
Joshua Dowse

Ask @xDowsey

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I use adblock everywhere apart from you tube. I know websites make money off ads too but the amount of spam and stuff is awful. I disable on youtube for your benefit and everyone else's. Does that make it okay? :)

I honestly condone the use of adblock in its full. The Internet is a free resource to use, the least you could do is have the ads that fund all these free resources... Adblock is selfish entirely.

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Do u have tattoos?? I'm getting two for my 18 birthday of Eevee and Jolteon :3 that will be in 8 months tho lol x3

Nope, I don't :3

Next year I do work experience, can I work with you? XD

But I don't really have a job you can experience :3

Can you crack any of your knuckles?

I can't crack anything in my body, my neck gets quite sore for weeks on end D:

Do you tend to go for someone whos the same age as you or younger/older?

I don't really tend to go for someone :3

You say you want to be a film director. Will stuff like that get in the way of our YouTube?

If I had the choice of working in the film industry or doing YouTube, I'd work in the film industry. That's my dream. I think as long as I can happily do both, I will though.
Liked by: Abby

What sort of looks/personality do you go for in a lady?

Someone I get on with well, who understands me, someone I could put down everything for, kinda hard to explain :P

Would you ever date one of your fans? (Fans of your channel before you think of the appliance XD)

I think I'd only date a fan. It'd be really bad if my GF wasn't a fan of what I did ;)
Liked by: Abby


Language: English