
Vief Cakes (IG: @vief)

Ask @viefcakes

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Which movies or books have made a big impact on you?

there's so many!
movies: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Matrix, many Disney movies, and does RENT count?
books: I think the Scott Pilgrim series totally counts. I really can't name all the books ever, so yeah.

If you could draw happiness, what would it look like?

I'm not gonna draw it because I suck at drawing but imagine
a vegan pizza party that never ends filled with Disney movies and going to Disneyland and being with your friends and the right amount of sunshine and amazing music and swimming with manta rays and cute people and making out and sexy times and fluffy clouds and no deadlines ever and traveling all over the world and speaking all the languages and yummy fruit and all the yofu ever and unicorns and mermaids and rainbows and many many many many sparkles~*

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Is it scandalous to wear socks with sandals?

s-c-a-n-d-a-l-o-u-s as in like causing a scandal? there are far more important things happening that are truly scandalous and outrageous, war, police brutality, systematic rape, death, etc. what a bunch of stupid questions~ unless you're also a murdering rapist who the fuck cares how you wear your socks or what is considered 'scandalous'...
Although, I have to be honest, sometimes I do see outfits that aren't inspiring or that I don't find cute/gorgeous/amazing but I would never say this to the person unless they were asking for it. But I'm not the authority on people's bodies and tastes, everyone should be free to do what they want, including wearing clothes. It's unkind to dictate people on what they should or shouldn't wear, how they should or shouldn't behave, what colour their hair should or shouldn't be... We're all still humans and we can still function whether our eyes are brown or blue, whether our skins are yellow, black, white, red or inked in many colours... We should all respect this freedom and these choices. Unless you're a stupid fucking asshole, then I don't want anything to do with you. If you're an individual saying "this thing isn't very feminine" or "that top isn't very masculine" and dictating people's bodies and fashions choices, boo on you. You can say "Hm, I don't think this top suits you very well" or "I don't like this combination/this colour" but calling things 'scandalous'?! what are you, 12? and that's insulting to the many super smart 12 year olds out there. aahh.
[now if you would ask me if it was scandalous to wear a replica to a brand event then YES!!! fuck you, who does that?!]

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When was the last time you tried something new?

On Sunday I went to the Pride concert, all by myseellllfffff and yeah that's not new but I'd never been to Pride so yeah cool cool~

What's the most valuable thing you've held in your hands?

Valuable as in expensive? A digital Hasselblad I think, they're like tens of thousands of euros that fit in your hands. [ http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/buy/Cameras/ci/5517/N/4232860422 ]
Otherwise harps are also pretty expensive, and then there are things that aren't pricey but valuable in other ways. But yeah. When I was holding that Hasselblad I was just like "don't drop it don't drop it don't drop it" hahahaha

Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?

Definitely definitely behind it. I can see what's happening, adjust how I want things, focus, frame, etc.
It takes a lot of time to do my own pictures so I never do it anymore, but I'm super fussy once I get an image in my head.

What color socks are you wearing right now?

I was wearing beige-coloured lacy socks but I took them off because it is TOO HOTTTTTTT Σ(‘◉⌓◉’)

What is the best thing to eat for breakfast?

the faces of your enemies
in my case cereal. they keep coming at me in their armies of oats and nuts and little berries, but I crush them, I shower them in yofu and I EAT THEM ALIVE

Are you good at swimming?

I'm very basic at swimming, I wanna get better but I have problematic ears so it's always a hassle U__U;;

If you could make anyone in the world fall in love, which two people would you put together?

What a dumb thing to do. :'D
But myself and Mr Cumberbatch maybe. *winkwink* Though it's still dumb, hahaha, I would only do it if I then forgot that I made it happen, cause I'd be too freaked out if I was constantly aware...

who is the coolest tall man that you ever knew?

Well this is a lot of pressure because I am tiny and know quite a few tall men.
But there's only two really cool ones, though. I think you know who you are ♡ ♡ ♡

What would you refuse to do for a million dollars?

Work in a factory farm or butcher, take/affect innocent lives, do something that can kill me, do something that defeats having a million dollars.

What is your favorite potato chip flavor?

Well I looooove ridged crisps. Black pepper & sea salt, lightly salted or paprika!! And root veg crisps are also very good but the question is about potatoes. I don't know why but other good flavours always have milk in [Thai Sweet Chili, Joppie saus] and some paprika ones do too! It's really annoying that paprika crisps are not as popular in the UK because they're so hard to find! Sometimes I have very specific "paprika crisp urges" :'D

How to find true love?

You can't really go on a mission to find 'true love'. It's a thing that grows over many shared experiences and crazy compatibility and immense caring for each other. But I guess it starts in friendship.

What is the best thing to eat for breakfast?

Always drink a lot of water!!! And have a good filling breakfast to fuel your day. I like to eat cereals and/or yofu, but every once in a while muffins are also very nice.

Do you find yourself thinking more about your past, present or future?

Definitely the past. I'm working on not being stuck in the past so much. It's a hard habit to get rid of. The future freaks me out but I always look back on the past.

What are your plans for the summer?

Become 90s/early2000s Gwen Stefani
Find some use for all those triangle bikini tops I won't be wearing to go swimming~*
http://youtu.be/PHzOOQfhPFgviefcakes’s Video 112477908539 PHzOOQfhPFgviefcakes’s Video 112477908539 PHzOOQfhPFg
Wearing crop tops and singing for feminism, does it not sound like a fabulous summer?


Language: English