
You're Wonderful Project

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I am a 22 year old girl who has never had a boyfriend.Whenever i find new guys who i like,they always have girlfriends.I can never date them.Almost every decent and nice guy i know has a girlfriend already.I keep feeling insecure that i will never find a guy of my choice.He will be committed always

We are not defined by who we are with. We are defined by what we do and how we do it. I know having a boyfriend might seem like an important task to you right now, but what you have to remember always is that you are in your prime. You are not 22! You are JUST 22. The world is your oyster yet.
Dont go out in the world, trying to find Someone. Go out into the world and enjoy your life. Be yourself. And don't give a damn about them men. They are all a transient part of your life. They will come and go. But you will be with you forever.
I know it sounds very tacky, but love yourself. When you do, you glow. Believe in yourself. Believe in what you do.
Find something you love doing, and do it right. Find a passion. A hobby .
Never let your life revolve around another being. Man or woman. Dont go looking for love and it will find you.
You are beautiful, extraordinary. You are a woman. Be strong, be independent. Be yourself.
No one else is good enough.

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Liked by: Malvica Sawhney

I have asked several questions here and i am so thankful to you and your project. You have satisfied my queries and i feel less insecure. A little help in critical situation can be a huge support and can change one's life. You are doing a noble job. Hats off! Thank you so much from everyone's behalf

Aww thank you so so much!
This means a lot to us.
We just want you all to be okay, and seeing that our help is of actual use to you, makes us so happy.
Stay wonderful, keep smiling ❤
Thank you once again x

i enjoy being alone so much. Whenever i have to meet people, talk with them, it causes pain. I look good, im an above average student, im a good dancer, i'm a good writer, i even sing and paint good. People say im so talented. But whenever it comes to showcasing my talents in public, its so painful

Hey stranger,
Its okay to want to be alone. Its perfectly fine. What you are feeling is normal. A lot of people dont like social interactions. And thats perfectly fine. But you are extremely talented and such talent should be showcased to the world just like your friends tell you.
Social anxiety is common. A lot of people go through it. They are worried about what people might think of them. So they avoid social interactions until absolutely necessary. But you are so very talented and beautiful. And you have people around you who love you for who you are. And they want you to try. They want you to try and break out of whatever it is that is holding you back and be the person who they know you can be.
Give it a chance. Give yourself a chance. Take baby steps. I am not asking you to go out tomorrow and start dancing randomly. Talk to one person outside of your friend circle. Just one. Try it. And whenever you feel pained during such interactions, just close your eyes, take 3 deep breaths and count backwards from 10. It may sound stupid. You may think how is that going to help you, but trust me it will. Just give it a try.
Try. Spread your wings. And trust me. You will overcome this.
I won't force you. Deciding to try is completely up to you. You can go on being perfectly happy and talented just the way you are. And that will be alright. Because there is nothing wrong with what you are feeling and doing. But the world is a better place when you have someone to share it with. The world will be a better place with you in it. Socially, emotionally and physically.
Stay wonderful xx

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Hey there i guess you remember that career related question i asked on your ask's page. I want to tell you that i have finally decided to go for a BBA course and yet not sure about MBA after my graduation. Guide me please?

Well, I'd suggest that you talk about this with some professional career counsellor.
We are not trained to guide on career counselling.
I am glad you're taking up MBA, but for what to do in your life career wise, I'd suggest you talk to someone who's either traveled the path you're choosing, or a professional.
Stay wonderful x
Liked by: Ambikesh

Is there anything wrong in being a Gay or Bisexual or Lesbian?

You are a human. And you love humans.
Sexually or not. You have love inside you. You want to give it out to others. Let it be your parents, your friends or your lovers.
You chose to give it to someone of your gender, rather than going all the way to the opposite gender.
So what? In the end, you have love inside you. And you're ready to give it out to the World.
It does not matter if its a boy, or a girl, or both.
As long as you're happy, do whatever you're doing.
Just be happy, man. Just be happy.

i have been chatting with a facebook friend but he hasn't seen me yet. He insists on meeting. He's charming but i only see him as a friend. I avoid meeting him because im afraid that he will fall in love with me ones he sees me. I dont want that. I dont want to lose him. Shall i meet him at all?

Hey! Are you sure he'll fall in fall in love with you if he meets you? Maybe he is showing signs of doing so. If he is, you should subtly just let him know you love him as a friend. Be careful at this part, because you said that you are really thankful for him. So tell him you're thankful for a wonderful friend like him and you hope it stays that way. Do let him know this can't turn to love, cause once it does, it'll turn messy. When it comes to meeting, if he understands that you want to go no further, go for it. If he really is your true friend, he will totally understand. Trust him, and yourself.
Trust the friendship you guys have between you.
Stay positive x
Liked by: Ambikesh

I am tired of average thinkers. They think small, act small. I don't like lengthy discussions on silly topics and almost feels like there's no one to talk to, as they don't have an understanding level or maturity. Shall i stop talking to people? It's too exhausting to listen to average topics

Okay. I can understand your frustration. But not talking to people isn't a solution. That isn't going to change anything. At least when you talk to people you give them a new perspective to a certain thing, and so do they. Whether or not they chose to look through it, its their choice anyway. Do not think of them as "average thinkers". Maybe they are having problems in communicating with others as much as you. Talk to others. If you feel that they need to take a step forward, you do the same too. You got to step out of your comfort zone. Moreover, the world's population is in billions. There are going to be many such people, isolating yourself wouldn't help the situation.
Mindsets can't be changed over night. It'll take time. My advice to you, keep on fighting soldier, don't let them get to you.
Stay happy and stay wonderful xx

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Liked by: Ambikesh

How can I be a part of what you are doing ? I have done events with twloha and would love to do something like that in India with you

Hey there! For anyone who wishes to join us, please message us on Facebook at https://m.facebook.com/heref0ryou
We will be happy to answer you!
Stay Wonderful ❤

Should i fight with my boyfriend over petty things for example him smoking and all? He himself doesnt want to do it BUT its once in a while thing like very occassionaly and i dont want him to do this and spoil his 2 crucial years of studies

Thankyou for sharing your worries with us.
I personally think that you should stop him for smoking any further. If you don't fight, he won't stop smoking and fighting would rather have an impact on him.
Smoking one cigarette or a 100 cigarettes, it will anyways trigger the growth of cancerous cells and that's the last thing you want him to go through.
Stop him before it becomes a full fledged addiction.
Fighting won't spoil his crucial 2 years, you're just helping him leave a bad habit.
Go ahead and pick a fight, he'll become a better human.
Goodluck!:) xx
Stay wonderful.
Liked by: Malvica Sawhney

Hey ! This is so good of you guys! you are not only helping the people who r seeking your help but also the ppl who go through your page ! This is really wonderfull u have helped me too . Thnx ! Stay awesome

Aishwarya_satish’s Profile PhotoAishwarya
Keep smiling beautiful!
You are wonderful ❤
Liked by: Aishwarya

Nothing is wrong with my life. I have friends and family who love me. I'm finally going abroad for college. Everything seems perfect and on track but I still feel empty. I'm just not happy. I struggle everyday just to get up and survive. Nothing's wrong but yet everything feels wrong.

Ok so everything seems perfect with you right. You seem to have friends and family who love you, you're going to college abroad an everything seems just perfect right. However you're not happy. That means everything isn't as it seems right. I actually went through a similar phase in my life. Sometimes when you reach the pinnacle of success or actually achieve goals that took a reasonable amount of time and energy from you, you sort of drain out. It's reasonable to assume that you work really hard to achieve everything you say you have. To reach a certain level of 'perfection', you must have had to sacrifice time, energy and resources. So I think it's also reasonable to assume that your exhaustion, both emotional and physical has caught on to you. I also have been accepted to a college abroad and I know how many sleepless nights I had just trying to get things done. Given that everything seems just perfect in your life, why don't you try taking some time out for yourself and getting to know who you are and what makes you happy. I know sometimes it's hard to get out of bed and do things that should just be normal and a part of your life, but sometimes we also need a break from 'normal'. Right now as everything else is in order in your life, you don't need to worry about anything else. I think your mind and body is telling you that it's time I concentrate on YOU. As you're moving into a new phase in life, you need to take account of your feelings and general well being before you prepare yourself to continue dealing with everything that is to come. My advice is to consult your friends and family. Tell them how you're feeling and I'm sure they'll provide you with support and good advice. After discussing things with them, take a few days off to just sleep, laze around and do things that relax you and require zero effort. After you're reasonably well rested, take up a hobby. Start going out with your friends to places, sit alone and listen to music or read a book, watch TV, dance, work out etc Do things that make you want to live, make you want to move and breathe and feel alive. As you reclaim all that lost emotion, ability, reason, energy, laughter etc you'll reclaim yourself and your happiness. All the luck to you and remember you're ALIVE. If that's not a reason to get out of bed, then I don't know what is.
Stay wonderful x

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Liked by: Malvica Sawhney

I'll make an id on ask and contact you. I'm sorry, it's just that... i'll get back to you. Thank you.

Listen, I can understand that you're going through a hell lot of things. And everything is going upside down in your World.
But you need to tell me this, you yourself came up over here to ask for help. Right?
You yourself said that you've never poured out your heart that way in front of anyone.
But you just did it, in front of me.
I assure you, you are going to be fine.
You dared to let out your feelings in front of me. Please don't step back now. It takes a lot to move forward in this situation.
Do not go backwards. Please. I really want to help you out here. Even at this time. I really do, I know how that feels. So please let me help you out? Trust me, for once. I promise you won't regret it.

How can i talk to you anonymously? I am to ashamed of what i've become.

You do not need to be ashamed of who you are. I do not know you, but I am proud of you. not because you failed so many times. But because you had the courage to come up and resolve your problems. To take help. To walk towards betterment.
I am really proud of you, trust me on this.
And I would have loved to talk to you anonymously but your situation and my answer is not just one paragraph oriented.
Its needs to be actually talked about.
Do not worry. Your information is going to be confidential.
And I'd advice you to open up to me. I am assuring you, you will get through this.
Believe me.
Liked by: Malvica Sawhney

Nobody can help me, i know. I don't seek help. I just want to end this life because maybe the next one would be better. (6) #Gone

Please do what I told you to, I promise I'll help you out.
You have trusted your friends and family enough and not got anything out of it.
Trust a stranger this time, you'd be astonished by the results. I promise.

And when mom forced, i went on to bunk. College kicked me out yet again because of low attendance but i could never tell anybody. I'm so low on confidence that i've started stammering when i talk to even my friends. I have no hope in life and want to end it already. (4) #Lost

Okay, for this I need you to do one thing.
Inbox us on Facebook at the "You're Wonderful Project" page.
I can't really answer you over here, its too long and complicated.
Or you can send me your number. I shall have a talk with you.
Do not worry, we got this.

The same person who asked the previous question:i am 21 and time is running out!i havent had a boyfriend and fear i will never get a guy.I have sleepless nights and i cry all the time because of the guy rejected me.I feel insecure about my love life.I fear i might have to live alone the rest of my l

Honey, get one thing straight in your head.
If you think that having a boyfriend, or a life partner is all that it takes to make you happy, you are very wrong. We go around finding love and happiness in others and expect them to love us and give us all sorts of smiles. When you can't love yourself enough or find happiness in your own self, how can you expect someone else to do that for you?
The only person who can love you more than anyone else in this world is you, yourself.
if you think you need someone to complete you in all respects, you need to reevaluate.
No one should be more important to you than you yourself. No one should have the capability to love you more than you love yourself. You should be your top priority. You need to be your own healer. The day you understand this, I promise you wouldn't need any guy, girl or anyone else to make you feel worthy and complete.
Love yourself, before loving others.
Build a relationship with yourself before you do that with others. Know your self before you try knowing others.
Self explore. Trust me, you'll find so many things about yourself that you never knew till now.
Stay Wonderful x

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I cant get over a heartbreak.I really really liked a guy but he rejected me when i asked him out.He had a girlfriend and they keep posting amd commenting on each other's photos.It comes in my newsfeed and causes pain. i feel like dying.i am 21 and dont have a boyfriend.

Hello, firstly Thankyou for sharing your problem with us.
As soon as you read this, I want you to do one thing; remove that guy from every social network of yours, be it Facebook, instagram, whatever. Just do it now and then come back and read the rest, go go.
No, don't read further, firstly just remove/block him.
So, I think you've done that now.
Next, I want you to indulge yourself in some activities, be it college or your hobbies or even watching tv. Go on a walk, dance, sing, Life's too short to be sad. Let the wind play with your hair or get a pet. It will be okay.
He was just another chapter of your life, a bad one. He has a girlfriend, he is happy in his life; so what's there to wait for?
You will find someone so much better than him, you're so wonderful.
And, no don't rush into a relationship, just go with the flow and I promise things will be fine.
I know heartbreaks are terrible but you're going through this because there's someone much better waiting for you.
Please smile. And do as I say. Goodluck!
You're Wonderful xx

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Hello. I have madr a lot of friends on ask. Most of them have started to hate me after listsning to things that happened 5-6 months ago. The friends who helped me to get over it now hate me. If I try to contact them, they will label me as "desperate". What should I do?

bharatvaasi2001’s Profile PhotoFlubber.
First of all, friendship is not an absolute term, we make friends we lose friends. Its a fluid affair.
Feeling lonely in completely understandable, but you must first make sure that it is not just a 'feeling'.
Sometimes when you are in a particularly bad place in life, it seems like everything has turned against you. Make sure Its not just a feeling.
If your online acquaintances seem to be antagonistic towards you, Its time to move on.
Do not depend on people who you haven't met. Make friends in the flash, get to know them, if it is an option, talk to you parents or a sibling.
Immerse yourself in things you like to do. Cook food, Burn it, and cook again.
Dont Give up because a bunch of people are not over- fond of you.
Life always has an abundance of people who would put you down. Rise above that. Be a person in yourself.
About the incident(s) that happened, for Which you needed counselling, talk to a professional about it. Maybe that will help you move past it permanently.
The thing is, it is always good to be a part of a sense of community, but when you become so imbibed in that community that their absence makes you feel depressed, Its time to move on.
Keep smiling. A new day always dawns.
You are Wonderful xx

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hi.me again with the situation of my friend.my friend says that each time the van picks the guy up at his place she always feels like her heart is going in a marathon, her hands turn icy cold. she told me she will wait for the guy who she loved for several years .but she is not sure with her feelins

Sometimes , when you fall for someone especially for the first time , they feel like your entire world. Even if they don't know you or care about you , you can't help feeling the way you feel. And she's unsure because he doesn't reciprocate it. Love doesn't work one way. One sided love only leads to heartbreak. She needs to know if that love is going anywhere. If there is a possibility that they both can ever be together. If not it is futile , there is no point waiting for him for 10 years. Love can be misleading. She needs to face reality. And ask herself. If she really sees herself with him. And if she does , and if she wants to . She should become friends with him try. And if he doesn't feel the same way. She would have to move on.
Stay Wonderful.

I am a recluse and I don't like that..as I said I want to find myself. But I am also very judgemental. I know what I want to be in life but when I see the competition around myself, it kills me I feel like a loser. I have big dreams but all of it shatters, because of my complexes. I feel that I am n

Hello wonderful person :) thankyou for sharing in your problem with us.
With time and age, there are things that need to be changed. You keep growing, not just with age but also as a person.
You need to leave your judgemental and not social personality. Friends and a social life is very important in life, they really help life move on a little smoothly than it is.
We would recommend you should start talking to people around you, know their interests, exchange numbers, make plans and gradually things and your life will be better. We can suggest, only you can take the step and we hope you do. :)

I luva guy.im 15.he luves this other girl.she doesnt luv him.i dont knw her.i told him my feelins.he was cool and gave lets be friends wala shit.now im him bff.but i cant stop luvin him.when i see him hurt becuz of her it hurts.what2do.i cant just stop loving him.please give me a stepwise solution.

Are you sure she doesn't love him?
Do the complete research, maybe talk to that girl about it and if she doesn't, she needs to stop the guy's suffering and let him go.
And maybe then you can free the guy or let's say your bestfriend from the pain.
If they still stick to each other and she loves him, you have to let go.
Life's too short to ruin because of a person.
We always accept the love we think we deserve.
Just follow as I said and you'll be much better.
You're so young, just 15, see if it works your way, if it doesn't, don't be dismantled. You'll get what's written for you in your destiny. Sometimes it's better to let destiny work it's way in your life.
Goodluck, stay Wonderful xx

How can i change someones perception about love.the guy likes a girl who does not care much of him.ui love him..from head to toe.he cant see me.i told him hes like i dont want any relationship.."friends"is okay.its because of that girl.please help.i want him to b happy and live his life.

Everyone makes mistakes, everyone does something they regret, and that is one of the major stepping stone of their lives.
If you care about this person a lot, you must first look to their happiness. If he is happy, even though you think he is in a one side relationship, intervening in his stead can only cause trouble. It will Give birth to resentment and doubts and that lethal 'what if'.
If you care for him very much, you must try to allow yourself to believe that he can be happy without you. If you live Someone, their happiness is of greater value than their being with you.
And how ever clichéd this sounds, love find a way. Maybe not as you envisioned it, not as the traditional 'boyfriend-girlfriend' but as friends. As confidantes perhaps. Cherish their friendship and do not jeopardize it with manipulation.
If you know for a fact that this person is in an exploitative relationship, talk to him. Say what you feel. But let him make the decisions.
Be strong, and believe. There is always something better just waiting to be explored. :)

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Liked by: Karan Thapar

I am nowhere in life and I start crying. Neither I am good in handling relationships nor my work. Help! You people are doing great work!

Ok so I get that it's disheartening to see yourself fail at work and relationships. After all it's safe to assume that you work really hard to succeed at both. So now that you've accepted that you can't handle either well, let's see what you can do about it. I mean, you can sit and cry at home and for a while that will be a great escape. But later, things won't get better just by crying. So cry your heart out at what hasn't worked out and start afresh. Now that you've cleansed your system, think about what EXACTLY is wrong. I don't know what job you have and I certainly don't know your problem there but if you're feeling inadequate or unable to perform the job itself then it's time to rethink the choices you've made. You need to decide whether what you love the work you do. If you don't, then discover what you do love and go out and do it. If you do love it, then you can ask for help from superiors or someone experienced in your work to help you do it better. Remember there is no shame in asking for guidance. It will only put you on the path to success. When it comes to relationships, you have to dissect what went wrong in those situations. You have to ask yourself questions about the choices you've made because you are the only person in the world that knows yourself better than anybody else does. This means that the only person that has the solutions to all your problems is YOU. Just remember to spend time with yourself, examining your past decisions and getting to know who you are as a person. Once you have a clear idea of who YOU are, you'll know how to proceed. If you really think you're bad at something, sitting at home and crying about it will never work. You need to go out there and change things. Only YOU can turn your failure into success. You just have to try. Stay wonderful xx

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What to do if a guy ignores ur text msgs...and you cant stop texting him ?

Hi! Thanks for opening up to us. We'd recommend you try to take your mind off it by involving yourself in work or another activity that keeps your mind engaged at a decent intensity. Try reading a book, or listening to music. Also, talk to your close friends about this, they will definitely help you get over the issue. We'd like to hear more from you! You're wonderful!
Liked by: Karan Thapar Manasvi

Hey! I really like you guys. So, I've given my 12th boards and they went well but now for the competitive part, I've not been able to perform as I had expected and this is giving me a feeling that I'm a loser. I have studied for two years and it is like going in waste. My parents have so many..pt(1)

Hello, you're a wonderful and thankyou for making us feel good about what we do :)
Firstly, ups and downs are a part of life, and sometimes you perform well and sometimes you dont. The world is full of opportunities and if one path fails, it doesnt mean you end your life there. It means, you take the other one. You are not a loser infact you are a winner to accept your mistakes. The world is fill of options, if one didnt work, choose the other one.
If someone loves you so much, that means you are super special and your heart is of gold and pure cuz not everyone finds someone to love them.
If your ex is bothering you, talk to him and tell him there are things that arent meant to be and whatever happens, learn to let go, he needs to learn that and you need to sit and talk to him about it.
Always remember, you are a blessing :) you never give up, may what happen.

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Liked by: Karan Thapar Manasvi


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