

Ask @FloatingQuaker

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Are you afraid that robots will take over the world?

Abso-fucking-lutely. Why do you think I'm skeptical of self-driving cars? One day they'll become sentient and drive you to a place you don't wanna go. Driving yourself allows you to block that.
Liked by: Hylandsangels Wolf

Lastly, as a Marvel fan, have you seen this Venom trailer? What do you think? https://youtu.be/Qz0Gb7xORtM Bear in mind this is in no way shape or form part of the MCU.

I did see that. Honestly not sure what to think.
Venom is definitely better-looking and characterized than in Spider-Man 3, and I do like Tom Hardy as an actor. Minus the voice for Bane.
I do like how it seems to be more about Eddie's struggles with the suit, and how he treats Venom as a parasite more than a suit. I can't judge a whole lot based on the trailers, but I am certainly interested.
Liked by: Wolf

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Also, I was right and Milo is holding the camera in Submission 4 when we see The Operator symbol. So for it to be in the journal can be justified. The only one I can’t is the one on the card from The Box.

Yeah, chances are The Box can be handwaved. I think Adam might just say that's a Collective symbol though, since he states that he really hated using the Operator symbol back in the day.
Liked by: Wolf
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Thinking about deleting my old Last Jedi posts on the blog and posting one long one addressing some of the major criticisms of the movie as my opinions and perspectives on things have evolved and refined. I know it’s my blog and I can do whatever, but what’s your thoughts?

Personally, I think it's important to update stuff like that, as your ideas and opinions will always change in time.
I'm not sure if deleting your old posts would be the best idea tho, since it's nice to address them and explain why they don't reflect your current views anymore. Like you said, it's your blog, but that's just my take on it.
Liked by: Wolf

This trailer left me in a weird equilibrium of gaining and losing faith in this. https://youtu.be/eRV-c3hs3vw

I...have no...idea...how to feel about this. It's just...so vague, really confusing, and kinda generic on some fronts. Uh...props for not being a really shitty HBO documentary I guess?
Liked by: Wolf

Okay, so I know this idea is likely ridiculous, but I've had this idea for who the "roommate" that Sisyphus!Noah has. Bear with me, since I know this is crazy.

Michael Andersen. Noah said that he's been through a similar experience he has. While Noah and Michael's situations are quite different, they both involve their family members and friends in Slender Man's antics.
MLAndersen0 hasn't updated anything for awhile, and if what HABIT said about Michael needing a "wall of meat" is true, then he's most certainly out of resources. Shaun, Stormy, Eric, and all the other immediate characters I can think of that were part of MLA are dead, meaning that Michael is a clear target for Slendy.
Now I don't remember much about what the Hands do, but what if they prevent the Admin from just eating Michael similar to how Sebastian's journal protects Future Noah? Perhaps this limits Slendy to simply sticking him in the Boardwalk's realm, simply to spite him? There, he meets Future Noah and starts living with him since there's nowhere else to go.
The reason why I keep thinking about this is because I remember Adam listing the crossovers TT has had in terms of how connected they are. Of the five series, DH and EMH are the two more important ones, whereas SF and WF are the less important ones. MLA is smack dab in the middle in terms of relevance. There's also two gifs that Adam uses to describe the crossover with MLA, one with a rabbit (likely referencing Severance, since it's HABIT), and one that's simply a loading screen. One fan speculated that said loading screen means that the crossover has yet to happen. And yeah, I'm that Noah and Michael/Patrick also appeared in SF's Unsatisfied Customers, but I'm not sure if that counts as a crossover or not. So...I dunno. What do you both think?

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I’m internally screaming with delight. https://youtu.be/RI7WyhWZkzk

Man, I haven't really followed this series as much as you have, but I'm glad that it's coming back. It had a lot of cool things, and chances are it will have even more again.
Also like how Anakin and Obi-Wan are closer to their Revenge of the Sith appearances here. Nice little touch.
Liked by: Wolf

Would you rather be Kim Kardashian for a day or Kanye West for a day?

Would you rather be the wife of Satan for a day, or a sentient pipe of opium for a day?
Liked by: Wolf

Which country will win the 2018 FIFA World Cup?

I was hoping for a France vs. England thing, but whatever. I don't ultimately care in the long run, but I have friends in Paris, so it would be nice for France to win.
And while I'm on the topic of France, here's a random photo from Paris. Wish I could post more but one, but what can you do.
Liked by: Wolf

That’s all I can think of. That Firebrand saves him when he was young and he’s time hopping. Firebrand can watch Milo and bring Robert to where he’s needed and it helped hide him from Mary.

And somehow Robert would learn how Severance works, and how to use today's technology to fight against the Collective. It works. Also, since Scriniarii said that Henka Visæ brought a lot of pain to his family, this supports that.
And a fun fact: Adam likened Scriniarii's relationship to the Admin to that of this scene, with Scri being O'Connell.
https://youtu.be/ZIOsPR-Vu7YFloatingQuaker’s Video 148489370178 ZIOsPR-Vu7YFloatingQuaker’s Video 148489370178 ZIOsPR-Vu7Y
Liked by: Wolf
+2 answers in: “I’m listening to Night Mind reading Milo’s journal. And he read a section with Robert mentioning a college fund for Milo. If Scri is Robert, could that be where the money came from?”

We don’t know for a fact Scri is a member of The Collective, just that he’s working with Firebrand. If Firebrand saved him from the fire, Robert could just easily access the funds. Especially since it doesn’t sound like Mary knew about it.

I'm pretty sure it's confirmed at this point that Scriniarii isn't a Collective member. If he were, he's have appeared a lot more during the Collective's "family pictures" so to speak. I think he's just a normal person who's trying to fight the Collective in any way possible, which just so happens to be working as a hacker for Firebrand.
And if he is Robert, it would make sense for him to do something for Milo that Mary wouldn't know about. Although if Scri is Robert, I'm a little confused as to why he looks so young in contrast to Firebrand himself. I mean, he's not only Milo's biological dad, but also Noah's uncle. And right now, they both look to be about the same age. I know it could be because Firebrand saved Robert at a relatively young age, but still.
Liked by: Wolf
+2 answers in: “I’m listening to Night Mind reading Milo’s journal. And he read a section with Robert mentioning a college fund for Milo. If Scri is Robert, could that be where the money came from?”

I’m listening to Night Mind reading Milo’s journal. And he read a section with Robert mentioning a college fund for Milo. If Scri is Robert, could that be where the money came from?

Hmmm...that could be a cool idea, but I'm not sure how Robert would've been able to access that fund as Scriniarii.
But it does add up.
Liked by: Wolf
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Yo enjoy Italia my dude! That sounds awesome. I will pester you for stories upon your return.

As will the rest of my friends and family, haha.
Don't worry, I've got plenty of pictures, and I'll tell you all about it once I get back to Canada. Now if you excuse me, I have pizza and spaghetti to hunt for.
Liked by: Wolf

Is it sad that even after that long rant I don’t feel better? Feel free to look at last question answered before you respond. You’ll know which one it is.

Unfortunately, Star Wars fans are practically impossible to please these days, especially on the internet. I've completely given up on trying to understand them, and the things that they've done to both Kelly Marie Tran and Ahemed Best (I'll agree that the character sucks, but that's no reason to bully the actor, plus every other unfair thing he was going through) are deplorable and ridiculous. Really, the fandom as a whole is more childish than any of the worst parts of the prequels combined.
I thought that the marketing strategy they had for the spinoff series + main series was unique and interesting. But yeah, the window they had was a little too short. And I don't blame you for not feeling satisfied after that rant. These guys probably are never going to change, and there's nothing we can do about it. They always find something to complain about, no matter what direction the series goes in. I could go on and on about this, but I will say that that I do agree with the points you made in that rant.
Also, haven't had time to see Solo yet (I'm currently exploring Italy), so I can't have an opinion on it yet.

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Liked by: Wolf

Girls, what does it feel like to hAve long hair? to stylieize it? to put it in a pony tail? Also what does it feel like to be a girl in general? to have breasts? to have wide hips? to have thick thighs? to have nothing between your thighs? Please message me with your answers or if you want to chat.

Nicolette Zacharko
...I'm a dude.
Liked by: Wolf

Swimming pool, river, lake, sea, ocean - where do you prefer to swim?

Either a lake, or liquid pavement.
Liked by: Wolf

TBH Captain Spirit doesn't seem like it'll be my cup of tea, but I'm snagging it on Steam at the moment just in case and for the LiS 2 links. (maybe ive just been playing too much dark souls ive sunk over 100 hours in it and im gonna buy another edition of it tomorrow help what has my life become)

There just seems to be so many "Captain" heroes showing up as of late. When are we going to get a series where the main character is a general or something? Unless there is one and I just can't remember it.
Liked by: Wolf


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