

Ask @MaskedMetaKnight4

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What is the most useful thing/skill/habit (of any nature, personal or professional) you've learnt/developed in your life?

A strong work ethic
What is the most useful thingskillhabit of any nature personal or professional

What if I told you that your waifus are trash and you should feel bad for loving them?

Your mom dresses you funny! D:<
What if I told you that your waifus are trash and you should feel bad for loving

One day you get up in the morning and you find that your sex is changed. What will be your first reaction?

Hopefully gifs work on ask.fm cuz my answer is there lol
One day you get up in the morning and you find that your sex is changed What

Is education free at universities in your country? For example in my country you need to pay for all years.

If only. Universities out here taking your life saving in Canada too.

What do you do when you're bored? 😐

Play games, work on videos, watch videos, stream, think up new ideas, chat on social media, anime, and other naughty things...
What do you do when youre bored


Language: English