Tayyab

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Ive watched all of themm :$ all of them were so good specially 21 jump street and rush hourrr? do you plan to studyy today?

Welll watch them again y3ni wat dis it took me an effort writing them down.. JKK JK better go study? and yah I should I'll do 2 or 3 papers probably today inshallah amen
Liked by: Muneeb Tayyab

Man i dont like him tbh he hasn't taught us properly, hahah victims of mr R ? i like every kind of movie except scary and romantic :$

Muneeb Tayyab
I know right.......ugh Allah kreem? Welll romantic movies are not my thing either lol but there is this 'Safe haven' its sooo goodd): Or you can watch this romantic/comedy you'll like it -'Crazy, stupid love' & there is -'This means war' -Horrible bosses (watch the two parts) -Lets be cops -Just go with it -21/22 Jump street -Life as we know it -Friends with benefits -We're the millers -Bad teacher -Rush hour I can write more hehe but maybe start with the first two romcom and hey tell me what u think if u watched any??

I forgot to untick for that question :$ atleast you started studying I haven't even started im so lazy its not even funny x_x tell me some good moviess

Muneeb Tayyab
Its okay we're both Physics victims or I should say 'rifqat's victims' to be more precise HAHAH *astghfurallah*?? And tell me what type of movies u likeee??

Hey hows physics goingg?

I've been watching movies all day long today lol, but I've practiced a couple of papers yesterday tho and I have much doubts? Idk it feels like I'm on an official holiday already..

Got you all fired up with your napoleon complex, seeing right through you like you're bathing in windex

Boy why you so obsessed with me?

I tell my boyfriend every time to take me somewhere fancy but he never listens, im bored with him what do i dooo


Meshaan allaah shu asaawy 3m bezhhh2 mn 7beebi hes so borringg w neswanjii ya allaah????? 36eenii jawaab a8n3oo aw badee es7bb 3leeh??????? w et3raf 3ala 3'ayroo ???☺️

Thats what she said.. And this is not very lady-likely tbh

How often do u get hate on ask.fm?

I used to get those hateful messages within a day.. And whenever i publish an answer they'd criticize it or whatever so I never answered them, and eventually I guess they got bored so yeh. But thankfully I don't get them anymore :D

Is it okay to have a guy as a best friend?

Sure, why not I myself have a bestfriend thats a guy I know him since long time ago... Its kinda better than having a girl as a bestfriend tbh less drama and more fun heheh
Liked by: Muneeb Tayyab

What would your DJ name be?

I'll take the first letters of my name and father's and the last letters of my family name that'd be asmohamy ?

What if that someone meant a lot to, someone whom you used to consider him as a close friend?

I don't know it depends on what they did and how, maybe my last answer is not the solution
Liked by: Mohammad


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