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What was the last thing you watched on TV?

I don't remember what I watched, but I remember it was Prince of Persia (PSP)

Why? Didn't prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) bind us with the concept of 'Brotherhood,' that each Muslim is the brother of other Muslim?

Before I answer your question sister...Tell me about you. Are you an Arab?

Ibn Al-Qayyim (Rahimahullaah) said..."Because name have meanings, these meanings will inevitably have an effect on the person who carries the name..." Could you tell us please, what is the meaning of your name? ^^

The meaning of my name is 1. Thankfulness. 2. Knowledge and wisdom of God.

Narrated by 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) that prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said.."Two types of dead meat and two types of blood have been made lawful for our consumption.." One such type of dead meat is Locusts and one such type of blood is Spleen..what are others?

I wish I could answer this question Star. But you see, I have no clue about this Hadeeth.

Ok ok I'm Sorry xD You ain't no idiot ! God bless you and Your Mom and all of your family .. Amen :))

Ameen! It's okay kiddo...apologies accepted.

Five things that make you happy :) and five things that make you sad? :(

1. Remembering the greatness and kindness of Allah and the Islamic history of Arabs and other places too.
2. My Sister and her KIDS <3_<3
3. When I workout and feel that it has good effects on my body
4. My Crazy Wise Lovely Friends :***
5. The Great Britain
1. Being depressed
2. When I give my 100% and results are still not satisfactory
3. When Mom calls me and says that my Dad started an exchange of heated words again.
4. My original country
5. My mistakes
Kinda like it, but I won't ask you the same since I read it already. :))


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