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Ask @xlnc

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Two cops walked into a room with no windows and found a dead man who obviously hung himself from the ceiling, though they couldn't figure out how. There was no chair beneath him that he might have jumped off of, or a table. Just a puddle of water. How did he do it?<<<i dare u 2 answer this Q

HaNoOoONah’s Profile PhotoHaneen !
He was standing on a block of ice.....you dare me 2 answer???????????? it was simple......hahahahahaha......i knwe the answer...........................

hahahaha finely loooooooooooooool now its me who can't stop rolling in the floor actually i thought u would answer the Q cuz its kinda silly

HaNoOoONah’s Profile PhotoHaneen !
am angryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.............................you cant roll on the floor at meeeeeeeeee.................i tried logical answering........................but i was not fooled like you.........hahahahahahaha.........................

If a chicken says, "All chickens are liars" is the chicken telling the truth?

HaNoOoONah’s Profile PhotoHaneen !
1. I don't think chickens talk, if they do also, how would one know they are lying?
2. May be the chicken who said that "All chickens are liars" is lying hiimself....

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thinking no matter what the carny writes he'll just say he weighs more or less. In the end the boy ended up paying the man $50. How did the man win the bet?

HaNoOoONah’s Profile PhotoHaneen !
A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, "If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50, but if I cannot, I will pay you $50." The boy looked around and saw no scale so he agrees...thinking no matter what the carny writes he'll just say he weighs more or less. In the end the boy ended up paying the man $50. How did the man win the bet?
I knew the answer to this question....but it doesn't click my mind now...................bad memory....I surrender...I failed :(( but I'm not fooled yet...

A cowboy rode into town on Friday, stayed three days, and rode out again on Friday. How did he do that?

HaNoOoONah’s Profile PhotoHaneen !
Cow boys commute on horses and name of the horse was Friday..... :)))

i hate u......damn!! u r good n these Qs masha'allah :Pp......i'm so bad at it......but i'll get u a real Q a tough one ensha'allah

HaNoOoONah’s Profile PhotoHaneen !
hahahaha.....im ready.....you can get me easily....but you gotta have some trick in the question.....all the best sweetie...

An airplane crashed into a field. Every single person in the aircraft died. But two people survived. How come?<<<<the answer is sooo sweet looooooool

HaNoOoONah’s Profile PhotoHaneen !
It is possible they were not single. They were married....come on 7ano....gimme some real stuff.......I know the answer is sooooo sweet.....but you can't fool me and take my revenge like this......hahahahahahaha.....i can't stop laughing.......

A man and a son were driving home one rainy night. They had an accident. The father died on the spot. The people who were nearby took the son to the emergency room. The surgeon refused to operate on the boy, saying "I cannot operate on him, he's my son!" How is that possible?<<<<another revenge

HaNoOoONah’s Profile PhotoHaneen !
Revenge??????? hahahahaha..........you such a fool 7anoooooooooo....hahahaha.......The surgeon was his mother...... :)) hahahahaha

Imagine that you are in a boat, in the middle of the sea. Suddenly you are surrounded by hungry sharks, just waiting to feed on you. How can you put an end to this?<<<<thats my revenge 4 ur Qs

HaNoOoONah’s Profile PhotoHaneen !
Stop imagining and it will end.....how simple was that.....hahahahaha....you thought you can fool me? hahahahaha......you loser 7anooooooooooooo...;..lol......i can't stop myself rolling n the floor......hahahahaha :)

you said : search for one and you get 1000 / and I'll fool u , don't think I would stay calm :B , wait for it !!

I love challenges....ok sleep well...tc bye!

loool I think God took revenge for my friend xD, cuz I maid her fool :P , and get 1000 what ?

Very good...now you started to fool your friends hun? What 1000?

What would be your response if your friend/colleague sees you with evidently shorter hair but still asks you...Hey have you had a haircut?

No, its autumn and I'm shedding...... :)
Liked by: B

both of them , but the first one scares more , cuz I won't do good with my career if I'm sinful ...

Yeah...after all

loool , then tell him I love him if it's gonna make him happy ;p , I also don't have sth scares me , just a fear from the future -__-"

Future? Fear that would you be able to live pious...or something to do with career?
Liked by: B

hahahahhaha , Bro , I love ur dad :B , and what's with "not kid" ? sure there is sth scares you ,don't have a phobia ?

Thnx...Dad would be happy to know that young girls still love him at the age of 58...i got phobias but hardly get to face such things...
Liked by: Lmooy

What scares you the most? ;p

Come on Jay Vee...I ain't no kid no more...not scared of nothing...but when I return home too late and secretly try to sneak into my room and my papa says salam from my dark room (he is actually waiting for me lyin on my bed)...It sometimes scares me down...
Liked by: Ghadah_h

He's not my man "honey", he's just a close friend.. Ok well I'm gnna leave ur page now cuz I feel like ur about to blow any second now ;p

Take care sis... :)

You remind of someone so much, omg he's exactly as tense as you.. Lool take a chill pill and my sense of humor is one of a kind, ;p

I'm e'er super charged honey...you not gotta be talkin abou ur man...

Tbh the question was sent to you by accident, (phone's actin up) sry :/ but since you answered "coloured" I'm guessing your from the uk/nz/aus., no?

Yeah...Dare I say no to your humor? :)) UK...

Begin* and Loooool why would someone ask that question in a serious term. Oh and that's good to know baybeh...

What's "Begin*"? Yeah yeah u r ryt...lol..."baybeh"....
Liked by: Aziz


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