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Ask @xlnc

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"The awkward moment when you're late for class, and when you walk in, everyone stares at you like you killed someone." in your opinion how does it feel and why do they stare?

We a had a nice rule...if we are late to a class..we either pay fine for being late or just wait outside till the class is over...I used to choose the second one most of the time.. :)

"That awkward moment when your mother compares you to another kid and she has no idea how much worse they are than you." Have you been in such moment?How does it feel?

I never been in such a situation...Mamma never compared us with other kids but she always tried to help us find our own way..She is a great woman...she sacrificed a lot...unfortunately my father used to compare and he still does it sometimes.. :(

"Boys insult each other, but they really don't mean it. Girls compliment each other but they don't mean it either." In your opinion How true is that?

I think its not true all the time in boys case..they insult to humiliate also..about girls...it is true most of the times.. :) no offense girls....
Liked by: Lina ㋡

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هل أصبح الحزن والسعادة سلعة ومنتج يتداولها الأشخاص فيما بينهم؟

Saud ALF
Hey Saud! I don't speak Arabic. I thought you know about it..

Do you forgive and forget? or hold a grudge?

I forgive but don't forget..I don't hold a grudge but I am precautionary..

Have you ever donated your blood? Does donating have a bad affect on us?

Yes...I donated blood and it doesn't have disadvantages unless you are not capable enough and you still donate it..

if u had 10 million dollar ? how would u spend it :P Honestly

Salam bro! Good to see you back man..I answered such questions several times..10 million or 10 billion or 10 trillion dollars or anything more or less...my answer is always the same:
2.5% in Zakaah, 87.5 % in charity to Muslim welfare in struggling and ailing Muslim countries...the rest for my personal use. Lorrrrrrddddd! Am gonna be rich..

OMG............it took me 3-4 hour 2 real all u answers............aww my eyes hurts looool :Pp

HaNoOoONah’s Profile PhotoHaneen !
Hey! I was out..just came back...lol...why the heaven did you read all those oldies of mine? now suffer....

Do you ever feel in desperate need and a strong desire to shout, for example ... Or running behind a car .. ?

Not running behind a car, but to shout. I bare things silently and if they keep mounting in my heart and my mind over a period of time and when the pressure is too high to bare, I burst and feel like scream and shout my lungs out..That's when I take a break off...
Liked by: Яêмẵắѕ

Where did u travel this summer ?

I had too much within the city that I didn't find enough time to travel...but I've been to a place called Goa in India this summer...
Liked by: Яêмẵắѕ


Language: English