
Yvonne Chua

Ask @vonnechua

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What type of man attracts you? (i.e based on appearance and personality)

I really not so sure. It depends on interactions and he doesn't bore nor creep me out! I guess 175 - 185, lean-muscley built and easy on the eyes in the minimum!

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Do you rmb someone saved you from being taking advantage of when you were drunk at a friend house?

LOL NO. Srslyyyyyyyyy

Hellooo beautiful! May i know what is your dream career job?

Entrepreneurship, just something that's my own luh :)

Omg u ignored my qns; the one about we used to talk 😢

Just haven't reached it. But reaching
Omg u ignored my qns the one about we used to talk

Since you've just gotten the TR, could you do a little comparison of it with the nx-mini? :) thanks!

Abit messy, but generally like this? I guess main diff is your purpose. Purely to selfie then invest in TR, if looking to take food, selfies, OOTD shots then nx-mini more versatile in that aspect. :) Tr processing chip also not that good, camera tends to be laggy!
Since youve just gotten the TR could you do a little comparison of it with the

Do you like to act spontaneously or plan things? Why?

Plan. I'm a planner. I CANNOT stand if things don't go accordingly to plan or things cock up because of lack of planning. I'd murder people in my head

why u nvr snapchat liao? :(

Kinda boring. :/ it strikes me as an app for cheating spouse. 😱

Then the most frequent shop you usually buy for your bra? -girl from the previous lingerie qns

Pierre Cardin and triumph then I guess! But I don't really exactly LOVE these Brands!

Where do you suggest threading eyebrows?

I don't thread eyebrows cause I've got none~~ but I'd suggest somewhere if your neighborhood area for convenience. :)

no offend anyways, im just giving my opinion. sorry if i offended you with the "maybe, you would like to keep your boobs to yourself."

It's okay

Omg omg I saw you!!!!! You're in hibernation but I still saw you eh! Guess where? In my dreams babe. Close to my heart. Hahahahahaha 😂


What the desired height of guys , that attract you ?

The convenient height, I lie down is chest/shoulders. I guess 175 - 185?

how much are you selling ur nx mini! :) & in what colour!

I've just uploaded a new album w all relevant information and sample photos for your reference on my facebook @ 'Yvonne Chua'. :)
It's pink!

Lots of Sales start today in SG.. ..Enjoy shopping!!

I'm broke this month 😂 thanks you too!

Hahah thanks for answering! Im still considering whether as to get it! :)

Welcome! Anyway I'm kidding la you wanna get else where also okay hahaha 😂 but if I'm not wrong Eunice Annabel use the same camera, you can refer to her photo feeds for reference. :)
If you're keen can just pm me instead! I'll arrange to let you take a look before I fly away to Korea :)

wah most of ur pictures sexy show cleavage ah... want ur pics to end up on some porn tumblr website?

Bla bla blah.

maybe.. you would like to keep your boobs to yourself........

Maybe... You can myob and give birth to a child, torture it w your unsolicited for opinions instead of me and other unsuspecting girls online that has no relations to you.
I don't do sketchy, scanty, sleazy bikini or lingerie shoots for money like some other girls, but even for them, it's not your place or my place either. Go lecture and nag your own family members to death instead okie.
Alternatively, you can provide me your username, and I'll just delete and block you off. Or you can do it yourself instead :)


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